Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 909 The Ending Is Dead


The zombies had already advanced to the blasting site, and suddenly, there were several thunderclaps, and a large black cloud rolled in with the tide of corpses, and several bright lightning bolts burst out from the dark clouds, as if they were cheering for the huge tide of corpses Usually, the whole sky is bombarded with a bang.

"What's going on?" Huang Chen grabbed Falcon's hand nervously, and the latter was slightly stunned, but he didn't let go.

"Don't be afraid, it's thunder."

"Go ahead, I'm not afraid. Why are you grabbing my hand?"

Falcon really kicked the noisy Shen's dog legs down, but he still swallowed his anger when he thought of the task Shen had delivered.

???? The huge tide of corpses is like a huge wave and devours fiercely towards the ninth district. In the field of vision, the whole world seems to be dyed black by the tide of corpses. Everywhere you look, except for the zombies, there are strange things Creatures, they shoulder to shoulder, staggering, bringing death and tyranny surging, slowly devouring the entire land!

It stinks!

Huang Chen and Falcon saw a lot of zombies, all kinds of them, with triangular heads, like zombies with a triangle iron directly inserted into human heads, zombies with incredible jumping ability and cat-like flexibility, The body is covered with insect feet, zombies like erected centipedes...


"I'll do it, can we really defeat them?" Huang Chen couldn't help but muttered.

"If you are thinking about this, why don't you take a look and wait until the wave of zombies in front reaches the edge of the covered area, and detonate the explosion!"

"It's here!"

That colleague, Huang Chen and Falcon's eyes suddenly shot a sharp light, one bent his bow, the other held a scalpel, and attacked two different points at the same time! At the same time, the helicopter was suddenly pulled up and rose several heights in an instant.


A powerful and terrifying explosion sounded under the attacks of Huang Chen and Falcon!

Due to the poor circuit and the particularity of zombies, shells cannot be used. Under the collective wisdom of the people of the Ninth District, they came up with a touch-type explosion method, and the explosives were hundreds of evolutionary guns.

Under the persecution of Shen Chen, the obedient young man Li Chenchuan asked Chu Li for tens of thousands of evolutionary guns with a big mouth.

He originally thought that he would definitely be scolded, but he didn't expect that Chu Li didn't say a word, and even dispatched more than a dozen newly developed evolution cannons.

When did Vice President Chu become a good person?

Li Chenchuan was a little puzzled, but Pan Di, who was always honest and loyal, said casually beside him: "Oh? Don't you know that they are gay friends?"

They? gay friend?

Li Chenchuan felt that his brain was a little confused. Did Pan Di talk about Shen Shen and Vice President Chu?

The question is, weren't these two still the same as enemies when they talked on the phone in front of themselves? I want to kill you, you want to kill me...

Over there, Chen Yijian wiped his spear silently, pretending to be nonchalant and said in a very exaggerated voice: "Do you know what love and killing each other mean?"


Well... Li Chenchuan made up the picture of Shen Shen and Vice President Chu falling in love and killing each other in his mind, and decided to go and see the zombies.

At this time, the large led screen had already revealed the scene of the explosion in front.

The huge white explosion was about to explode the dark clouds in the sky, with a thunderous muffled sound, as if lightning exploded suddenly in the group of zombies, unaware that there were zombies in ambush and were blown away in an instant, scattered flesh and blood The bones and bones were scattered like flowers and rain, dark red blood gushed out from the inside of the neck cavity, their limbs fluttered in the air feebly, and then they were vaporized into smoke.

Shooting hundreds of evolutionary guns at the same time may not have such a huge and shocking effect, but if the evolutionary gun is used as an explosive, then the power of the explosion is no joke.

The base ten kilometers away felt the ground tremble continuously, as if an earthquake had struck.

And the wise Chinese people would never just use such pediatric routine methods in the explosion area. With the sound of the explosion, in the white light, countless metal pieces suddenly roared into the bodies of the zombies like drizzle. Penetrate the skin, cut the muscles, and nail them one by one to the ground, or blow up with the zombies behind.

The only advantage of zombies is that they don't know pain or fear. This place, which was originally the most terrifying place for human beings, has now become the fatal weakness of zombies.

The zombies that are not completely dead are still rushing forward bravely, but the white light of the evolution gun in front has not completely dissipated, so this part of the zombies become disabled, or their two legs suddenly disappeared, or The first half of the body suddenly disappeared.

Then the whole person fell to the ground like a dog chewing shit, and the follow-up zombies fell on the front zombies, layer by layer, and the bottom few layers of zombies were trampled to death like this, which can be regarded as the zombie world A tragedy here.

Five minutes later, the heavy sound came from the helicopter again.

"Good job, wait for the zombies to enter the second blasting point, and continue to detonate!"

Preset evolution guns were constantly being detonated, and the sound of "rumbling" was covered by the dull roar of the collapse of the building. Countless cement slabs flew in the air, and the dust mist mixed with broken bricks and stones covered the sight, engulfing the unavoidable zombies .

Sealing the floor with cement before finally played a role. The zombies trapped in the reinforced concrete were like trapped animals, and they were already dead before they could climb over the obstacles.

However, in the midst of the dense explosions, an astonishingly large number of zombies still sprang out. Although ordinary zombies were besieged, those zombies that had undergone three mutations were not affected. They moved lightly and strangely. In an instant, they filled up the explosive traps, climbed over the obstacles, and rushed towards the next section of the street. .

At this time, the number is still huge, more than 200,000!

?The third paragraph, the fourth paragraph, the fifth paragraph...

Ten kilometers, ten blasting points!

???? Explosions kept coming, and dazzling white light shot straight up from time to time, like a terrifying dragon of light, instantly disappearing over the distant city. Air waves and metal fragments unscrupulously harvested the lives of zombies. Cement fragments and bricks and stones rained down, and the blood and flesh mud of the zombies covered all the way.

And the base leaders in various areas who are sharing the video in front of the big screen, as well as the people watching, have all been petrified. The scene of the explosion is indeed magnificent and magnificent, and the momentum is astonishing. This is not a work of art, but it is even more gorgeous and unrestrained.

The scene of countless zombies dying makes the most passionate side of the heart spurt out. No one can imagine that the Ninth District can do this!

The bloody flowers flying all over the sky are no longer human beings, no longer their own companions.

Instead of dastardly opponents, but of filthy monsters!

However, there are too many zombies. Some of them stayed in the sound of the explosion, but more of them walked through the ruins lined with steel bars, without stopping for a second, as if a group of fearless, forever Don't know a tired machine.

Yes, there are at least 150,000 more, but there are only two blasting points left!

150,000 versus less than 2,000...

The ending... or death!

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