Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter Nine Hundred and Twelve How Do You Know It’s Me


Recommended reading: At this moment, in Shen Shen's brain, he only felt that the power was coming in like a tide, fast and unrestrained, as if countless small streams came together and merged into a vast ocean in an instant.

This live broadcast was broadcast in all twelve districts, and even some areas could be seen by the entire base. Such military achievements and results brought benefits to Shen Shen, not only reached a peak in reputation, but also helped Shen Shen take a step forward in strength!

Among other things, all the ties have been deepened several times because of this experienced song, and the relationship has become stronger, and the shackles of the ghost doll that was lost because of accepting Dr. Jia a long time ago also miraculously surfaced again .

And the unexpected harvest is that such a huge power makes Duoduo's fetters more clear. The ocean-like mysterious power suppresses Duoduo's thoughts occupied by monster thinking, and he loses the wind.

Shen Shen immediately fell into ecstasy. If this continues, Duoduo will cooperate with his own blue flame exercise, and he will soon return to normal. In his ecstasy, he didn't notice that another insignificant fetter flashed past in his mind. As if it never appeared.

The power coming in like sea water slowly calmed down after the crowd shouted wildly for ten minutes, and Shen Shen also benefited greatly from it.

Li Chenchuan stepped forward and hugged Shen Shen tightly, and said excitedly: "Shen Chen, I really didn't expect it, but we did it! These are 300,000 zombies! Thanks to you!"

Shen Chen smiled slightly: "This victory belongs to all of us. If we hadn't been united and worked together, we wouldn't be able to kill all 300,000 zombies!"

Shen Chen didn't attribute it to himself, and immediately aroused a lot of praise.

Li Chenchuan said excitedly: "This time, all the zombies in the 50 kilometers around the ninth district have basically been wiped out, and the safe area of ​​the ninth district has expanded again."

"Wait, it hasn't been completely wiped out yet."

"What? It hasn't been completely wiped out yet?"

Shen Chen pursed his lips and said, "There are still many zombies under the asphalt.

Let's go and have a look. "

Everyone followed Shen Shen out, and the battle lasted from morning to evening. As soon as autumn comes, the temperature difference between day and night immediately increases a lot.

As soon as I went out at this time, I felt the cold wind slowly.

The high-heat asphalt has solidified at low temperature. The strange thing is that the asphalt is not completely black, or it is a kind of chemical reaction caused by the gasification of zombies, but it seems to have a transparent black color. So much so that the zombies under the asphalt more than two meters deep can be seen clearly.

Those ferocious appearances, claws and claws are solidified like fossils in amber, making one's hair stand on end in the night.

"Is this dead or alive?"


"Huh? Live? Doesn't it really become a living fossil?"

The more than 800-meter-long road full of zombies and living fossils is a frightening thing no matter how you think about it!

"Dig them out and kill them all!" Chen Yijian said immediately.

"Wait!" Yuan Hong interrupted and said, "Don't you think this 800-meter asphalt road with transparent hollow zombie living fossils is quite beautiful?"

"Aesthetic sense? Are you sick?" Chen Yijian hurriedly put his hand on Yuan Hong's head in fright: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I know what Yuan Hong means. He means that this is the commemoration left by our battle. Maybe it will become the first spectacle of the end in the future? After all, tens of thousands of zombies are frozen in transparent asphalt , This is similar to amber fossils! Isn't it Yuan Hong?" Xia Weili's eyes lit up, and he said immediately.

"I'll go, your aesthetics are too strange." Chen Yijian shook his head: "But if you say it's a souvenir. I think it's better to die. If you're alive, where will it pop out?"

Shen Shen said with a faint smile: "That's not to be afraid, these zombies are frozen in the asphalt and have lost their ability to move.

Just like dying, by the day the asphalt dissipates, the vitality of these zombies will probably have long since disappeared. "

When everyone heard what Shen said, they felt relieved, but to be on the safe side, Shen still pierced the heads of these zombies with a very thin sharp weapon, and at the same time ensured that these zombies remained underground in a complete form.

A few years later, as Yuan Hong and Xia Weili predicted, this section of 800-meter asphalt road became one of the most famous scenic spots in China, and also the most intuitive witness to witness this period of history. What's more interesting is that this section of the road is nicknamed the Road of Caves because Shen Shen used a sharp weapon to penetrate the zombie's head, creating many holes. Later, on this road, no one was driving. No one uses transportation and women don't even walk the road in high heels. It can be regarded as an interesting anecdote recorded in textbooks.

After returning to the Ninth District, Li Chenchuan made a rare and generous decision to take out all the food from the commissary this night, and let everyone have a good celebration.

As a result, joyful scenes appeared in the doomsday for the first time, everyone sang and danced, and some even provided some precious mp3s and movies, which were displayed on the big screen.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone knew in their hearts that everyone was in the doomsday, I'm afraid this scene looked no different from a huge gathering.

After nightfall, everyone was still having fun. No one noticed that from a dark angle, a black figure was sneaking out of the base.

The figure of that person was very fast, so fast that the gatekeepers had already arrived outside the gate without even noticing it. He approved the black cloak, and hurriedly walked on the asphalt road full of zombies at his feet. All he could see was an unwilling face shrouded in shadow.

Behind him, a cheer of "Long live Shen Shen" suddenly triggered another carnival explosion point.

The man suddenly turned his head back, and let out every single word from the jaws with hatred: "Bastard! Shen Chen, I can't kill you this time, next time, I will definitely kill you!"

"No next time!"

A clear voice came slowly from behind him, and the body of the man in black robe froze instantly.

Everyone tensed up. He turned around slowly, and the young man behind him stood obliquely under the moonlight, stretching his shadow very long.

"You... why are you here?"

"I also want to know, Ms. Ling Mei, if you leave the base so late, it seems that you are absconding in fear of crime, and you don't plan to come back?"

The body of the man in black trembled violently. After a while, the black robe that covered his face slipped from the top of his head, revealing the face that turned all living beings upside down.

At this moment, surprise, shock, and disbelief were written all over this beautiful and charming face. Holding the cloak firmly, she asked hastily, "How do you know it's me?"

"It's very simple to know that it's you, and it's not complicated at all." Shen Shen said flatly: "But before I tell you why I saw you through, I think it's better for me to catch you first."

At that moment, all the expressions on Ling Mei's face suddenly became extremely fierce at the same time, like a female ghost. At the same time, the figures of the two intersected with each other, forming afterimages like lightning. In the midst of these intersections, only the sound of metal can be heard continuously. The two actually fought dozens of times in this instant!

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