Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 914: People from City B

Back at the base, everyone gathered around with smiles on their faces, and asked Shen Chen why he had disappeared for so long, but Shen Chen didn't reply, just smiled, and casually passed by.

After a night of partying, it's time to train the next day. The reconstruction of the reconstruction. Everything continued to return to the right track, but the nearby zombies were basically cleaned up, which greatly reduced the pressure of survival in the ninth district, and land reclamation became the most important thing.

"Look, Shen Chen." Li Chenchuan pointed to the lush trees outside and said: "The end of the day brings us more than just disasters, these lush trees are much more than before, and they are growing higher and higher. They are good materials for construction!"

But Shen Chen replied: "At present, the biological leap is still in progress. After a while, maybe you will not be as happy as you are now."

He said lightly: "Because the danger is not growing now, all these trees and weeds must be cleared."

Li Chenchuan knew that Shen Shen's words made sense, and without further ado, he ordered to pull grass and cut trees, and he was very lively and lively. It kept everyone's passion and enthusiasm going.

After spending another week at the base, news finally came from City B. In order to commend the outstanding contribution of District 9 in this battle, each person's military merit value was increased by 10,000. And because of Shen Chen's outstanding contribution, he increased his military merit by 50,000?

"Damn it, when did Chu Li be so stingy? Shen Shen's contribution is obvious to all. He has the nerve to only give 50,000?" Chen Yijian complained a little.

But Shen Chen just shook his head, Chu Li wanted to drive himself to do things for him, 50,000 military merit was already the limit he gave.

However, after this battle, the Ninth District has completely become famous, and it ranks among the best in the subsequent major war zones, and no one can match it. Because of this, Chu Li directly distributed the allocated weapons and did not take them back. Although there was no apparent benefit to Shen Shen, considering the relationship between Li Chenchuan and Shen Chen, the benefits of the Ninth District were also It is equal to Shen Shen's benefits.

Unexpectedly, Chu Li quickly issued a document that the first general in each district was awarded the title of major, and the top ten can go to watch the ceremony together. But more than a month later, Chu Li's official awarding time has not yet been determined, and no one knows when the awarding ceremony will take place. And this month, except for Shen Shen, who sits on the Diaoyutai in the ninth district, the rankings of the rest of the districts are constantly changing. Even Tang Yan is often squeezed out, but fortunately, he has Dr. Jia and others behind him. , but nothing to be afraid of. Instead, it was a donkey, soaring into the sky. Secured the first place in the tenth district.

"Boss, you said that Chu Li didn't call us into City B for a long time, are you guarding against us?" Pan Di said with a slightly melancholy face: "Is he just hoping that others will push us down?"

Ah Feng pinched Pandey,

He smiled and said: "If you really care about it, you will be in chaos. If you don't say anything else, can Brother Shen Chen be easily pushed down by someone? Who else has the ability to push Brother Shen Chen down."

However, Shen Shen's complexion is indeed not optimistic. Even though he has made some progress in treating Duoduo this month, his own strength has entered a bottleneck and needs to seek rapid development.

If Chu Li thinks of wasting time, it is obviously not feasible to stay here by himself.

Shen Shen's eyes moved slightly: "Three days later, we must go to City B anyway."

Everyone looked at each other and immediately said, "Boss, have you changed your mind?"

Shen Shen nodded and said: "Time can't afford to be wasted, and the half-year agreement will soon pass."

"Then how do we get to City B?"

"Li Chenchuan will prepare the plane for us." Shen Shen said: "In the next three days, everyone will be ready to leave."

Everyone was discussing, when all of a sudden, everyone felt a gust of air flow over the base, as if a plane had landed.

Huang Chen jumped up suddenly: "Hey, maybe someone from City B notified the awarding of the title, right? I'll go out and have a look!"

After all, he ran out.

When I came back, it was already two hours later, but I saw Huang Chen rushing in in a hurry. As soon as he ran in, he shouted anxiously: "Boss is not good, Li Chenchuan has been arrested!"


Everyone was shocked, Li Chenchuan is the person in charge of District 9, who has the guts to arrest him?

"It's from City B, go out and have a look." Shen Shen said in a deep voice, and everyone immediately followed Shen Shen and walked out.

On the tarmac, sure enough, a group of people grabbed the guards in a very domineering manner, and two people who looked like experimental subjects cut Li Chenchuan's hands behind their backs.

The leader looked to be about forty years old, tall and strong, with a square face, majestic and dignified, obviously belonging to the upper class. Seeing Shen Shen and the others rushing over, a cold and serious expression appeared on his face.

When Li Chenchuan saw Shen Chen coming with a cold face, his heart warmed up, but then he shouted: "Shen Chen, it's none of your business here, go back quickly. Go back!"


A loud and merciless slap slapped Li Chenchuan directly on the face, and even Li Chenchuan's third-rank new humans were slapped with blood. It can be seen how ruthless the attack is.

"Don't talk!" The experimental subject withdrew his hand and said coldly.

This slap was like a slap in everyone's heart, it was hot and uncomfortable. Although Li Chenchuan is the person in charge, he has a very good relationship with Shen Chen, and Li Chenchuan does not put on airs and gets along very well with everyone. Seeing him being humiliated today is like everyone else being humiliated. .

Immediately, everyone's faces darkened instantly. The weapon in his hand also appeared.

"Hehe, I have heard for a long time that the combat strength of the ninth district ranks first in the twelve districts. Why, as soon as we meet, do you plan to move the guy?"

Shen Shen calmly looked at the 40-year-old man with the rank of colonel: "To deal with civilized people, we use civilized methods. When dealing with enemies, we naturally use bloody methods."

"Smart teeth, I don't know what to say!" The colonel sneered mockingly, and snapped: "What do you know! We are not enemies."

"I don't understand anything, but I do know that although you are a colonel, Li Chenchuan is the person in charge of the Ninth District. You dare to tie him up, do you know that this is against the rules?" Yuan Hong said.

On the other side, Chen Yijian immediately interjected: "Also, Li Chenchuan is my friend, how dare you touch him? Do you know what it means that you are about to die!"

The opponent's face couldn't help but look ugly, as if he didn't expect this side to be so strong.

Shen Chen smiled slightly, and spread his hands peacefully: "Did you hear that? Whether it's public or private, I don't intend to treat you as guests. I don't know what to say, you guys, understand or don't understand."

All of a sudden, his face became stern and harsh: "However, I don't care if you understand or not, I will give you three numbers. Let him go immediately and get the hell out of here. Otherwise..."

A black light flickered like lightning, and in an instant, the colonel felt a chill on his neck, but saw that his epaulettes had been cut into pieces at some point, and fell to the ground one after another.

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