Rebirth Daughter Against the World

Chapter 1598: there will be a period later

  Chapter 1598 There will be a period later

   "Go back, I will honor you well." You Qian stared at him intently, and swore secretly.

   "Very good, very good." Uncle Long smiled, patted him on the shoulder, then got up and went back to sleep by the fire.

  Through this trip, although I didn’t see any rare treasures, I also gained a lot of things, which is gratifying.

   There is also a girl, is she not a thing in the pool?

   Next, wait and see.

  The sky was bright, and after Leng Qianxun gave them a bottle of spiritual water, he started on the road.

  Last night they were too full and greasy, and this morning when their mouths were short of water, Leng Qianxun gave them sweet spring again, making them feel even more happy.

   "Miss Leng, with you here, we don't have to worry about eating and drinking." Ding Xuan has endless aftertaste for the water in his mouth, although he doesn't know what it is? But it's really delicious, a bit like a certain drink. After drinking it, you will be full of energy and feel better.

   Others at the scene were also surprised where did she come from?

  Because, one has no bag, and the other has no bag.

  Suddenly always give them something unexpected.

  However, although they didn't understand in their hearts, they wouldn't ask her.

  Some things belong to other people's private affairs, and they don't have to tell you. At least, they can reach a tacit understanding now, which is the infinite trust in Leng Qianxun.

   Walking out of the mountain, when passing by the Tianwangzong, Leng Qianxun secretly sent Yan Tian out to the Tianwangzong to check the current situation.

  Empire, a group of people bid farewell here, Bai Heng wanted to follow him, but also wanted to follow Bai Jiuci.

   "Sister, please leave me a phone number, and I will find you when the time comes."

   "I don't have a phone, Master Bai, give me your phone number, and I can call Bai Heng when the time comes."

   "Okay." Master Bai took out a business card from his bag and handed it to her.

   "Sister, remember to call me." When Bai Heng was dragged away by Master Bai, he still didn't forget to turn around and remind her.

   "Understood, I will call you in two days." Leng Qianxun waved to him.

   "Girl, come and sit with me, so that you don't even know where I live." Long Shu also proposed an invitation. After a few days, I really can't bear to part with this girl.

  I was afraid that he was not worthy to be her relative, otherwise, he would be alone, and it would be rare for him to fall in love with her.

Leng Qianxun could see his thoughts from Long Shu's expression, but she was a person who was about to leave this plane. .

   "No, I still have something to do. After finishing it, I will visit you, the old man."

   "You girl, no matter how big or small, it's fine if you don't come, or you will be mad at you sooner or later." In the entire empire, only she dared to tease him like this.

  However, it warmed his heart.

   As the saying goes, the higher a person stands, the lonelier he will be. This is not without reason.

   "Don't worry, when I refine a hundred-year-old pill, I will definitely bring it to Fengfeng to meet you." After finishing speaking, Leng Qianxun waved to him, and his car came, telling him to get in the car quickly.

   "Remember what you said." Uncle Long knew that she would do what she said, and she had the courage to do so. With bitter eyes, he hurriedly lowered his head and got into the car, lest this girl see the joke.

   "Understood, bye!" Leng Qianxun pretended not to see, and waved at him easily.

   "Miss Leng, take care." You Qian thought that she didn't need him, so he didn't dare to speak. He opened the co-pilot and got in. Xiao Ding also smiled at him and nodded, and got into Uncle Long's car.

   "There will be a period later."

  (end of this chapter)

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