Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 289: End of Troubled Times

In the name of supporting Jigu, the former son of the Gao Kingdom, King Shao launched a war of annihilation against Hongguo. An army of 400,000 troops attacked Hongguo, and it was expected to destroy and annex Hongguo within a year.

Shao Wang Cheyan wanted to destroy Hongguo at the same time when Panguo fell and annexed Zhengguo, and finally formed a north-south situation with Panguo.

In less than half a year, Hongguo lost most of its territory. Shaoguo conquered 27 cities, and a large number of officials from the Qing clan who were loyal to the former Gaoguo dukes, or who were more optimistic about Shaoguo, led their territories to surrender to Shaoguo. , together with the gods behind these families of officials of the Qing family, also surrendered to the country of Shao, and a large number of practitioners and generals were unwilling to fight for the evil.

The entire Hongguo army was defeated like a mountain, unable to resist the advance of Shaoguo soldiers, if it wasn't for Eihong's hundreds of thousands of troops and tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry, the country would have been wiped out by the Shaoguo.

However, they were still unable to resist the Shao Kingdom, and the army was about to hit Gaoyang, the capital of Hongguo. Such a corrupt situation scared the aristocratic families in Gaoyang City to flee one after another.

The Hong Kingdom is about to be destroyed, but when Ji Gu, the son of the Gao Kingdom in the past, attended a banquet, the proud son of the Shao State asked the son Ji Gu to play the piano for him, and humiliated the son Ji Gu in public. Not bowing his head to the teenage son of Shao Guo, full of grief and indignation, he left before the banquet was over.

Later, it was told that Shao Kingdom would completely annex Hongguo, and the so-called helping him restore the country was just a pretense. After King Shao decided to destroy Hongguo, his son Jigu would be killed together with the rest of the former Gaoguo government. Annexing Hongguo and turning it into the territory of Shaoguo, the majestic high-ranking government, even the descendants of Dahuan in the past, could not be reduced to the end.

The son Jigu was filled with grief and anger, and he woke up like a dream overnight. Regardless of whether the news was true or not, just looking at the attitude of the Duke of Shao, his dream of restoring the country had already come to nothing.

His hair turned white overnight, but the next day, people gathered a full hall of guests in the capital of King Shao, full of drunkards, and clouds of beautiful women.

String and bamboo wind music, and the sound of the qin, that young master Ji Gu seemed to be really intoxicated in this last prosperity.

Young Master Ji Gu raised his wine glass and shouted: "I heard that Tang Li, a living sage, once said that I have a big heart, but I am actually a mountain pheasant."

"Let everyone here have a look today! Is it a swan or a pheasant in my heart!"

After finishing speaking, the young master Jigu untied his luxurious robe, took out a short dagger, and cut open his chest to take out his heart.

The young master Ji Gu, who was born in the blood of gods and demons, even if he lost his heart, blood flowed all over the ground and stained his clothes, he still couldn't die immediately, but instead held his heart and uttered a final mournful laugh.

"It turns out that it's just a mortal heart!" The hot blood kept falling from his palm, but Ji Gu could only feel a piece of ice cold.

After finishing speaking, the former Gao Guogong fell to the ground in an instant, dying of breathlessness.

Rumors spread everywhere, and the world was in an uproar. Twenty-seven cities that had surrendered to the Shao Kingdom saw the fate of the young master Ji Gu, causing another turmoil overnight.

Several cities changed their banners again, and the families of officials and officials no longer believed in Shao's promises, and there were repetitions again, and even directly criticized Shao for forcing Gao's son Jigu to death.

Shaoguo's hundreds of thousands of troops fell into the puddle of Hongguo's mud, coupled with Panguo's continuous support, the destruction of Hongguo became out of reach from within reach.

At this time Tang Li, the master of Pucheng Shangxian Academy, came out with the Jade Slip of Preaching, and threw the Jade Slip of Preaching on the bank of the Li River. A red dragon broke through the water and headed for the capital of Pan Kingdom with his wife Tang Li. .

When the dragon passed through the sky of the Pan Kingdom, you could see the Lord of Earth and Water escorting it all the way. When it arrived at the capital of the Pan Kingdom, the gates of the capital were opened wide, and the dragon turned into a dragon horse and carried his master Tang Li all the way through Xuanling Street.

