The colonel's eyes suddenly changed from contempt to surprise, but it was obvious that he seemed to be just surprised by the heavy combat power, as if he had no intention of panic or fear at all.

"Sure enough, it's Shen Chen, well-deserved reputation." The colonel seemed to understand the anger: "But this kind of method is like threatening me? Dreaming! No. 28!"

Following his shout, he saw an experimental subject take a step forward, standing at attention beside the colonel.

"Go, teach me a lesson for this ignorant kid! Let him know what rules are!"


Shen Shen looked at the No. 28 subject indifferently, and suddenly sneered: "Fight me, he is not qualified. Falcon, you go!"


The colonel couldn't help but looked at Shen Chen. His experimental body had the ability to reach the fifth level. Since it was developed by the research institute, although it was still at the fourth level, it hadn't reached the fifth level. However, all the values ​​have reached the highest value that can be achieved by the peak of the fourth order. To a certain extent, it is stronger than the first and second stages of the fifth order.

What is the origin of this falcon, dare to face it, is it also a fifth-order powerhouse?

At this time, Shen Shen said calmly: "Falcon, level three and eighth. Remember, don't attack too hard when the time comes, it's not good if you hurt your peace, just leave him alone."

The colonel's face turned blue and red in an instant, a mere third-tier powerhouse who has not yet reached the fourth-tier, who is full of goods in city B, dares to compare with his people, and most importantly, he still has a dog's life left, he Isn't it too arrogant!

"Fight, beat until they obey! Unruly, provocative, if I don't teach you a lesson, you don't know how powerful the sky is!"

Falcon took a step forward, and the two scalpels in his hands gradually glowed. He licked the scalpels with his tongue, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but that smile looked a little scary, because his eyes were cold, except for killing intent. Nothing at all.

The experimental subject also took a step forward silently, and the entire Nuoda parking lot instantly became a battlefield.

"Hey, Shen Chen, why don't you let me do it? I can beat this guy with one punch." Chen Yijian complained on the side. It could be seen that his hands were indeed itchy.

Not to mention him, but the rest of the people all had a bit of envy on their faces. It's no wonder that no one has killed "technical" zombies for more than a month. Seeing an experimental subject at this time, it is inevitable that they want to use their hands.

As for failure or injury?


Are Shen Chen still afraid of this? If a Lan Yan passes by, the entire row of people on the opposite side must be instantly killed, okay?

So, when it comes to dealing with others in this kind of work, Shen Chen is really kind to the other party if he doesn't make a move.

However, the other party obviously didn't think so, and the target who felt insulted quickly put on an attacking drive.

A low voice containing a little anger in my life suddenly sounded in this open space, followed by a light and shadow, rushing out like thunder.


???"So fast!"


??? Falcon watched the light and shadow coming straight towards him, and his expression changed suddenly.


Swish! That light and shadow is No. 28. Regardless of his tall stature, he did not expect his speed to be so fast. It can be said that he has reached the standard of a new human being in the fourth-order speed direction. It is no wonder that this colonel is full of self-confidence. This No. 28 has some abilities.

As soon as he moved, he appeared in front of Falcon like a ghost, his palms clenched into fists, and he punched out, heading straight for Falcon's head.


??? The posture of this punch is comparable to that of a fourth-order peak new human in the direction of strength. If it hits Falcon, it may directly blast Falcon's head away.


???"you wanna die!"


Seeing this, everyone was also furious. This is not a competition, it is clearly a fight to the death! Immediately, they were about to rush forward, but when they saw Shen Chen wave his hand slightly, everyone stopped.

The colonel looked at Shen Shen with a sneer, why, at this moment, he still has the intention to pretend? I'm afraid that he should pay the price for his pretense in the next moment.

Falcon quickly turned around and retreated without any hesitation, but No. 28 was even faster! Immediately change direction and attack Falcon in the middle!

??? Boom!


The fist still slammed on Falcon's body hard, and Falcon's expression changed suddenly, and a sharp pain came from his lower abdomen, rushing into his body.

? Falcon's body shook, and he staggered back in a hurry. At this moment, a sweetness welled up in his throat.

But at this time, the face of the Colonel's side showed a look of what they deserved, or what they deserved.

But at the next moment, Falcon's eyes suddenly shot a shocking light.

next moment. Before everyone had time to react, they saw the double scalpels in Falcon's hand strike at the same time, the one on the left cut through the air and screamed, and the castration was extremely fast, while the one on the right rose obliquely, like lightning! .

This burst of attacks was like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, which was dizzying. At the end, he couldn't see the speed of Falcon's hand at all. He could only see the silver light flickering with his movements.

About a minute later, Falcon turned over and stood still, and No. 28 stood there intact. If there was anything strange, it was the eyes, which seemed to have lost their upgrade all of a sudden.


Suddenly, there was a voice that sounded like being discouraged...

On the body of No. 28, several small marks that were almost visible suddenly appeared. Then, its body cracked slightly, as if it had been cut into pieces by something. What was even more frightening was that the crack was smooth. Like a mirror.

Flesh and some mechanical devices were mixed together, strangely dismembered and scattered all over the place. Immediately the colonel's face turned pale, his stomach and throat twitched a few times, and then he turned around abruptly, vomiting violently.

"I'm going to be awesome! How did you do it?" Chen Yijian liked to inquire about this matter the most, and put his arms around Falcon's neck.

Falcon ignored Chen Yijian, and Huang Chen said next to him: "Brother Falcon is not as fast as that robot, but his moves and moves are very fast, and once he starts, he must be a combo. So after being hit by that guy After punching, taking advantage of the gap between the man's punching, it's time for Brother Falcon to launch his moves."

"How do you know?" Pan Di was also a little puzzled.

But Huang Chen pointed to his eyes and said: "My eyes can lock on a person. Naturally, I can lock on Brother Falcon's every move."

These few people talked as if nothing happened, but the colonel over there was simply blown away.

He suddenly turned his head and shouted angrily: "You killed an experimental subject, damn it!"

"Fuck, that wasn't human at the time. If you tried to kill our people, why didn't you come out? Now that our people killed him, you jumped out. You have no face!" Chen Yijian yelled. .

The colonel seemed to have fallen into madness, and immediately roared: "Evolution hand cannon! Load it!"

The ice-cold hand cannon was aimed at Shen Shen's people, and for a while, the situation seemed to be in a state of endless death!

"For something artificially made, you want to kill human beings?" Shen Shen looked at the colonel coldly: "Who gave you the courage, and where is your position! You are still worthy of being a human being!"

"What do you know! This experimental body is the painstaking effort of the entire research institute, and none of you are worth as much as this experimental body."

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