Soon, however, his words were lost.

Because someone patted his hand on the table, signaling him to continue watching the big screen.

On the big screen, unexpectedly, there seemed to be chaos in the ranks of zombies.

"What's going on? Why has the zombie's progress slowed down?"

However, the leading zombie's dream-seeking speed suddenly slowed down when it was close to the range of 800 meters, as if it was stuck in the mud.

The four-legged zombies are even more miserable, their entire bodies seem to be sinking downwards alternately, they are struggling desperately, trying to pull their bodies out of the soft mass under their bodies, but the result is that they appear even worse. deep.

The zombies in front couldn't move, and the zombies in the back rushed one after another, and soon became a mess.

"what happened?"

All the people watching the battle suddenly stood up: "Why are all the zombies stuck?"


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on at all.

But at this moment, the person ranked second in the tenth district, who had been silent all this time, said hesitantly: "It seems to be asphalt that sticks to them?"


"Asphalt is a kind of high-viscosity organic liquid. High-heat liquid asphalt will cause thermal burns to the skin. If the surface of the skin is covered with black asphalt, it will adhere tightly to the wound." The man said excitedly: "In other words, That is, asphalt under high heat is extremely viscous. I don’t know how much asphalt they used to pour it here. Just looking at the depth, it is at least two meters deep. In other words, as long as the high temperature of the asphalt does not disappear, these zombies will It can only be glued here!"

Everyone was in an uproar. Of course, they built a base with a lot of asphalt, but who would have thought that asphalt could also be used as a means of attack.

Only a few minutes later, the short 800-meter road was full of zombies rooted on the ground like sculptures. They waved their arms in vain, and in the invisible two-meter-deep underground, an unknown number of zombies had already fallen into the ground. went in.

In other words, out of the 150,000 zombies, at least 80,000 to 90,000 were trapped in place.

"This is simply an unheard of trap! The person who came up with this method,

He is a man of God! "The second person on the ranking list in the tenth district is blinded and worships infinitely.

But at this time, on the big screen, the man riding the eagle had already arrived at the battlefield, and he was at a height of 100 meters. He suddenly swooped down, and swung his long knife with his right hand directly downwards. ... Every time he swung the knife, he pierced through dozens of zombies, as if thousands of rays of light emanated from his body. He is like a ghost, but also like lightning. The black blade, like a magic soldier, easily cut and shredded the bodies of these zombies who were standing immobile.

No one was seen, only the light of the knife!

In an instant, blood was scattered all over the place.

"Roar!" "Squeak!" "Roar!"...

All kinds of shrill screams sounded, but in a blink of an eye, all the zombies that were howling and crazy fell to the ground, the ground was stained red with blood, and they all died miserably!

The killing was still going on, Shen Shen took the lead, those zombies with scarlet tongues were not threatened by the asphalt, they all cast their ferocious and terrified eyes on Shen Shen, their vision was extremely sharp, far beyond the comparison of zombies, they slammed their bodies towards the ground With a pounce, he bounced with his powerful hind legs, and rushed towards Shen Shenkuang as swiftly and violently as lightning.

Hundreds of scarlet tongues are like a huge cage covering the sky and covering the sky!

"Oops, not good!"

The hearts of those who watched the battle were tightly pinched, and they were deeply worried about the arrival of this young man. Can this person survive under such siege?

But I saw that the man was not in a hurry, without the slightest anxiety, without any uneasiness. Normal heart, calm look.


He just raised the knife, like the most normal move.

The next moment, the black blade and hundreds of scarlet tongues finally met.


At this moment, an unspeakable sense of oppression instantly enveloped the ten directions, and the sword light and blood rushed straight into the sky! It was extraordinarily bright in the sky, and everyone in the Ninth District suddenly looked up, and everyone saw the strangeness of the world.




It was as if thunder was exploding from outside the sky!

The light of the sword shattered the air, and the divine light of the sword shattered hundreds of long tongues. Not only that, the extremely violent airflow even dragged the zombies into the air, and they were strangled into tiny pieces in the brilliant brilliance. meat crumbs!

"This, this, this..." Fan Tao, who had been dismissive before, turned pale. He stood there in a daze, looking at the dead zombies on the screen, and then at the man on the back of the bird in the sky. , stammering, "He... who is he?"

"Shen Shen!"

At this moment, the donkey felt that he had never been so refreshed before, the young man who had never fought with his team, the young man who saved his life in the mining area, the young man who taught him combat skills.

Finally one day, I was able to say his name in front of everyone and let everyone know him! know him! Awe him!

Because of him, it is Shen Shen!

In the camera, the young man turned his head slowly. What a pair of captivating eyes, the determination, calmness and determination in the eyes. But he saw his right hand slowly raised up, and the unique and magnificent long knife reached the sky. In an instant, the sun seemed to merge with the tip of the knife, and suddenly the tip of the knife with the word Huaguang poured down like a god Light!

boom! ! !

The helicopter was dispatched, and Shen Shen killed all the zombies that threatened the air force by himself, and the helicopter was no longer in danger. At the same time, the new humans on the helicopter kept shooting down evolutionary shells from the sky.

The white Huaguang exploded on the ground, splashing up dirt and various sundries, and blasting the monsters gathered around into smoke.

After the bombing ended, the 800-meter-long street was covered in thick ashes and blood. In the back, a mere 10,000 to 20,000 zombies had slipped through the net, and they could not die amidst the excitement of the crowd.

Everyone watching the battle was completely stunned. More than 300,000 zombies, maybe more than 300,000 zombies, were all wiped out like this! After the battle, everyone was still in shock and couldn't extricate themselves.

I don't know who took the lead and applauded. Immediately afterwards, everyone watching the battle couldn't help applauding for the entire Ninth District.

No matter how you stand in line, whether it is an enemy or a friend. But everyone knows that this battle is not just a battle in the ninth district.

This was a massacre, with more than 300,000 zombies facing a mere 2,000 people. The result was not the destruction of the city as everyone imagined. This is the largest massacre of zombies by humans since the end of the day.

This massacre marked that mankind finally ushered in the hope of reconstruction.

It marks that Huaxia is about to usher in new development!

Fan Tao's face was terribly pale, and he blushed abnormally in embarrassment. After a long while, he suddenly pushed open the door in despair: "Donkey, you are right. I am too arrogant. I lost to you gone."

The donkey smiled slightly: "You didn't lose to me, but to him, Shen Shen."

That's right, this guy named Shen Chen, if it wasn't for Li Chenchuan hugging Shen tightly in the picture, and thanking Shen from the bottom of his heart to the camera, who would have known that all of this came from a person named Shen Chen.

It was he who made the pre-war planning, who inspired the scattered hearts, and who single-handedly ended the remaining threats in an extremely violent and brilliant way. Thus laying the foundation for victory.

"Shen Chen!"

"Shen Chen!"

"Shen Chen, Shen Chen. Shen Chen!"

The sound of shouting came from the screen, and the people outside the screen couldn't help shouting along.

How can that kind of pride and pride be expressed in words!

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