Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1597: Kindness is like a mountain

  Chapter 1597 Kindness is like a mountain

Fang Yichen silently ate the rabbit meat in his hand. He had eaten all over the entire imperial city in the empire. He had never eaten rabbit meat that could be so tender and smooth. What reverberates is the refreshing fragrance, which is endless aftertaste.

  The eyes that looked at Leng Qianxun gradually changed from admiration to hotness, and finally he could only look away and dare not look any more, for fear that the image he had built up with great difficulty would be ruined in a moment of distraction.

  After eating, everyone chatted around the fire. They all wanted to know what kind of place Ghost Valley is?

   And who are there?

   What are they good at?

   "They are very powerful and can hide, so I'd better not talk nonsense, lest they hide behind me and don't know." Leng Qianxun made a gesture of wiping his neck, unwilling to say more.

   Seeing that she didn't say anything, everyone turned their attention to Master Bai's son Bai Heng. Wasn't he captured by the people of Ghost Valley? Didn't you grow up in Ghost Valley? What did he go through?

  Bai Heng shook his head without saying a word.

  Let’s not talk about the rules of the valley, you must not expose everything about the ghost valley in front of the world, even if the Lord has trained him, he will not betray the ghost valley.

   For him, it was his second hometown.

   Given the opportunity and ability, I will definitely come back to visit with my sister in the future.

  Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and look at the reactions of the two of them. How terrifying is this Ghost Valley? They even avoided talking about Leng Qianxun.

  Can't speak, have no topics to talk about, feel sleepy after dinner, and everyone falls asleep in Master Bai's formation.

   Youqian had slept for an hour before, so at this time he didn't feel sleepy at all, but he looked refreshed, better than ever, so tonight's security defense was entrusted to him.

  Seeing that Miss Leng fell asleep leaning on the tree, and Master Bai and his father and son also slept together, Fang Yichen slept near him, Ding Xuan slept near Leng Qianxun, and only Uncle Long was still adding firewood there.

   "Uncle Long, go to bed early, and I'll add firewood later."

   "Are you okay?" Don't think he doesn't know, when he sees the raspberries in his hand, he knows that picking them is not easy.

  He only studies antiques and concentrates on studying ancient tombs, but after dealing with these mountains for so many years, he still has some understanding of these common wild vegetables and fruits.

  In order to survive in the event of an accident in the wild, he still reads some herbal medicine books on "Compendium of Materia Medica" to get acquainted with nature, so as not to be trapped on the mountain one day and not know how to save himself.

   "It's okay." You Qian smiled slightly, looked up at Uncle Long sitting beside him, "Uncle Long isn't sleeping?"

   "I slept in the afternoon, I'm old, don't sleep too much, or I really think I'm dead." Speaking of this, I couldn't help but look back at Bai Jiuci, who was sleeping soundly.

  This person talks about 'death' all day long. Now that his son is back, will he be **** off when he mentions 'death'?

"Uncle Long, worry too much. A good man will live a long life." You Qian is grateful to Uncle Long. Without his leading the team this time, he would still live and die in those women's nests, and he would not be raped by Miss Leng. Save, so, he and Miss Leng are so kind to him.

   "Haha, please give me a good word." Uncle Long chuckled twice, everyone wanted to hear something nice, "It would be great if there was wine at this time."

   It’s been a long time since I’ve had a drink, and I miss it very much.

  (end of this chapter)

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