Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 288 The Last Era

The cold wind was howling outside, and the winter snow hadn't completely melted away, and it was piled up in the corner. This is not a big school, with only five or six big rooms. Tang Li was sitting in the main room in a daze at the moment. Xidi sat in the last seat, just like a schoolboy studying.

In front of him, there were already twenty-four people kneeling and waiting, as if they were waiting for someone. Among them were old and young, some were sitting upright, and some were holding books and reading silently.

Some of them are dressed in gorgeous clothes, some are wearing burlap clothes. Although it is cold outside, there is floor heating in the house, and the charcoal fire is burning under the interlayer, so that the students who are studying can study quietly.

But at the moment everyone is very serious, as if something will happen today.

"Where is this?"

There was blankness in Tang Li's eyes, he turned his head and looked outside the house. There was a not-so-tall sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard, which had just sprouted new buds.

The undulating houses in the distance are all covered with thatch. The style of the building looks old and reveals a barbaric atmosphere. It has the simplicity of the tribal era and the prosperity of the civilized era.

This is a period of drastic change, and the human race is moving from ignorance and barbarism to a new era.

The noise on the street is Xun language with ancient rhymes, the language closest to Lingyan, known as Yayan. In Tang Li's era, only the officials of the Qing clan, as well as the ancient Wuji family and monks knew how to speak it. This ancient Xun language.



The skin drum was beating loudly, and there were loud chants. Listening to it quietly, it seemed as if you could hear thousands of people dancing the sacrificial dance. Tang Li could even feel that they were walking forward at exaggerated steps. Carrying the tall statue of the witch god forward.

This sacrificial ceremony is full of wild atmosphere, and the sacrificial words all carry the heavy taste of vicissitudes.

"Heaven's destiny is in Xun! Birth comes from birth, and heaven has..." The dry and long voice of the witch sacrifice was sung, full of rhythm.

Tang Li sat on the ground. After hearing this sound, he felt as if his head was about to explode, and he immediately knew where it was.

"Da Huan!"


Tang Li said these two names almost word by word, as if these four words were extremely heavy.

He was born in the war-torn era of the kingdoms, but he had only heard about the long-extinct Dahuan Dynasty in books and legends, the dynasty that ruled the world and brought the human race out of the wild and ignorant to civilization. Every civilian in the war, They all miss the period that belonged to the Dahuan Dynasty.

Especially the disciples of Xuegong, each of them hated the actions of the last King Huan, and cursed King Huan who killed the last master of Xundu Xuegong, but they missed the prosperous and prosperous Dynasty country.

After uttering those two words, Tang Li turned his head like a conditioned reflex, and stared blankly at the twenty-four people sitting in front of him. Only then did he remember why this number was so familiar.

"Sage Feng who founded the academy and the disciples of the twenty-four sages!"

He looked at the backs of each of them, but recognized many people from them. Up to now, there are still portraits of them hanging in the Shangxian Academy and various branches of the Academy, and there are their god cards in the Confucian Temple, and even idol.

"This is the Xundu Academy, the Xundu Academy when Feng Sheng was still preaching!"

"Huan Wanghua Chronicles!"


At this moment, the side door was pushed open, and a young man wearing a master's robe came in with his hands tied, holding a roll of white jade slips in his hand. His face was as white as jade, and his long black hair was tied behind his head with a straw rope. He was tall but did not appear oppressive.

Looking at the familiar face, Tang Li couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and even his fingers trembled involuntarily.

Just like the one who passed by Gaoyang, the capital of the Gao Kingdom, in a carriage more than 20 years ago, he had exactly the same appearance and the same master's robe, but his eyes had become more profound and vicissitudes.

At this moment, Tang Li stood upright with excitement and trembling, and together with the ancient sages of the past, he listened to the sages on the stage imparting the principles of Taoism and morality. .

But Zhu Xian and Tang Li, who were sitting cross-legged in front of the desk, didn't notice that it was already getting dark outside.


Feng Sheng suddenly put down the jade slip in his hand, let out a long sigh, and turned his eyes to everyone below.

He glanced over and stared at everyone below, with wisdom and vicissitudes that penetrated the cycle of time in his gaze, as if at this moment, this gaze had seen through the life and destiny of everyone below.

