Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 907: A pile of stinky ****

?The new human beings of the fifth stage and the fifth stage!

Everyone's brains exploded, and they all stared at Shen Shen dumbfounded. This guy is the first person on the leaderboard?

This guy's combat power turned out to be level five and level five!

Is this fucking human?

Apart from other things, just this appearance is really high-profile and scary.

"I know what everyone here wants to do now. Three hundred thousand or more zombies are about to besiege the city, and the entire Ninth District may be destroyed in the next moment. In this case, any of us, There is only one thought. That is to escape, and the farther you escape, the better!"

Someone suddenly booed and said: "You are right, but these people are stupid and won't let us go. I advise you, if you want to talk about these big truths, don't tell us."

Shen Shen smiled: "I know that in our generation, including you and me, we all live for profit and selfish desires. We lack collective honor, blood and loyalty. The economy and society during the Taiping years made us only know how to be In terms of money, we only care about money first. Some of them fail, some succeed, some are called winners, and some become losers. The public knowledge of China often says that our Chinese people have lost their blood and faith, and our fighting ability is vulnerable , Thousands of years of national integrity and solidarity have long been wiped out by money. Even in the end, what inspires us to defeat the zombies is the few lines of virtual military merit on the big screen!"

Everyone listened quietly to Shen Shen's words, and some people had thoughtful expressions on their faces.

"But I want to say...that's a whole bunch of stinky bastards!"

Everyone looked at Shen Shen in amazement.

"Chinese people have always liked to fight, from the ancient gentleman wielding swords to the Han Wu who opened up the territory... The real Chinese people like swords, lights and swords on the battlefield, and women like such iron-framed men! Here today, I don't talk nonsense.

First, as a human being, stay and let the group of zombies know who the master of the earth is! Second, stay and prove that you are real men, Chinese men, good men bred by five thousand years of civilization! Zombies are scary, but we have the magic weapon to suppress them!

That is unity, passion and wisdom!

You will not all sacrifice. Only two percent of you can sacrifice. Don't be afraid of death, because everyone will die eventually, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai.

twenty years later,

When our China completely eradicates those zombies, you will be glad that you participated in this war. At that point, when you're in front of the couch and your grandson sits on your lap and asks you, "Grandpa, what did you do when the world is ending?" you don't have to cough awkwardly and move your grandson to the other knee On the ground, stammeringly say, "Ah... Grandpa, I was living like a bedbug on my last breath." On the contrary, brothers, you can look him in the eyes and say confidently, "Grandson, Grandpa, I was living like a bedbug." In the ninth district, fight side by side with thousands of brothers! In that battle, we killed three hundred times more zombies than our own! It was us! We established the victory of the new era!"

The crowd was terribly quiet for a moment, and in the next moment, countless people screamed wildly. Everyone's eyes flashed like a madman's light, and everyone's face showed a look of excited nerve endings. A shock passed through the whole body like an electric current, and they felt that they had never been so excited, and they had never been so awake; the degree of excitement and sobriety could not be expressed in words, and there was no other way to appreciate its depth except their own feelings .

I stay!

I don't know who yelled first, and then, one by one, they raised their hands high and shouted like an oath: "I'll stay!"

"Stay here! I'm a Chinese man!"


The human heart is like a harp, once it is plucked, the heartstrings will vibrate for a long time.

Shen Shen's words were like plucking the strings with both hands, causing them to arouse the irresistible power in their bodies, making honor and mission pulsate in everyone's blood.

The blood on Li Chenchuan's body was rolling like boiling water, and the war drum in his chest was beating. He suddenly fired a shot into the sky: "Comrades! Return to your company immediately, our time is very tight! Everyone must play to 200% of his ability! Let us create miracles together!"

"Create a miracle!!!"

Deafening screams resounded in the sky. Humans are really strange creatures. At this moment, it seems that everyone has inspired endless power. They are like the most diligent worker ants, implementing the heavy plan.

Several bulldozers were busy among the rubble and rubble. They used all kinds of messy things to form barricades, and sprayed every gap between the collapsed buildings with quick-drying cement. Collapsed buildings became natural fortresses. Prepare to give heavy obstacles to the zombies who come first.

The homemade sharp knife traps are all over the ground. If any zombies come, they must be nailed to the ground and unable to move...

All kinds of strange tricks were thought out, and all the enthusiasm and wisdom broke out.

No one is slack, no one is lazy. Once a large and effective machine is in operation, it is unimaginable what it can do.

Li Chenchuan looked at Shen Shen, the initiator of all this, and couldn't help shaking his head. It has to be said that this guy was born to be a leader. And Shen Shen's way of taking the lead has really won his respect.

Five days... just five days... passed by in a flash!

When it really came to the day of the decisive battle, everyone's hearts were extremely disturbed.

More than 300,000 zombies, this number may even be more.

Is it possible for them to win this battle?

No one dares to guarantee it.

But everyone is no longer cowardly like five days ago.

Shen Chen held a black blade and stood at the front of the team. From his back, one can see the unique temperament of this man - firm, stern, full of faith...

Suddenly, he turned his head. Behind him, everyone looked at him, knowing that Shen Shen had something to say, and they all held their breaths, quiet and full of order.

"Are you afraid?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "What are you afraid of?"

"I was born without knowing what fear is!"

"I'm afraid that the zombies will be scared when they see us! Hahaha!"

Shen Chen smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, then, in three minutes, we will welcome the first batch of gorgeous explosions!"

Huang Chen, Falcon and a few fighters holding evolutionary hand cannons sat on the plane. Their plane was ten kilometers away from the base, and this distance was also the first place Shen Shen set to start ambushing zombies. point.

In the distance, mighty zombies had already appeared. Huang Chen had never seen what a tide of hundreds of thousands of corpses looked like, but when he was sitting on the plane, he saw the overwhelming tide of corpses rolling in like a torrent in the distance. When he came, the pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank, and he was so shocked that he was about to suffocate!

The overwhelming zombies brought nothing but chaos and destruction, a destructive aura came overwhelming!

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