Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter Nine hundred and thirteenth eradicate as soon as possible

??? When she moved her body, her five fingers were like hooks, and there seemed to be flames flickering on her fingers. It was extremely ruthless at first glance, and she grabbed Shen Shen's body fiercely. This grab seemed to tear his internal organs from his body. All caught out.


??? "You? You think so beautifully." Shen Chen smiled coldly, his body swayed slightly, and his palm struck out like a knife


??? "Peng", the two forces of palm and claw met, but Shen Shen suddenly changed his hand into a fist, while Ling Mei changed his claw into a palm, and they clashed again.

Ling Mei knew that since Shen Chen had guessed herself, she would definitely not let her go, because everything she did was a heinous crime to him, and she was full of murderous intent at the moment, her left hand bloomed like a lotus flower, and her five fingers Five beams of strength erupted, like a big net like a sky net, rolling forward, reaching above Shen Shen, tightening layer by layer, trying to imprison him in it.

"Fifth stage and fifth stage, that's all!"

Ling Mei's eyes are full of vicious smiles, because her claw is an extremely powerful attack move, but her five fingers are as long as onion tubes, but the roots are like sharp knives, which only penetrate the brain.

But at the next moment, Ling Mei suddenly let out a scream, as if someone had punched her face violently, the flying figure paused heavily in mid-air, and fell to the ground with a "crack"!

When she was struggling to get up, she saw that Shen Shen had stood in front of her at some point, with his hands behind his back, as if the blow just now was not from him.

"What? How did you attack me just now?"

Shen Shen smiled slightly: "Level 5 and 5, against new human beings with mental attacks who are less than level 4 like you. You will be knocked down if you can't even see the shadow of my punch. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Ling Mei was terrified. She suddenly realized that under the instigation of Shen Chen's previous words, she did not use her best mental attack, but instead used auxiliary force to fight Shen Chen head-on. Isn't she a fool?

She was just about to run away, but she saw that Shen Shen just took a slight step forward, and suddenly her body fell to the ground again like a kite with a broken string.

After three or two times, Ling Mei had no strength at all, she struggled and shouted: "If you can't kill the head, what do you want to do?"

"Tell me about everything taught by the Holy Spirit, and I can make you die faster. Otherwise..." Shen Shen smiled slightly, but Ling Mei's eyes were filled with terror.

"Otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death. Don't look at me with such hatred. You must know that you almost killed me with double illusions in the park, and attracted zombies to besiege the city. I will kill you Thousands of times, no one will think that I am too much."

"Okay... But I don't understand. Why did you follow me? If you answer my question, maybe I can consider telling you what I know."

After pondering for a while, he said: "It's okay to tell you. In fact, I felt something was wrong when I went to the wrong room that day. You must have swapped your room number with Xia Weili's room number, which made me go to the wrong room." room.

"And in the house, you approached me in such a revealing manner, you could even say that you were tempting me, but in the end you let me go after saying a few words. It was obviously very weird. I didn't know the reason at first. But I only remembered it when I entered the hallucination. You need to know that casting hallucinations does not agree with other mental attacks. You must get items from the subject. Or personal items, or hair. I think you approached me just to take the opportunity to get Let go of a hair on my body."

Ling Mei nodded: "That's right. I admit that I was too eager for quick success at that time, but I really didn't expect that I didn't kill you in the park. But why do you think I deliberately attracted the siege of zombies?"

"Since it is confirmed that the person in the park is you, why the zombies came out of the park for no reason is only your handwriting. In addition, the two blasting sites exploded in advance and did not achieve the expected results. You are also hindering it? I'll check You are one of the personnel working at the two explosion sites after considering the assignment of personnel for those days. It is not surprising that you tampered with it for your own selfish desires. "

Hearing this, even Ling Mei couldn't help but be shocked by Shen Shen's calculation ability, Shen Shen paused and said: "It's just that I can't figure out why you Holy Spirit Sect have trouble with me."

"Can't get along with you? I'm afraid you're going to get on with us first?" Ling Mei suddenly became hideous when he mentioned the Holy Spirit Cult: "If you hadn't killed old Mi Fei and the divine soldier, our Holy Spirit Cult How could you come here to kill you. Not only did you capture you without a fight, you even killed my comrades. What's even worse, my younger brother... my own younger brother! You killed him right in front of me! I Yu Gong wants to eradicate your evil for the Holy Spirit Cult, and Yu privately wants to avenge my brother. I wish I could eat your flesh alive, and if I can turn into a ghost after I die, I will entangle you to death!"

"So that's it, Chen Xuan, that new human being who lives on human blood is your younger brother." Shen Shen nodded, "No wonder when I killed him, there was a killing intent."

Ling Mei scolded angrily: "You understand now!"

"Understood!" Shen Shen lowered his head and looked directly at Ling Mei: "But it's still the same sentence, what exactly is the Holy Spirit Cult? Where is your base camp. Tell me, you will die more happily."

Ling Mei suddenly laughed, and the next moment, a gleam of brilliance flashed in her eyes, as if the child met the attachment of the mother: "You will never know the secret of the Holy Spirit Cult, because you are The eternal enemy of the Holy Spirit Cult! Your friends, your family members! Your lover, will always be under the cover of the Holy Spirit Cult, and live on to the last breath!"

"Damn it!"

In an instant, Shen Chen's brows and eyes burst into a stern look. He was not afraid of others to deal with him in his life, but the pain in the previous life and the unfinished regrets in this life made his family. spouse. Friends have become his reverse scales.

Before Ling Mei finished speaking, she saw a flash of black light. The next moment, she suddenly felt her body lighten. In an instant, it was as if her head had left the control of the earth's gravity and flew into the air.

She was surprised to see her body fell to the ground, forming the same strange shape as those struggling zombies underground, and she saw the anger erupting from the heavy brows and eyes. She even saw a strange creature burst out of the night.

It was a pink, naked little boy about one year old, who crawled beside Shen Shen with both hands and feet. Shen Shen pointed slightly with his hand.

The little boy's mouth suddenly turned to an unimaginable angle, revealing two rows of sharp teeth inside, tearing his body into his mouth.

The moment her head fell to the ground, Ling Mei really regretted it.

She didn't expect that her last words brought her not only the punishment of death, but her own body even became part of the punishment. He doesn't even have the qualifications to return to dust, he can only become food for zombies.

Shen Shen took a deep breath, told the ghost baby to leave after eating in his conscious mind, and walked slowly towards the base.

At that moment, he really couldn't restrain his anger, and instinctively ordered the ghost baby to come and eat Ling Mei's body. What she said really pierced his heart deeply...

The Holy Spirit Cult... Now that they have been targeted, they must be eradicated as soon as possible!

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