Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter nine hundred and twentieth accept younger brother

The strong men couldn't see clearly the arrow feathers flying like meteors or the howling of the silver scalpel. All they heard were the miserable cries of their companions. Within a few minutes, all the strong men who came in the dark died in the room.

The light came on slightly, and the windows were already covered in blood. Falcon and Huang Chen walked to the window, pulled up the curtains, and the light was projected on the curtains, as if they saw two figures cleaning up something.

At the corner of the street in the distance, two or three gangsters were leaning against the corner and seemed to be smoking. Suddenly, one of them glanced out of the corner of the eye, and suddenly trembled. Then he stubbed out the cigarette, and hurriedly dragged the other two to fight and flee.

"Boss, those three guards must have gone to notify their leader." Falcon and Huang Chen hastily knocked on the door of another room, Shen Shen opened his eyes and nodded: "Follow."

The three gangsters who let the wind out did not know that there were already five people following behind them. Pan Di, Wu Wei, Ah Feng, Huang Chen, and Falcon went to action together.

With the strength of these five people, it is obviously more than enough to wipe out a dirty gang.

The three of them ran back and forth in the alley, and soon got into a courtyard. As soon as they entered, they immediately went to the main house: "Quick, quickly ask Boss Wu to come out, something serious has happened!"

The lights in the main house suddenly turned on, and the sound of women's dissatisfaction and the sound of men getting dressed could be heard inside. Soon, the door was opened, and Boss Wu came out with a look of anger on his face: "If there is nothing special, why dare to wake me up. You know what the consequences will be!"

The three said anxiously: "Boss Wu, Boss Wu, the people we sent to sneak attack on that group of newcomers are all dead!"

"What!" Boss Wu's eyes widened suddenly, and the drowsiness from just now disappeared in an instant: "What's going on?"

The man hastily told the story of seeing blood on the window when he was letting the wind out, and that the other two were cleaning up the mess. In an instant, all the people in the courtyard were stunned.

After a while, Boss Wu said in a daze: "You mean, not long after they entered, you saw the other party and started to clean up the mess? The windows are full of blood?"


"To your mother, Gobi!" Boss Wu suddenly became furious, and kicked suddenly, ◆m went over: "As soon as I entered, everyone was killed, you should know it if you think about it with your ass. You knew we would take action a long time ago, and set up an ambush beforehand!"

Everyone shuddered suddenly, and suddenly a gust of cold air rushed to their foreheads.

"Boss...boss, how do they know our plan? Is there a traitor here?"

Boss Wu was so angry that he didn't call out: "I don't know if there are any traitors, but if they were really prepared, they obviously wouldn't go to the window so blatantly and let the three of you see the blood clearly, let alone In front of your face, let you see them dispose of the body."

"Then... why is that?" The three younger brothers asked in confusion.

"Sb, that's because they newcomers already knew that you were letting us go. They wanted to know where we were, so they deliberately let you go, so that they could follow the vines and get here!" Boss Wu was trembling all over. , hurriedly said immediately: "It's not too late, they may have come over soon, go through the back door immediately!"

"What about sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law, you are paralyzed, go!"

However, Boss Wu hadn't taken half a step when he heard a few chuckles from the wall: "Want to leave? It's too late."

Everyone's faces lost all color and became extremely pale.

If it wasn't for someone's voice, they wouldn't even know that someone was standing on top of the wall.

"Who? Who's there?" Boss Wu shouted in horror.

But I saw four men and a woman standing on the wall, with smiles on their faces, looking at the crowd as if they were looking at prey in a net.

His eyes were cold, like looking at a dead person.

"Boss, I was wrong! Please forgive me! I was wrong, I kowtow to you!" Boss Wu knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kept pounding his head on the ground. His group of younger brothers were instantly stunned. , This...isn't it right? Obviously it should be to fight the enemy bravely, repel the strong enemy, or break out of the siege at worst. Why did he suddenly surrender?

But when they looked carefully, they began to tremble uncontrollably, and the veins on their necks popped out.

A long and thick vine appeared beside the woman at some point. On the vine, the heads of all the people who went to assassinate were strewn on it, just like candied haws. The vine kept swaying, and those who opened their eyes angrily His head was shaking constantly, and the faces frozen in panic and fear were staring at them.


"Help, help, help!"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"Bosses, there is an injustice and a debt, and we didn't kill everyone!"

Pan Di chuckled: "You didn't kill it? But you didn't give the order? Now you are irrational, why didn't you think of it when you ordered us to be assassinated?"

Boss Wu was so frightened that tears flowed from his nose: "Boss, all mistakes are my fault. If we knew that you are so powerful, we would never dare to treat you like ordinary newcomers, and we I just picked a room to kill, just to teach you a lesson, we don't dare to really kill you all, that's too much noise..."

He is also a bachelor, Pan Di didn't say anything, he admitted his mistake first, and then said: "Boss, it doesn't matter how you punish me, do you think I have broken one hand, or the other? Just one leg? Please be merciful, for the sake of killing so many people, please spare my dog’s life!”

Falcon was a little depressed; "It made us look like heinous people. Aren't they the ones who wanted to kill us in the first place?"

Ah Feng said with a smile: "But it's a bit of wink at last. Seeing that his whole body ability is only at the third level, and he can also be mixed with a boss, it shows that he has some ability."

The few of them were communicating, and they didn't shy away from Boss Wu at all. Boss Wu immediately trembled in his heart. Suddenly, an idea came from his heart. He seemed to know why these people in front of him found him.

Boss Wu tentatively said: "Boss, bosses. In fact, the bosses come out of city b, where good and bad people are mixed, so it's better to accept me as a younger brother, run errands for the bosses, and deal with some things that the bosses don't bother to do. My little witch I don’t have the skills, but when it’s City B’s turn, it’s still clear. For example, let me deal with the dozen or so corpses, and make sure that the patrol won’t come to the door.”

Huang Chen suddenly became amused: "Is this guy really good?"

Pan Di nodded: "Since this is the way to go, it will save his dog's life."

Boss Wu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down a little, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his back.

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