Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1592: God world is waiting for you

  Chapter 1592 God Realm Waiting for You

  Leng Qianxun knew it in his heart, so he didn't resist and let him hold her like this.

   In fact, in the bottom of her heart, she is also trying her best to control, "Brother Ye, don't worry, trust me, I will go to God Realm to find you first."

   Is it easy to manage a God Realm?

   Just like the father, managing a country is a day and night, not to mention there are some rebellious parties, and it is a big project to wipe them out.

   "Okay, I wanted to celebrate your birthday with you, but now it seems..." Ye Wushang looked sad.

   "I owe you, when I go to God Realm, remember to make it up for me." Leng Qianxun doesn't like Brother Ye's sad look, it doesn't suit him.

"it is good."

   "Then it's settled, let's go." Leng Qianxun pushed Brother Ye away, waved him, and told him to leave quickly.

  The more he talked, the more reluctant he became. If he didn't leave, she wouldn't let him go.

   "Remember what I told you, I'll wait for you up there." Ye Wushang looked at her deeply, then instantly turned into a beam of light and rose to the sky, before disappearing on the spot.

  Following his departure, Leng Qianxun's heart was also empty, and she was not used to it.

  Keep a way, after all, you have to go.

  I used to be able to walk alone, but now, I can do the same, and I have to go better, just to prevent Brother Ye from worrying, and to get better revenge.

   Exhaled a breath, waved to the sky, and her life started again.

  When I came to the middle of the mountain, I saw Bai Heng standing here waiting for him, walked over and put an arm around his neck, "Boy, you can mess with me from now on."

  Actually, she was just talking casually for a while, but she didn't expect that Bai Heng's eyes widened and he was overjoyed, and took her words seriously.

   "Sure. Huh? Where's brother?" The two of them have long been idols in his mind, and their strength is beyond his Bai Heng's estimation. Therefore, his sister asked him to follow her, even if it was to run errands, he was willing.

  Stay by their side, after a long time, you should learn something.

   "Just kidding, he's off to work." Leng Qianxun put a piece of grass that he picked up casually in the corner of his mouth and chewed it carefully. It was sweet and had a particularly clear taste.

   "Sister, I'm serious. You think about it." When she heard that she was joking, Bai Heng became anxious.

   "Okay, let's talk about it when the time comes. The mountain ahead should be able to catch up with them. See if there are any beasts along the road. We will take them there and help you celebrate tonight."

   It was originally a happy thing, but because Brother Ye left, I always felt that something was missing? Make her happy in the bottom of her heart.

   It turns out that getting used to a person is such a terrifying thing.

  Losing him was like losing a soul, and her heart followed.

  Bai Heng also felt Leng Qianxun's melancholy along the way, and he didn't dare to make her angry. In order to make her happy, he hunted a lot of wild animals along the way.

   "Sister, is it enough?" Bai Heng lifted the beast with both hands full, and stood in front of her with a bright face.

   "Ah!" At this moment, Leng Qianxun seemed to have come to his senses, looking at the seven or eight pheasants and hares in his hands, "It's amazing, that's enough."

   "How many people are there together? Do you want to get two more." In order to prevent her sister from being distracted like that again, Bai Heng was looking for a topic to talk about.

   "How many people? Let me count..." Leng Qianxun really counted there. "Your father, Long Shu, Xiao Ding...there are six over there, plus the two of us, exactly eight, one for each of us."

   "It seems that there is no need to hunt anymore."

"Boy, let me tell you in secret. Do you know that you want to choose pheasant later? This chicken is much smoother and tender than rabbit meat, and you can't eat a big rabbit, right, you might as well choose good quality..." When it comes to eating, Leng Qianxun has a lot of topics to talk about.

  (end of this chapter)

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