The situation on the front line quickly reached the base through the broadcast. When everyone saw such a terrifying and huge number of zombies ahead, they were all shocked and turned into quails.

With so many zombies, can they really survive?

Can they really win as Shen Shen said?

Someone is beginning to waver.

And in the dark, a person hidden in the darkness let out a giggle, with resentment and excitement in the laughter:

Shen Chen... Now that you've spoken out your big words, I'll see how you end up!

In addition to reporting the situation of the Ninth District to Chu Li, the rest of the district soon became aware of the Ninth District's behavior. For people in several other districts, the ninth district is a typical type of death.

Going out to hunt with great fanfare, but ended up playing himself into it. The upper floors of each area sat at the round table, watching the situation of the zombie group ten kilometers away in the ninth area.

"What do you think of the situation in the Ninth District?"

"This guy Li Chenchuan is young and energetic, and more than 300,000 zombies are besieging the city. How can this be a joke!" A man with the rank of colonel shook his head and said, "In my opinion, the Ninth District will obviously be destroyed."

"That's what I mean too!"

"I agree with Colonel Zhang."

The major general who presided over the work of the tenth district sighed softly: "I agree with you very much. In my opinion, if the ninth district wants to get rid of the current predicament, there are only two ways to go."

"First, abandon the base immediately. It only takes more than an hour to complete the transfer of more than a thousand people. Although the base in the ninth area is destroyed, as long as there are experimental subjects, it is not difficult to build another base."

"Secondly, I will send troops from other bases to support and attack the zombies from all sides. Maybe the ninth district still has a chance."

After the major finished speaking, everyone lowered their heads and pondered.

Suddenly, a person raised his head and asked, "What about Chief No. 2's opinion? And does Vice President Chu have any instructions for our base?"

"The No. 2 chief completely obeyed the opinions of Vice President Chu on the construction of the base, but Vice President Chu did not give us detailed instructions."

Another person immediately frowned and asked, "Does that mean that Vice President Chu has given up on the Ninth District?"

The major general was slightly taken aback,

He shook his head again and said, "It's hard to explain. Vice President Chu did not issue an order, but asked Li Chenchuan to share the entire video of the fight against zombies, and we also saw that the Ninth District has a more powerful force than us." Advanced evolution cannons and evolution hand cannons, these should be assigned to the Ninth District by Vice President Chu for this zombie siege!"

The people around the round table looked in disbelief: "Impossible? How could Vice President Chu deliver such an advanced weapon to the Ninth District, which is about to perish? Is this really appropriate? Isn't it a waste of time? !"

The rest of the people also looked disapproving. You must know that Li Chenchuan was not from the direct line of the army, and he was young, and he was repeatedly promoted by leapfrogging. Now he is able to preside over the work of the base with a major-general-level officer at the same level. Naturally, red eyes and hostility are inevitable, so everyone is not optimistic about him and the ninth district.

Suddenly, a very calm voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"How do you know? It's not because Vice President Chu is very optimistic about the ninth district?"

When everyone looked back, it turned out that it was Wang Zhanlian's donkey in the past, but now he is the third strongest in the ranking of the tenth district. For such a strong man, he was once the trump card of the army. Everyone knows that the future of such a character is immeasurable. They all smiled and said, "Donkey, do you think District 9 can still win this zombie siege?"

The donkey nodded: "Not only do I think so, but I'm afraid everyone from the Vice President of Chu to the Ninth District thinks so."

The people at the round table were originally joking, but they didn't expect the donkey to answer so stubbornly, and the person who asked the question looked a little embarrassed.

The first place in the tenth district was a very tall man, who slapped the table angrily and stood up: "Donkey, what do you mean? Are you questioning the judgment of the chiefs? Don't think that you have ever If you stay in the army, you can talk nonsense!"

The donkey looked at the yelling man with a disdainful smile on his face. There are always people in this world who you like, and you like to step on others to get the upper hand. And this guy named Fan Tao in their area is obviously like this.

"I'm just telling the truth. The chiefs are not angry. Which dog do you think comes out and barks?" The donkey also stood up with a bang: "When I was working hard in the army, I killed drug lords and captured spies. , I have wiped out foreign forces. I went to the army to handle cases, except for the major general, which one would not give a thumbs up after seeing my number? How dare you teach me a lesson even if you are a shit?"

"You! Hehe! But don't forget, this is not the past. Now it's Huaxia in District 12, don't talk about your Chen Guzi's rotten sesame seeds, if you have the ability, just talk about the present!" Fan Tao heartily Although a little timid, he is still very tough.

"Speaking of the moment? Okay! I don't know how Li Chenchuan is in the Ninth District, but do you know how many capable people he has in the Ninth District?"

"Capable person?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and suddenly, the major general smiled and said, "Donkey, don't worry, Fan Tao is also excited for a while. Can you tell us what you know about the talented people in District 9?" What's the situation?"

The donkey sneered: "Didn't you see the names on the big screen? The first place is Shen Shen, the fifth stage and the fifth stage, and the second to tenth place are all new human beings of the fourth stage. You know what this means What are you talking about? In District 12, except for me who just reached Tier 4. Is there anyone else who has reached Tier 4? There are people who are directly crushed by Tier 5 and Duan. If you don't talk, everyone won't treat you like trash!"

The last sentence was obviously addressed to Fan Tao, who was blushing and about to rush forward immediately. But he was stopped by people.

Everyone looked at each other, and the disdain for the ninth district and the mockery of Li Chenchuan disappeared a lot in their hearts, but at the same time, there was a little more doubt.

"Based on that, the Ninth District has no chance of winning at all?"

Another person also said hesitantly: "To be honest, we only know that the donkey's ability is superb, and it's no problem for one person to kill a thousand. But how far can the fifth stage and the fifth stage reach?"

"No matter what the situation is, the 300,000 zombies can't be killed by only a few people!" Fan Tao said unwillingly, "Leave my words here, and the Ninth District will definitely perish!"

"What if it doesn't perish?" The donkey stared at Fan Tao firmly.

"Then I will be removed from the leaderboard immediately. I don't want the rank of major!"

The donkey sneered: "Okay! Then I will broadcast the promotion ceremony to you in City B!"

After all, the two glared at each other fiercely like bullfighting bulls! And the officers who secretly supported these two officers also had dignified faces.

Where there are people, there is struggle. The struggle between Fan Tao and the donkey is like fire and water. Correspondingly, there are not a few officers who put their treasures on the two to seek their own development. Unexpectedly, for the sake of a ninth district, the two actually put their own future on it. This also led to whether his early favors were rewarded.

But anyway, the officers of the Tenth District breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, the major general just watched the two fight with great interest, and didn't intend to send troops to support.

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