"Teacher, preaching, teaching, and solving puzzles!"

"My way has been passed on to you and others. I hope you and others can make great Xundu Academy!"

Feng Sheng looked at a man sitting in the middle next to him, and smiled gratifiedly.

"Zhuang Li! After I go, you will be the next generation Master!"

Tang Li's eyes moved over immediately, staring at the young man who looked a little thin, and vaguely found the shadow of the old Zhuang Sheng in the portrait.

The young Zhuang Sheng immediately stepped forward, knelt down in front of Feng Sheng, took the Jade Slip of Preaching from his hand, and officially opened the era of Xundu Xuegong.

"Today, no matter if you hear any noise, don't come out!" After saying this, Feng Sheng gradually disappeared in front of the people like starlight. The twenty-four sages knelt and kowtowed together, and Tang Li couldn't help following Together.

"Farewell Master!" The twenty-four sages shouted together.

Tang Li was also very excited and shouted together, but when he stood up, he found that there was no one in the entire academy.


While Tang Li was at a loss, suddenly a mournful ghostly howl in the Xundu outside startled him, Tang Li looked outside, and saw a bloody light shooting up into the sky, instantly spreading to the entire Xundu.

Thousands of ghosts screamed in the sky, and thousands of ghosts and dead souls poured out from the earth.

Tang Li immediately thought of the Great Wuyun Rebellion recorded in Huan Wanghua's Benji. In the past, there was a great witch offering sacrifices named Yun, which caused chaos in the world. Hundreds of thousands of Li people were sacrificed to Wang Ji in order to live forever.

This scene recorded in the annals of history reappeared before his eyes.

He walked out of the yard, and suddenly saw another Fengsheng standing in front of the osmanthus tree in the yard, as if waiting for him.

Feng Sheng turned his head and looked at Tang Li: "Tang Li, in the past Huan Wanghua used great perseverance to drive away demons and alien races, conquered east and west for decades, and finally unified the world."

"And now, Da Huan has also perished for a hundred years, and all these disturbances will lead to the end of the world.

"You, what choice should you make?"

Tang Li saluted respectfully: "Why did Sheng Sheng teach me? Who is the real dragon in this world? Who has the destiny to rule the world?"

Feng Sheng laughed loudly, looked at Tang Li: "Destiny?"

"Where does the destiny come from in this world! Even if there is a real destiny, it can't match the aspirations of the people, the great momentum."

"It's like you are in charge of a school. You naturally choose the person you think can stabilize the world and end this chaotic world. This person is the real dragon and the destiny."

Tang Li bowed down, "The students are taught!"

"Tang Li will definitely end this chaotic world, let the school stand again in this world, and create a new prosperous world."

Feng Sheng looked at Xundu in the distance outside, and Huan Wanghua was just like that back then, full of vigor and majesty.

"When this troubled world settles down and the prosperous age comes, I will personally welcome you!"

"At that time, you will be the fifth saint of Wen Dao!"

When Tang Li raised his head, he saw that there was only one sweet-scented osmanthus tree left in front of him, but at this moment, the new buds had already bloomed and developed flowers.

At this time, above the sky of Xundu, a god emperor wearing a majestic emperor's crown robe and a dragon crown, with a face as white as crown jade, flew across the sky in a bronze chariot pulled by eight dragon horses. , the emperor exuded endless power, his star-like eyes swept across, and everything surrendered under his gaze.

Thousands of Yin soldiers and Yin generals followed the bronze chariot. The Yin soldiers wore armor and held sharp weapons, and they were like clouds covering the sky, heading towards the sky.

Follow their emperor to the unknown and mysterious underworld.

The world collapsed completely when the emperor passed by with tens of thousands of ghostly soldiers. Tang Li opened his eyes and found that he was still in the local Shangxian Academy, holding a scroll of Fenghuang in his hand. Holy Preaching.

"Emperor Longqiu!"

"Huan Wanghua!"

"It's really a magnificent era!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Li's mouth, and he carefully put the volume of evangelism into the bookshelf, and strode outside.

Because he is confident that he can create a new world that is not inferior to the Huan Dynasty, so that hundreds of millions of people in future generations will remember his name like praising Huan Wanghua.

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