Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1593: Hallucinating?

  Chapter 1593 Hallucination?

   "Wow, sister, I don't see that you're still an expert in this field." Listening to Leng Qianxun's gaudy description that day, Bai Heng was already drooling all over the place.

   "That is, to be honest, there is no delicacy that I can't cook. Sometimes I really feel that I am a culinary master who has been delayed." At this time, Leng Qianxun has temporarily forgotten the unhappiness just now.

   "It seems that I have to stay by my sister's side so that I can learn more ways to survive." Bai Heng nodded, secretly making up his mind, and just followed his sister shamelessly.

"Actually, you are very good. You have also learned a lot in Ghost Valley. At least in the empire, you are already a master." Leng Qianxun saw that his cultivation base was already at the level of a spiritual master. It's also a genius, and Dongfang Yi doesn't even have such a talent.

  Although I haven't seen his tricks before, the talents who can be trained by He Lianzhe are ordinary people.

  So, he is already a master.

  However, his humble appearance is very pleasing, which shows that he is a motivated child.

  Actually, she is similar to him, but she seems to be more mature in her actions.

   "Sister, to be honest, I really have nothing else to ask for except to see my father now. The only thing I ask for is that I can help you and my brother do something?"

  The kindness is endless, so Bai Heng always feels bad in his heart.

  Since he was a child, he has never received favors from others, so for this sudden kindness like rebirth, he feels like a reborn parent.

   "Understood, let's not talk about this for now. When we return to the empire, we will have your help." Seeing that he was always struggling with this question, Leng Qianxun agreed to him.

   Or, she will really need him in many places in the future.

   "Yeah." Bai Heng smiled brightly. At this time, they had already passed another mountain, and they were halfway up the mountain.

   "Look at those shadows on the top of the mountain." Leng Qianxun raised her eyebrows at him, motioning for him to look at the top of the mountain.

   "Uh..." Following Leng Qianxun's gaze, Bai Heng looked up to the top of the mountain. People who have practiced martial arts and those who have cultivated their abilities have different eyesight.

  At this time, I saw a few young people sitting on the top of the mountain, and two older men, eating something in their hands? The goatee on his chin twitched.

  Yes, one of them is his father, Bai Jiuci.

  Looking at his white hair and beard, he remembered that when he was taken captive, his hair and beard were still black.

   But now, the three thousand ink silks had turned into three thousand white silks, which made his eyes feel hot, and two lines of tears flowed down from his eyelids. Unable to control himself anymore, he ran towards the top of the mountain with the prey in his hand.

  Leng Qianxun saw it, and thought of the scene when she met her father. I don't know, is he still in Tianwangzong?

   Still, he has finished everything and ascended to the God Realm.

  Does he know that the God Realm is the world of his future son-in-law, and it's great that Brother Ye can protect her family when he goes here.

  At least, let her have nothing to worry about here; at least, they have someone to protect; at least, they also have a backer.

  So, she has to finish some small things here as soon as possible, and then go to reunite with them.

  At this time on the mountain, Master Bai was finishing the last raspberry in his hand, clapping his hands and raising his cloudy eyes, he saw Heng'er running towards him in front of him.

  I reached out and wiped my eyes, why did I have hallucinations again?

  The older he gets, the more useless he gets. When he puts down his hand, this scene still exists.

  (end of this chapter)

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