Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 503 The Artifact of the Creator

"So that's the case! You are not a newly born ruler of time and space. I didn't realize it at the time, but after thinking about it, your time and space serial number is 20,000, and you were born later than me. Among them, they are also the group of people at the front, so this should not happen.”

"Reshaping space and counter-current time. I have heard of someone doing it. Everyone who can do this must be a time-space ruler who has mastered the laws of space-time to the limit."

Next to the Messenger Temple, above the sea of ​​clouds, the two rulers of time and space were communicating about the laws of time and space and the rules of the perfect world. Finally, they came from another time and space. The main god named Light of Truth looked at Fang Xiu: "You Do you think that the former self found this long journey of life boring, so he chose to start over?"

Fang Xiu thought for a while: "Isn't that so?"

The sorcerer stream ruler Light of Truth in a silver robe laughed: "Of course!"

Fang Xiu didn't understand why, was this main god just to make fun of himself? But the god went on: "It's just more than that."

He seemed to have a deep understanding, and sighed in a tone full of vicissitudes: "After all, if you are not tired of this long and monotonous journey of life, who would give up memory and everything and start over?"

"However, every main god who chooses to go back in time has reached the limit and end of his power. He is the most powerful ruler of time and space. They have mastered the limits of the laws they can master, and they have seen their own end."

Finally, he stared at Fang Xiu: "There is no hope, so I choose to start over."

"Then in a new beginning, explore your own new limits."

Fang Xiu heard different opinions and was very interested: "You mean that the main god who chooses to go back in time is not only to choose to start again, but also to choose to explore a higher peak from another starting point?"

The Light of Truth waved the silver robe: "Of course."

Fang Xiu's eyes shone brightly: "So, do space-time rulers also have strengths and weaknesses?"

The Light of Truth nodded: "Of course! The existence of ordinary main gods will basically grasp all the laws of material space and time, and understand all material changes in a time and space."

"Whether it is the sky, the earth, the ocean or everything we imagine, we can create it out of thin air, create life and races, and the illusion becomes reality, so we are called the main gods, because we have mastered all The laws of matter."

"Going a step further, there are the ancient time-space rulers whose serial numbers rank in the top tens of thousands. They began to trace the origin of space-time and master the original laws of space and time. They can destroy time-space at will, reshape the crystal wall system, reverse the The river of time, this is the real master of time and space."

Fang Xiu heard so many core secrets belonging to the ruler of time and space, and felt a little excited. Such an existence is the master of time and space in his mind, the omnipotent god.

The Light of Truth continued: "In the third stage, when you really start to understand and master the origin and all laws of time and space, some ancient time and space rulers began to try to give up and get rid of the shackles of their own time and space, and get rid of the limitations of the laws of time and space. , creating its own laws.”

"Not only do they have the main god's artifact, the Clock of Time and Space, they are also recreating the laws. When they create the kingdom, they will build a second main god-level artifact."

"For example, the Nightmare Lord, the Eye of Chaos, the Shadow Lord, and many other rulers who reopened the kingdom in the dimensional world belong to this step."

"I named it Light of Truth because I also hope to take this step. You may have been like me, an ancient time and space ruler, and you are also stuck in the third stage."

"This step is really too difficult. I am also stuck at this step and have not made any progress. Maybe I should go back in time and start again like you. Maybe the new me has a new idea and a new future."

The Light of Truth, who was wearing a silver wizard robe, also showed embarrassment at this time, even as the master of time and space, there are places beyond his power.

After listening to the light of truth, Fang Xiu immediately thought of the Lord of Destiny. This person should be the ruler of time and space in the third stage he mentioned. The Book of Fate imprinted into the Shadow Realm from a high-level dimension should be Him. The second main god artifact created.

Sure enough, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. Fang Xiu knew nothing at the beginning, and it was ridiculous to speculate on the behavior of these space-time rulers at will.

However, I knew the Lord of Destiny a long time ago. From what he said, I was not an ordinary Lord God before. Could it be that I am not an ancient level time and space ruler, but have entered the third stage?

Fang Xiu thought a lot for a while, what did he want to do when he returned back in time? What kind of secret is hidden in his body?

For a moment, Fang Xiu was confused, and Fang Xiu couldn't make sense of it. The time and space of the earth seemed to hide countless secrets, and his body seemed to be covered with fog, so Fang Xiu couldn't see everything clearly.

"But this is not the limit!" The Light of Truth continued at this time.

Fang Xiu raised his head all of a sudden, and asked in surprise, "What else?"

The Light of Truth nodded: "Did you know? At the beginning, there was no Clock City, and all the time and space rulers of the main god rank controlled their own worlds, and they rarely had contact with each other."

"It wasn't until the clock city appeared that there was a space-time management meeting that opened every thousand standard times, and then there were time-space management laws."

Fang Xiu looked dignified and serious: "How did Clock City appear?"

The Light of Truth looked deep into the starry sky, at the origin of time and space: "Because someone got the artifact of creation."

Fang Xiu felt a little unbelievable: "The artifact of creation?"

The Light of Truth said affirmatively: "That's right, according to legend, the oldest world tree and the creation stone of all laws are engraved, and through one of the artifacts left by the Creator, the location of the origin of time and space was found. "

"This ancient ruler of time and space occupied this place, and finally built Clock City, and established the order of endless time and space."

"He is the light of Symmetra, master of an artifact left by the Creator."

"Every clock city meeting before was held by him, and then all time and space rulers discussed together, but now he is basically invisible, and he has not been seen in the last thousand clock city meetings. "

Fang Xiu immediately paid attention to the key point in the master's myth: "One of the artifacts left by the creator? So there are others?"

The Light of Truth nodded: "The legend is so! But I have only seen the Creation Tablet and the name of another Creator artifact."

"The original mythical host - the Orb of Time and Space."

"It is said that all our main gods were born because of this artifact of the Creator, but no one has ever seen it. Some people say that it is hidden in the time and space of the oldest first few sequences of the endless void, and some people say that it is hidden in the Creator. In the kingdom, some people say that it is in the hands of a certain first-generation main god."

The Light of Truth spread his hands: "Who knows? It must have existed so long ago."

To be able to make this kind of main god who has existed for an unknown number of years say the word long ago, Fang Xiu knew that this time may have exceeded his imagination.

At this time, a huge vortex suddenly opened up in the sky, and a giant of mythical elements leaned out from above, and handed a letter condensed by numerous rune laws into his hand.

Fang Xiu saw that after he took it, the letter disappeared in a flash of light, but his face became very ugly.

Fang Xiu immediately asked, "Did something happen?"

The Light of Truth nodded: "The clock city seems to be delayed? It is said that it is because Symmetra has reappeared, but there seems to be something wrong there."

"I'll leave first. If there is a chance, we can meet again next time."

After speaking, the main god waved his hand and tore open a huge door of space. The back of the door was full of silver light, revealing an illusory and hazy scene, and then he stepped in and disappeared.

Although Fang Xiu didn't know what happened, but from this conversation, he learned so many ancient secrets of endless time and space, so that he is still immersed in it and has not recovered.

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