Chapter 1596 Food

   "Miss Leng, where is Lengshen and that Yuan Kai?" Xiao Ding always felt that something was missing? It seemed that since she came back, she hadn't seen Lengshen and that rich kid.

   "They are in a hurry, so they are going back to the empire first." Leng Qianxun smiled, compared to the previous mood, it didn't seem so sad to have them around.

   "Oh." Ding Xuan nodded, didn't ask any more questions, and helped to finish the food in his hand, then put it into the pit, and buried the soil back.

   "This is the simplest operation. As long as the firewood is strong enough and the time is long enough, the bottom will be cooked and delicious." Leng Qianxun is teaching her the simplest way to survive in the wild.

  Seeing and doing are two different things. You may not be able to do it after seeing it, but you must remember it if you do it.

   "Oh, I wrote it down." Ding Xuan nodded, and understood her painstaking efforts.

  The suffering this time is also a lesson, letting her know that there are things that can happen, so there must be a trick in everything.

After the firewood was ignited, the sky gradually darkened. A group of people gathered around here, looking at the raging fire, and kept adding firewood to it, in order to let the lumps of meat in the ground be unearthed quickly. .

   An hour and a half later, Leng Qianxun asked them to move the fire to the side, and then signaled that they could pry it open.

  The others were only waiting for her to give an order, and after hearing the voice, they hurriedly scrambled to help dig the soil.

   "Be careful, at the place below 30 centimeters, whoever gets dirty will take it back." As soon as Leng Qianxun's words came out, the hands of several men stopped abruptly, and suddenly they moved lightly like rusty flowers.

  Leng Qianxun wanted to laugh when he looked at them, but as soon as he dug them out, he smelled the smell of meat, which was very attractive.

  Sure enough, the men chose the rabbit first, leaving a few chickens for the women.

  However, Bai Heng remembered his sister's words and chose the beggar's chicken, but he didn't tell his father. Instead, he tore it off and fed him piece by piece while eating.

  Bai Jiuci also thought that he was filial, and he was too happy to miss Shu.

  Fang Yichen also brought a rabbit to You Qian, and the two of them sat there and ate.

  Uncle Long thought about it, and unexpectedly replaced the rabbit in his hand with a beggar's chicken.

  The last rabbit, Leng Qianxun gave it to 'Comma', otherwise, it wouldn't be full.

  Looking at them again, they all eagerly began to eat. It can be said that they wolfed down, and they didn't need to chew too much.

   "Hmm... girl, praise!" Bai Jiuci raised his thumb and didn't let it go, but he couldn't stop chewing.

   "It's delicious. The one that was grilled over fire is also delicious. This time it's tender and smooth. It's full of juice when you bite into it. The taste is different. Anyway, it's wonderful!" Uncle Long also provided a comment.

   "Sister, it's really delicious. It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious thing." Bai Heng looked at her with a look of admiration.

   "Well, it's really good." Ding Xuan almost ate the whole chicken.

  'Comma' even killed a rabbit with more than a dozen mouthfuls. After eating, he stared at the bones thrown on the ground and swallowed his saliva.

   Shu Youqian and Fang Yichen were more restrained, and now Youqian has eaten some food, and with the two pills given by Leng Qianxun just now, he has recovered in terms of strength.

  The wound on his hand is also slowly changing under the gauze, and his mouth has begun to dry and scab. It's just that he is tempted by the delicious food now, so he doesn't notice the change in his hand.

   Thank you local tyrant "Magic" for rewarding 100+100+100+100 book coins, thank you baby "Mingyue" for rewarding 100 book coins, school is about to start, you can go to school with peace of mind, I will wait for you to come back on Saturday. kisses!



  (end of this chapter)

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