Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 502 Familiar God

Fang Xiu watched a few performances from various races from endless time and space on the golden moon ship. Among them, there was a bunch of qin performances by the elves. Full of flowers and gushing vine rhizomes.

There are also the dark symphony of the clown demon clan, the abyss solo, which can seduce the strongest evil thoughts and desires in the hearts of people and gods, and the alchemy puppet show of the goblin mechanical theater.

There is also a drama performed by the protoss with a thousand miles of starry sky as the stage. At the beginning of the creation, the goblin candy house temporarily opened up a candy world with a space garden.

What Fang Xiu saw was not only the performance, but also the strange powers of these races. Each ancient race has different powers, and each represents a change of the original law and the truth, the devil's sinful wish , Goblin's alchemy secrets, protoss' evolution of all things, goblin's space witchcraft and so on.

Only here can one see such a miraculous and exquisite performance, which made Fang Xiu amazed and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Fang Xiu created the Immortal World, although it is also grand, with many races, which are different from all time and space, but there are not many races and lives that really involve and control the power of the original law.

This trip to Clock City broadened Fang Xiu's horizons and saw a broader side of endless time and space. After he returned, the world under Fang Xiu's control might undergo different changes.

"La la la! La la la!" Walking out of the starry sky theater, Roster Joel, the wind crow, was still immersed in the sweet singing of the gorgeous big goblin, watching hundreds of big goblins create a large space garden out of thin air , and then re-enact the rules and laws to derive, paired with joyful and long-lasting music and singing, it is really unforgettable.

Fang Xiu looked at Feng Crow: "Isn't this your hometown? Why are you so excited and excited? Haven't you seen it before?"

Wind Crow recalled his hard times, and then looked at his poor bag: "It costs money, the ticket costs 1,000 Spirits of Time, how could I afford it before, let alone sitting on the highest place closest to Look at the great goblin's starry sky seat."

The wind crow looked at a female elf in front, the eighth-rank grand arcanist walked out of the grand theater, wearing a colorful and streamlined luxurious robe, followed by a large group of mythical-level followers and gods, even the female attendant beside him They are all median myths.

In the distance, a space dragon with beautiful silver dragon scales was parked in the distance with a chain on it, and a palace was carried on the dragon's back. Everyone left in a mighty way, flying towards the colorful planet below.

One person and one crow stood in front of the starry sky theater, watching the beautiful female elf grand arcanist leave, Feng Crow sighed in particular.

"Hey! My Majesty Fang Xiu, look at the others, an eighth-rank great arcanist, surrounded by a large group of followers of high-level mythology and middle-level mythology, and the low-level mythology is not even qualified to lead a mount."

"You are also a Lord God anyway, why did you come here alone? Look at you, if you didn't come down from the Eternal Floating Void City, no one would know that you are the Lord of Time and Space, Your Majesty the Great Lord God."

Fang Xiu said expressionlessly: "I am who I am, and nothing external can change my essence."

"Even if I wear the cheapest and plainest white robe, I don't bring a single entourage, and I walk on the streets like a mortal. No matter whether they look at me high or low, I am the master of time and space."

"And they, even if they wear the most expensive divine clothes, sit high on the divine throne and be worshiped by hundreds of millions of believers, they still cannot control their own destiny in the end."

"God is noble because of power, not gorgeous appearance."

It was only then that Rost Joel, the Wind Crow, recalled that the real master of time and space in front of him was about to participate in the Clock City Conference and decide the fate of billions of mythical races in endless time and space.

Indeed, as he said, at their level, are those external things still important? Even the eighth-level true gods, mythological wizards, and arcanists are no different from dust in their eyes. Even the entire world and time and space may be objects that can be discarded or reconstructed at will in their eyes. The wind crow has not heard much about it, the master of destiny in the city of destiny that he passed by before, is such an existence.

Fang Xiu looked at the great elf arcanist indifferently. If I had a large group of servants of upper and middle gods, I would have brought them out a long time ago. If I had a floating city and a teleportation gate of ultra-distance space, I would have used it a long time ago. you say?

At this time, a silver space steam train came across the space from the starry sky and stopped on the square. The Wind Crow Messenger, who was wearing a transformation cloak before, recovered his body at this moment, and opened the door with the train commissioner's cap.

The wind crow with a hat shouted loudly: "Your Majesty! Your special train has arrived, and we will take you on a tour of the entire Crow's Nest world."

The silver train descended from the golden crescent, passed through the atmosphere, passed through the sea of ​​clouds, and headed for the continent below.

On the surface of the sea, one can see huge bottles floating one after another, containing ancient sailing ships, swaying with the waves.

One after another, white giant whales fly in the sea of ​​clouds, passing through the sky quietly, making melodious and pleasant sounds.

Thousands of miles above the land is a sea of ​​golden flowers. As the train passes through the sea of ​​flowers, the wind that blows blows all the golden flowers like waves. At this time, these flowers open their mouths one by one, singing A nursery rhyme was played, and the whole world of flowers transformed into a beautiful dream.

Passing through the golden sea of ​​flowers, on the green plain in the distance, there are giant trees that form forests of individual trees, and the crowns of the trees are spherical. Each ball house is the nest of a wind crow.

There are no buildings on the crow's nest, but there are beautiful scenery everywhere. The beauty is like heaven on earth.

Above the sky here, a heaven-like temple floats above the blue sky, and wind crows carrying postal bags keep flying from the crow's nest, towards the temple like the temple of the kingdom of heaven. Go, receive their missions, go to various places in endless time and space, and complete their missions.

This is the Temple of the Messenger. Fang Xiu brought Roster Joel here to fulfill his original promise and solve the space-time arrest warrant on him.

On the Temple of Heaven where the crows were waiting in line, Fang Xiu passed the pure white corridor and the sea of ​​clouds, but he did not expect to meet a familiar aura here.

At the end of the sea of ​​clouds, a god handed a letter to a crow god. He was wearing a silver robe with a typical wizard style, and he also had a symbol like a clock city symbol on his back.

As if feeling Fang Xiu's gaze, the other party turned around, looked at Fang Xiu, and recognized him at a glance.

"Hello, Your Majesty No. 22856, we really met at this space-time management meeting."

Only then did Fang Xiu understand why this person had an aura that he was familiar with. This person, who was obviously at the level of the main god, was the time and space ruler he knew at first, but what he saw at that time was only a person from another time and space. The projected mythical phantom, but what you see at this time is His true face.

"Who are you?"

"The one who gave me the ring of the saint back then, No. 12568."

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