Prince Pan walked out of the main hall to greet him, awarded his wife Tang Li the position of Sikong among the six ministers, and conferred the entire land to Tang Li, becoming Tang Li's fiefdom.

When the Kingdom of Zheng was destroyed, Jiaolong and his wife Tang Li went to the Palace of the King of Strider. At this time, the Kingdom of Strider was also under the attack of the Kingdom of Shao for many years, and it seemed extremely weak. It's them.

That night, the Duke of Strider and his master Tang Li talked at night, with the momentum of a great victory, coupled with the influence of the power of the Strider's domestic school, the next day, the Kingdom of Strider announced its surrender to the Pan Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Pan retained the title of Duke of the Strider.

As for the Li country, which is located between the Pan country and the Strider country, because it lived in a corner before and recuperated for many years, its strength has not declined like that of the Zheng and Bai countries because of repeated wars with each other, and it is not like the neighboring powerful country like the Strider country, which is attacked every year. , the strength still remains, so I still have the heart to rely on natural dangers and stick to it, and I want to sit back and watch the battle between Pan and Shao.

However, when the army of the Pan Kingdom arrived at the gate, they were besieged by both the Pan Kingdom and the Strider. They did not persist for a month. The army had already reached the capital of the kingdom. Welcome the army of Pan Kingdom to enter the city.

As the army of the Pan Kingdom marched into the capital of the Li Kingdom, the leader of the Li Kingdom had no choice but to lead the horse for the general of the Pan Kingdom with his bare arms. At this point, the Li Kingdom was declared dead.

Afterwards, Pan Kingdom rested for a year, but the war between Hongguo and Shaoguo still hadn't ended. Seeing the situation, King Shao had to end this war, which was originally defined as a war of extermination of the country.

During this year, the lord of the Pan Kingdom died of illness, and the son took over the throne and became the King of Pan, and worshiped his wife Tang Li as his tutor.

In the next year, King Pan led a large army to attack Shao Guo with 500,000 soldiers from the whole country.

Pan State's army went straight to the border of Shao State, defeated Shao State with an unstoppable force, broke through Changdi in a few days, broke through Tengguan in January, went all the way down the Teng River, and reached the capital of Shao State in a few months.

Shao Guo opened up a large formation to defend, and hundreds of thousands of people surrounded the capital of Shao Guo. They attacked continuously for several months, but they still couldn't break through the fortified city.

In the end, Tang Li, the Grand Tutor of the Pan Country, took action himself, holding the Jade Slips of Evangelism in the sky and turning it into the image of a saint, and blasted away the large formation protecting the city with one blow.

The sound of the city breaking down already announced the end of this troubled world.

It's just that after the army entered the city, they did not find Che Yan, king of Shao, nor the rumored Donglong Ding, the god of the town of Shao, which disappeared with King Shao and became a legend.

The state of Shao was also destroyed, leaving only the state of Hong.

Hongguo, Gaoyang City!

In the gorgeous and extravagant palace, dozens of beautiful dancers danced to the sound of chime bells and string music. The scene of extravagance, on the contrary, is filled with a heavy twilight, like the last flashback before the subjugation of the country.

Sitting on the throne was an old man with one and a half feet in the coffin, his gray hair was dry and decayed, but his eyes were extremely sharp, like a man-eating tiger, full of evil spirit.

Even though he was very old at this moment, the madness and unruliness revealed in his bones remained undiminished at all.

"Even if I can't live forever, I still want everyone in the world to remember my name!"

"Even if! It's a notoriety that will last forever!"

"In this way, it is not in vain to come to this world for a while!"

King Hong Ehong was old, and he felt that he could no longer compete for the world, let alone complete the feat of proving the status of emperor after death. After living for two hundred years, there is nothing in this world that Ehong should be nostalgic for.

Eihong turned into a great demon, showing his final madness, and blood flowed into rivers throughout the palace.

Then a fire burned the entire Gaoyang City into white ground, and burned all the prosperity and romance of the hundreds of years, and the historical heritage of the Gao Kingdom.

And he sat quietly on the throne of the palace, and in the sea of ​​flames, he stepped into the end with this ancient capital, and with him, there were thousands of souls in the palace and the capital.

King Pan sent envoys to Gaoyang, the capital of Hongguo, but before the envoys arrived at Gaoyang, the city of Gaoyang had already turned into a sea of ​​flames. Yangcheng has been turned into a piece of ruins.

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