Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1594: He... fell in love with her?

  Chapter 1594 He... fell in love with her?


  A cry, a figure, and a hug, fell into Bai Jiuci's too thin arms.

   "Heng'er?!" Bai Jiuci was taken aback, isn't this a hallucination?

  The actual body temperature in his arms is so real.

   "Yeah." Bai Heng responded, and two lines of tears came out of his eyes, and he hugged Bai Jiuci even tighter.

"It's really Heng'er..." At this time, Bai Jiuci came back to his senses. It was Heng'er's voice. unstoppable voice. "Woo woo woo..."


  The two seven-foot men just embraced each other and cried, crying so much that the world was moved, and ghosts and gods were weeping.

  Long Shu and You Qian, who are next to him, also have eyes full of tears, but Xiao Ding has already cried to the point of tears, how can he bear such a scene.

The most calm person at the scene was Leng Qianxun who had just walked to the top of the mountain. She had experienced this scene a long time ago, so at this time, she calmly went to the hunting beast that Bai Heng threw on the ground when he was excited just now, and took it aside. Peel and gut up.

  The audience was in a state of excitement, and didn't care about her return, let alone her actions, except for one man.

  Fang Yichen looked at the woman squatting silently there to remove the hunting garbage, with a calm expression on her pretty face, wondering what she had gone through? How can you face everything so calmly and calmly.

  In this scene, even he couldn't help being moved, an urge to cry.

  How can she have such a strong heart?

   Is it true that, as the world said, her life is like hell, she is an illegitimate daughter who encounters setbacks everywhere, and her experiences have tempered her heart.

  Suddenly, Fang Yichen felt extremely distressed towards her, which was different from the girl who only knew that she was a spirit body before.

  Before approaching her, there was his purpose.

   But now, as he gets along with her, he has been abducted by her ability and charm unconsciously.

   This is a feeling he has never had since he was a child, even when he was with Leng Xueer and Ye Tong, he never had this kind of different, palpitation feeling.

  He... fell in love with her?

  For veterans in the field of love, after knowing this about themselves, they are quite astonished, but at the same time, they are also glad that the other party is her.

   At least, it shows that his vision is not bad.

  Fang Yichen came to her side, and silently knelt down to help, because now facing such an outstanding her, he didn't know what to say?

  Even if he was persuaded, he also admitted it.

   After Leng Qianxun finished all the food, those people recovered from the sensationalism one by one.

   "Good job, girl." Long Shu came over, patted Leng Qianxun on the shoulder, and gave her a hundred and twenty likes.

   "What's the matter, I'm hungry, why don't you hurry up and help." Leng Qianxun glanced at him, took out a dagger and dug a hole on the relatively flat ground.

   "Okay, okay, what do you want me to do?" Long Shu was in a good mood, wondering why she was digging a hole?

   "Dig a big hole, and bury these in it." Just now she asked Fang Yichen to find some large leaves, and when they come back, they can be wrapped with these processed animals.

   "Miss Leng, I'm here to help." At this time, Xiao Ding also came to participate.

   "Well, then you dig a hole, I'll get some condiments." She also had to sprinkle some spiritual water on the food, then get some seeds to ignite and sprinkle some salt.

   At this time, everyone here raised their hands. You Qian just wanted to come to help at this time, but he had more energy than energy.

  Leng Qianxun inadvertently caught a glimpse of the decadent look lying there.

  (end of this chapter)

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