Rebirth: City Besieged By Zombies

Chapter 921 Judge Organization

??But not long after his heart was relieved, he saw the tallest man suddenly jumping down from the wall, and saw a big sword as tall as a man whizzing down in his hand. Gusts of wind.

"Ah!!! Spare me!!!"

boom! ! !

Boss Wu only felt a chill on the top of his head, and a bunch of hair suddenly fell from his eyes. Immediately afterwards, behind him, half of the main house collapsed suddenly, dust was flying, bricks and stones were flying, and a woman's shrill voice sounded, panicked. He rushed out with the sheets on.

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of strength is this, under one sword, even half of the house collapsed?

But there was a smile on Pandy's slightly rough face: "Follow me, you won't suffer, but if you dare to follow others, or betray me. You can try it, do you have this one?" The house is solid."

When Pan Di showed his hand, Boss Wu and his group dared to change their minds, and they were as honest as quails immediately.

Pan Di glanced sideways, Huang Chen and others were following behind Pan Di, the boss Wu thought that Pan Di was their boss, immediately flattered them, and hurriedly ordered people to clean up the other rooms for this Several bosses rest.

"Okay, little Wu, you go down first. We still have something to talk to our boss." Huang Chen bluntly sent Boss Wu away.

The boss Wu who had been reduced to a little witch immediately nodded and bowed: "That's all right..." He hesitated for a long time, until Huang Chen got a little impatient: "Say what you want to say quickly."

Xiao Wu immediately panicked, and hurriedly said, "I want to ask the boss, since the bosses have accepted me as a younger brother, should the name of the dirty gang be changed too? Change it to the name of the boss?"

Ah Feng couldn't help smiling: "It's true, you can't keep calling the dirty gang?"

Pan Di nodded and said: "Let's discuss it, you go out first.\u003c\u003e"

Xiao Wu immediately nodded and left, and several people began to discuss.

Wu Wei said: "The boss is a member of the research institute, and he is walking the right path. To deal with these ghosts and snakes, we must stand out. Since when we came, the boss said that it is better to let Pandy come forward in secret, I think it is better The opinions of the Pandey brothers prevail."

Huang Chen nodded and said, "Big Brothers Yuan Hong and Wu Wei will naturally return to the army in the future.

That kid Chen Yijian is not willing to do anything with us. In fact, it was Pandey who was in the dark. I. falcon. There are four other sisters, Afeng. In addition to Xia Weili, that girl is half, we have the strongest Pan Di brother, either. Brother Pandey, make up your mind what to call it. "

Pan Di was also trembling in his heart. After all, his current age was only a college student in the Taiping period, and he was going to be promoted to the leader of a gang?

He was both excited and nervous in his heart, and even more afraid of being ashamed of Shen Shen's kind treatment and the expectations of his brothers, so he couldn't help but feel a little worried, but seeing Ah Feng's expectant eyes, he bit his teeth and expressed his thoughts Come out: "Although the boss appointed me to be the person in charge of our secret place, my idea is to use the boss's surname as the first, Shen, and my surname as the supplementary, Pan."

"Shen Pan Gang?" Falcon's face turned green in an instant: "Is this name too weak? It's not as good as the dirty gang?"

"If you compare, Shen Pan, Shen it a trial!" Huang Chen suddenly said angrily, "Were you really a literate doctor before, and you don't know this?"

"The Judgment Gang?" Ah Feng's beautiful eyes moved, and she suddenly said, "Why don't we call it the Judge. The gang is too ugly, so call it the Judge's organization. How good it is!"

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, the judge, implying the flame of burning sin, echoed the deep blue flame. All the dark things in this world, all the zombies, and the sinners who created the apocalypse... They all need to be judged, and the judge is a sharp sword walking in the world, sweeping away all the black horrors and bloody killings in this world !

Everyone felt that there seemed to be an indescribable force gushing out of their hearts, and at this moment, Shen Shen's eyes suddenly shone brightly. \u003c\u003e

"Judger! Well, it's the judge!" Pan Di patted his thigh, and then immediately shouted: "Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, come in!"

Xiao Wu, who was waiting quietly at the door, trotted in immediately: "Boss, boss, tell me."

"Pass it on. From today onwards, the dirty gang will officially change its name to the Judgment Organization. In the early morning of tomorrow, all members of the Judgment Organization will come to gather. We, the Judgment Organization, only need good guys, not cowards. Those who cannot pass our level , We don’t want it. In addition, ask me about the forces in the vicinity, our enemies and allies, and find out all of them clearly. Since we want to do it, we have to do a big one. In the fifth ring, I want to let everyone except the army The people are all members of our judge organization!"

Xiao Wu's eyes flashed with surprise for a moment, he had seen a lot of people who spoke out loud, but this was the first time he had seen a person like this one with clear goals and great ambitions. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the sky on the fifth ring was about to change.

In the darkness, a new boss will soon be on his stage.

The next day, the name of the Inquisitor Organization was immediately spread by members of the dirty gang, and the huge five rings immediately became a sensation.

"The judge? The judge of his mb, the tone is not small, dare to say such nonsense?"

"Boss, do you want to suppress such an arrogant newcomer?"

"Tell my brother, anyone who meets the judge organization will fuck me to death!"


All of a sudden, the water in the fifth ring began to become cloudy. Whether it was a small fish or a big fish hidden at the bottom, they all started to move around, trying to get out of the water to see what happened.

At this time, Shen Shen, Chen Yijian, and Xia Weili were walking inside the second ring road.

Chen Yijian said to Shen Shen: "I want to go back to the compound to find my parents. You don't want to go to your parents. I seem to remember that your parents have always lived in our compound, right?"

Xia Weili asked curiously: "Brother Shen Chen, do your parents also live in City B?"

Shen Shen shook his head and said: "Xiao Chenchen, you didn't know when you left the compound. My parents and I both moved out of the compound and went to H City. \u003c\u003e"

"H City?" Chen Yijian's heart moved slightly, as if he understood something. In fact, in city B, who can live in the military compound, which one is not a big family. Among the big households, there are also many scary things within the family. I am afraid that Shen Shen and his family were forced to leave because they couldn't stay in the military compound.

"Yeah. H city. But then I went to S city to go to school." Shen Shen nodded and said.

Xia Weili was a little anxious: "Brother Shen Chen, why don't you go to City H to find your parents? It's only 600 kilometers away from City H."

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