Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter Nine Hundred and Sixteen Confinement

"It's not speculative. Since the colonel insists on this, don't blame us for being rude." Shen Chen suddenly snapped his fingers and said, "Steal someone!"

Before the words fell, his figure was already moving forward at full speed. All of a sudden, the colonel felt a great threat rushing towards him, and shouted anxiously: "Be on guard! Be on guard!"

Everyone rushed towards Shen Chen, and at this moment, Ah Feng's vines suddenly emerged from the ground like flexible snakes, and directly entangled the arm of the experimental subject who bound Li Chenchuan. When he was a little surprised and dazed, Xia Weili's hair swept over, directly leading Li Chenchuan out of the opposite encirclement.

bang bang bang

The sound of several consecutive blows sounded, but Shen Shen had already returned to his original position, while those experimental subjects fell to the ground one by one, seemingly unconscious.

But in Shen Chen's hands, there were more than a dozen evolutionary hand cannons.

"What did you do? You damned guy, what did you do!!"

There was only one colonel standing in the open space, trembling all over, as helpless as the little girl who had been stripped naked.

"Your so-called valuable experimental subject is worthless in my eyes." Shen Shen waved his hand lightly: "Please come to the confinement room, this colonel."

"You dare! You dare to put me in a confinement room! Who gave you the courage!" The colonel roared angrily, his whole body twitching due to the violent ups and downs of emotions.

"You are a guest, and we are here to invite you to do as the Romans do. Generally speaking, when a high-ranking official comes to our hilltop, he will feel the pleasure of confinement." Chen Yijian walked over with a smile on his face, and greeted the colonel Twist it directly, and said sharply: "Go!"

Li Chenchuan stared at all this dumbfounded, as if he didn't react at all, is it over? Is this all over?

"It's okay, don't worry!" Pan Di grabbed Li Chenchuan's shoulders, patted Li Chenchuan heavily, and comforted him a few times: "Isn't it a bit scary to see a test subject for the first time?"

"Ah... oh, it's okay!" Seeing that everyone seemed unaffected and calm, Li Chenchuan couldn't help asking, "You guys? Have you seen experimental subjects before?"

"Well, I have dealt with you a few times." Shen Shen said lightly.

Li Chenchuan immediately lost his composure. Experimental subjects are very precious things in the laboratory, especially this kind of second-type experimental subjects. I have only seen them once or twice, but Shen Chen actually said how many times he has dealt with them? But... look at how he dealt with these experimental subjects just now,

It's not hard to imagine what kind of dealings they had before. Is this Shen Shen a little perverted?

"Okay. Let's not talk about anything else. Li Chenchuan, as the person in charge of the base, is it a bit embarrassing to be arrested like this?" Huang Chen and Li Chenchuan also have a good relationship, so he asked.

His personality is somewhat similar to Chen Yijian's, they are both more outgoing, but unlike Chen Yijian's irritable mouth, Huang Chen is a bit mean.

When he asked, Li Chenchuan rolled his eyes angrily: "He has a higher rank than me and is my superior. If he wants to arrest me, can I still resist the military order? Besides--"

Li Chenchuan said with some frustration: "He also has a reason for arresting me."

"What's the reason for arresting you? Are you corrupt?" Pan Di asked curiously, "What else can you embezzle these days? Evolution fluid? Military merit? Is it worth it..."

Li Chenchuan blushed immediately: "You are corrupt, you are corrupt! I reported that there was a researcher in the research institute, but when they came to pick him up today, I realized that the person was missing. I asked If they don't find anyone, they will naturally get anxious, after all, it will cost a lot to go back and forth. That's why they want to take me to City B."

"Damn it, it turns out that you have a problem with your own work. It's not someone else's fault." Huang Chen said contemptuously.

Li Chenchuan, who was despised by Huang Chen, was also a little embarrassed: "I don't know where that researcher went. He disappeared all of a sudden."

Shen Chen's heart moved slightly. It seemed that the missing researcher they mentioned should be Ling Mei, but this woman had already been dealt with by himself.

Li Chenchuan is still depressed: "Although you said you helped me out, but that colonel can't be imprisoned for a lifetime, and he still has to ask me for someone after he is released. Where can I find him a researcher?"

Shen Shen's eyes suddenly narrowed like an old fox: "Researcher, it's easy to find."

Zhao Qirui never imagined that one day he would fall to this point and be locked up in a dark confinement room. This was the treatment he hadn't enjoyed for decades since he joined the army. That's all, there is a guy with a bad mouth outside, who keeps sneering and sarcastic.

Why haven't I seen such an unlucky colonel, why come here to pretend to be aggressive, and don't look at whose territory this is... unexpectedly, he didn't show anything for an hour.

Zhao Qirui became more and more angry. Although the plan for the 12th District was implemented, it was only a temporary measure. In the final analysis, the 12th District still belonged to the government, but he didn't expect that these responsible persons really regarded themselves as the local emperor. If it weren't for the No. 2 Chief and Chu Li dispatching in City B, a lot of military supplies would be transported over. Can they live so well? All the good things are sent here, but I didn't expect to raise a bunch of white-eyed wolves.

The fully enclosed confinement room didn't know the time, but the food was delivered once. Compared with City B, the food was not bad, and even whole pieces of meat could be seen. And green vegetables.

Zhao Qirui was a little surprised. After all, City B has the largest research institute, covering everything from science and technology to agriculture. It is normal to be able to eat meat and vegetables in the doomsday.

But a mere District 9? Where does the strength come from?

Could it be that the person in charge at the top is pocketing his own money?

Zhao Qirui became more and more angry, almost beyond control. He didn't move a mouthful to show his attitude, but he didn't expect that the person who collected the food just took a look, muttered something wasted, and left.

Zhao Qirui was so angry, but he couldn't explain it. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but it was to the extreme. Instead, it turned into forbearance and silence.

The food was delivered six times in total, but after the third delivery was still full, the rest of the times were brought in and Zhao Qirui didn't seem to want to eat, so he took it away.

When it was almost the seventh meal delivery, Zhao Qirui finally felt that he was a little too hungry. He thought a little bit loosely, otherwise, this time the meal was delivered, so let's take a bite.

When the door rang, Zhao Qirui's voice seemed low and impatient: "Put the food there, you can go."

"What? Hungry? Still figured it out?"

A deep and slightly mocking voice came from the darkness.

Zhao Qirui's whole body tensed up instantly, and his embarrassment made him blush like a monkey's butt. Fortunately, it was in the dark, otherwise his face would really have no place to separate it.

"You are not Li Chenchuan, who are you?"

"Forgot me in three days? Then let me introduce myself, Shen Chen."

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