Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 506 The Battle of the Lord God

At the center of the clock city universe, densely packed clocks of various colors hang in the starry sky at this moment, like shining stars, elongated and twinkling lights completely illuminate this star field.

Underneath is a huge silver hole that continuously shoots beams of source light outward. The diameter can only be calculated in light years. Facing the vast silver hole and beam of light, everything in the endless time and space seems to be eclipsed in front of it.

This is the source of endless time and space, where everything begins—the origin of time and space.

But at this moment, the beam of source quality light that runs through the entire center of Clock City is slowly extinguishing.

In it, the chaotic worms that continuously devoured the beam of source light and sneaked into the void along with the light, let out a mournful cry as the beam of light went out. Made a corpse floating in the starry sky.

The origin of the entire space-time seems to be collapsing, and it seems to be shrinking. The entire universe and starry sky around it are decaying, and the space is in an unstable state.

The Creation Slab supported the Clock City and floated from the origin of time and space, and the phantom of the god appeared from above the Clock City. This was a god wearing a golden cloak. No face could be seen inside the cloak, only a vertical line The light flickered inside, and it seemed that the golden vertical eyes were looking out from inside the cloak.

The moment it appeared, one figure after another appeared on the densely packed clocks of time and space hanging in the starry sky.

Each of them is the master of a time and space, and each figure is the main god who has ruled the gods since ancient times and stands tall on the peak of endless time and space.

Hundreds of thousands of Lord Gods appeared at this moment, looking at the Lord on the slab of creation below. The vast gods and the Lords of the heavens stared at the light of order as if they were judging sinners.

The Lord of Symmetra above Clock City, the vertical eye-like rays of light in the golden cloak swept towards the heavens and the main gods.

At this moment, it was as if he was an enemy of the whole world.

In the void, a huge black phantom attached to the black clock of time and space twisted, and black smoke was constantly emitting from its body. The smoke seemed to come from nothingness, born out of thin air, continuous and constantly changing Distorting the laws of the world around you.

At this moment, the black phantom of the Hengli starry sky made a sound, and at the same time as the sound appeared, it swallowed up the surrounding light, causing the blackness to continue to spread: "Symme! What do you want to do? Why close the origin of time and space, you Didn't know this would cause all space-time to be disconnected from the origin of space-time."

"At that time, all the gods will gradually lose their power, and there will be no new chaos worms and new time and space born."

"Endless space-time will begin to shrink and collapse until everything returns to nothingness."

The golden light in Symmetra's cloak continued to elongate, and then suddenly bounced back, shaking out a golden halo that spread out hundreds of millions of miles along the void of the universe.

"I went into the origin of time and space, trying to find the Creator."

A word from Symmetra caused the clock of time and space in the entire starry sky to ring crazily. The main gods couldn't believe it, and looked at Symmetra like a madman. The gods listed in the void, one by one Questions and roars were issued.

"What do you see?"

"What exactly is within the origin of time and space?"

"No one has ever dared to enter the depths. Even the Eternal Master will get lost in it and cannot return."

"Have you seen the Creator?"

"The Creator is asleep, no one can see Him, how can you see the real Creator?"

One after another overlapping questioning intertwined in the void universe, and different voices exploded in the sky like thunder of divine punishment. At the level of the main god, even every move and sound will lead to the synchronization of the world's laws.

Symmetra raised his hand: "I am looking for the ultimate mystery of endless time and space, the origin of everything, and the meaning of our existence."

"And all these, only the Creator can give us the answer."

"My brothers and sisters, don't you want to meet the Lord who created everything, our great father, and ask him why he created us, and what is the meaning of all this?"

"Abandon this illusory dream, and follow me to witness a new future."

"The moment the endless space-time begins to collapse into nothingness, the Creator will wake up from his deep sleep. That will be the end of everything, and it will also be a new beginning."

Symmetra's remarks caused the entire void to stagnate, and then all the masters spoke out, as if a new space-time meeting had started again, but all the rulers were against this great master who established Clock City.




"The moment the Creator wakes up, the endless time and space will collapse in an instant, and all creatures and gods, including us, will also perish in an instant."

"What do you want to see? You can't see anything."

Symmetra was silent for a long time: "The origin of time and space is being closed. I, who is in charge of the creator's slate, can control the origin of time and space. Is no one willing to stand with me?"

On a chaotic and distorted clock, a black and white light hole looked at Symmetra: "You will not succeed! You are not the only one who has mastered the artifact left by the Creator. The sage of the White Tower learned that you are going to seal time and space." Origin, has rushed back from the depths of the endless void with the staff of the magic net."

"We will seal you into the origin of time and space, and you will be imprisoned at the origin of time and space forever, wandering in that emptiness and confusion of origin, and finally lose yourself."

At this time, the wall of time and space above the head was suddenly swallowed by black, a large star field collapsed and destroyed, and an extremely terrifying staff pierced in from a dimension outside the Clock City universe.

A majestic voice came in from outside, resounding in the hearts of all the masters, and at the same time exerted infinite pressure on Symmetra.

"I will replace the origin of time and space with the staff of the magic net to maintain the connection between the origin of time and space and endless time and space."

"Symme, you've lived too long, you're tired, go into an endless sleep!"

Symmetra looked at the staff protruding from the void, which seemed to cut off half of the clock city universe. The cornerstones of laws continued to grow in the void, and the tree of world origin that traversed the universe starry sky appeared from the void.

This ancient world tree, the cornerstone of law spanning countless epochs, reappeared in this clock of endless time and space, and collided with the staff of the magic net.

For a moment, you can't see the light, you can't see everything.

As if a terrifying point was born there, it spread and devoured everything, space, matter, stars, planets, everything was annihilated in an instant, and even light could not escape.

The clocks of time and space burst into a vast light, and countless artifacts of the main god rang, and the staff of the magic net bombarded towards the light of order.

The golden vertical lights in Symmetra's cloak blinked like eyes, facing the clock of time and space that filled the void of the universe, and the scepter protruding into the universe, without the slightest fear, as if for him, the world's Nothing worth caring about.



"Doing this will only delay the arrival of that moment! No new time and space will be born, only destruction but no creation, and everything will inevitably die."

"It's just waiting. I've waited for countless epochs, and I can afford it."

"The Creator will wake up eventually, and each of us will have to face everything we will face."

The battle of the main gods kicked off.

Fang Xiu is at the side of the Crow's Nest Star at this moment, and he has already felt the mighty aura of his Time-Space Clock in the distance tearing apart space from the starry sky.

But at this time, the terrifying fluctuations in the depths of the universe exploded, and Fang Xiu immediately turned his head to look at the depths of the starry sky. The stars were extinguished instantly, and large areas of star fields were annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Fang Xiu: "?"

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