Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 505: Chaos

This scene is exactly what the clock of time and space was summoned by at least tens of thousands of main gods, and there may be more at the end of the starry sky that Fang Xiu cannot see. Skipping the starry sky created such a terrifying scene.

"What's going on? What are they doing?"

Fang Xiu's face was extremely solemn, all the clocks of time and space stayed at the gate of dimension, at this moment so many main gods summoned their own original artifacts, it must be because of some kind of accident happened in the distance.

This terrible change forced the time and space rulers to call the clock of time and space one after another, which is enough to imagine that it must not be an ordinary event.

The entire Crow's Nest was in chaos. The Crow's Nest Star was fixed by more than a dozen main gods and Crow Gods. You could see tens of millions of crows, goblins, elves, goblins, sea monsters, etc. Fleeing outside.

Floating towers rose from the ground, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds and ascending to the starry sky, and floating continents turned and fled towards the distance.

The demiplane in the bottle rose up from the sea swaying, and young sirens spied the outside world lying in giant bottles hundreds of kilometers across.

The major temples of the Fengya clan also sounded their alarm bells one after another. Thousands of Fengya gathered towards the temples, forming black floating clouds, covering the entire sea of ​​clouds.

Tens of thousands of space-time clocks rang, tearing the starry sky vertically and horizontally. This was an event that had never been encountered since the birth of Clock City. There seemed to be some kind of wrong rhythm contained in the rapid and chaotic bells.

The major mythological races living in the clock city universe, the myths and true gods left over from ancient times, felt that something was wrong, and began to leave the crow's nest star, and began to return to their hometown or go to the star field and star of their own race.

Fang Xiu directly stepped on the Floating Void City, and the tower spirit silver on the tower of myth also suddenly appeared. At this moment, the tower spirit was also extremely flustered. As soon as Fang Xiu appeared, he immediately rushed to Fang Xiu.

"In the end what happened?"

Fang Xiu asked, this pagoda spirit born in Clock City, he thought it must know something.

Ta Lingyin looked at the starry sky helplessly at this moment, and the storm that the Time-Space Clock passed through and the space crack that was born still hadn't subsided: "I don't know either! Your Majesty, I can't contact Clock City, or even the original coordinate imprint. It's all lost."

Standing on the top of the central tower of mythology, Fang Xiu watched the giant towers of temples stand tall in the entire floating city, and the magic energy spread along the network, converging into a mythical kingdom and covering the entire floating city.

He is also hesitating what to do next, follow the track of the clock of time and space to watch what happened? Still feel that the limelight is not right and run away immediately?

"Anyway, first summon the Clock of Time and Space."

The other time-space rulers ignored the image and directly summoned the clock of time-space violently. Fang Xiu didn't have to worry about anything, and immediately hooked up with his original artifact and pulled it from the distant star field light-years away.



At this time, Fang Xiu heard a strange sound, as if the horn of a god was blown.

Fang Xiu turned his head and immediately saw that the golden moon ship that was originally orbiting the crow's nest planet was activated at this moment.

This is the supreme artifact of the Fengya clan. According to legend, it is an artifact left over from the beginning of the world. It has all kinds of powerful powers. It has never been activated for hundreds of millions of years. It was established in Clock City, and the Fengya clan migrated on this golden moon boat. After arriving here, it has been regarded as a starry sky giant port, and has never moved again.

Ta Lingyin of Floating Void City also seemed to be stunned: "How could it be? The Golden Moon was activated?"

"What does the Wind Crow Clan want to do? Do they want to give up the Crow's Nest?"

The giant mythical ship like a planet moved, and a crow god on the crow's nest planet boarded the golden moon ship with tens of millions of crows.

After the cabin was opened, Fang Xiu looked in through the door that looked like a giant door in the starry sky, and he could see that there was sky and earth inside the cabin, and the inside of the hull was a large demiplane, enough to accommodate all the crows to enter.

One temple after another flew from the planet Crow's Nest and entered the golden moon ship. In an instant, the star of Crow's Nest, which was like a paradise and a fairyland, was demolished. All lost their color.

However, when all the wind crows were rushing to evacuate, one wind crow broke through the space, approached the edge of the mythical kingdom of the floating city, flapped its wings and kept turning around outside the mythical realm of the floating city.

Fang Xiu and Ta Lingyin discovered it immediately, and immediately opened the mythical realm to let it enter the interior.

As soon as Rost Joel the Wind Crow came in, he shouted with a voice like a broken gong: "Go quickly! Go!"

"If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

Fang Xiu and Ta Lingyin stared at him intently. Wind Crow Roster Joel seemed to be terrified. The entire crow's nest began to evacuate. The sight of the Golden Moon starting to transfer made this Wind Crow also become Overwhelmed.

"Run away! What are you two looking at me for?"

Fang Xiu asked: "You are running around without thinking! Tell me first what's going on?"

Feng Ya breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Fang Xiu. The entire Crow's Nest was in chaos just now. The Crow's Nest Kingdom seemed to be a scene of doomsday, and he was extremely nervous with it. At this moment, he was standing in the floating city and the lower body of a main god. At last, there is some bottom line.

Feng Ya said immediately: "The oracle just came from the kingdom of the Crow God, and all the Feng Ya clan boarded the Golden Moon and left the clock city universe."

Fang Xiu asked: "Where are the Wind Crows going? What happened?"

"The Kingdom of the Crow God decided to drive the Golden Moon to time and space 000093, which is the world of the ruler of time and space, the Arcane Spirit. The Kingdom of God announced that the Golden Moon will go there."

"I don't know exactly what happened, but it must be a big event. The Crow God Kingdom has given up here."

"Your Majesty! Let's not stay any longer, let's run!"

Wind Crow Roster Joel may be very shy at ordinary times, but Fang Xiu knows this guy's background. When he was caught before, this guy gave up everything when he was scared. He was as timid as a mouse.

Surprised by the chaotic scene at this moment, he immediately thought of running away.

Fang Xiu said with some amusement: "Oh! Are you going to go back with me?"

The wind crow sat on the ground with its paws split apart, its wings collapsed, and said in frustration: "The crow's nest is all gone, instead of going to the world of arcane spirits, I might as well go back with you, at least your I'm still familiar with it."

Fang Xiu nodded: "The situation is a bit wrong, but wait for a while, I have summoned the clock of time and space."

Fang Xiu looked at the large portal in the starry sky. The densely packed floating towers, witchcraft gardens and airships were all blocked in front of the giant starry sky gate. It seemed that there was something wrong with this portal. The large portals for domain navigation cannot be activated at this moment.

"There seems to be a problem with the portal. It's useless to be anxious now. When the clock of time and space arrives, we will directly tear the space and go to the gate of dimension star field."

"Before that, let's wait and see what happened in Clock City?"

Fang Xiu remembered what he said when the Light of Truth left. He said that the Light of Order, who had mastered the Creator's artifact and built the Clock City, had reappeared. Could it have something to do with this?

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