Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 507 Blessing

Wind Crow Roster Joel also saw this scene, but suddenly shouted: "It's bad! Run, the clock city universe is collapsing."

"That star field is at least a dozen light-years away from us. It is impossible for us to see the stars die so quickly. Even if the light reaches us, it will take at least ten years. Time and space are collapsing, space and all star fields are falling apart. Annihilation, and probably very close to us."

"Because of the time and space of annihilation, we were dragged to the vicinity of Clock City without knowing it."

Regardless of the inconspicuous appearance of the Wind Crow, it is also from a true mythological race, a race that stands at the pinnacle, no matter in terms of vision and insight, it is beyond the reach of ordinary races in endless time and space.

Ta Lingyin of the Floating Void City was also frightened so that his limbs and joints continued to rotate, and his whole body was like a puppet controlled by strings, circling around Fang Xiu in a panic: "How could this be? The great thing is that Clock City has never appeared before. events like this."

"What the hell is His Majesty the Lord of the Clock City doing?"

Not only Fang Xiu and Feng Ya are aware of this problem, but all kinds of floating towers, countless gardens, and airships in front of the large portal in the distance know that the crisis has come.

Everything began to collapse towards the origin of time and space. The origin of time and space not only no longer flows out the source matter, but also recycles all matter.

In the Clock City universe built on the origin of time and space, the entire universe is shrinking.

All the stars and planets can be seen, although there is no movement or any trace of being dragged, but because of the collapse of time and space, the stars and planets in all star fields are all moving closer to the center of the clock city universe.

It seems that there is a huge abyss there, devouring everything in the clock city universe, and the existence of the entire time and space inevitably slides down the abyss.

If someone can overlook the entire clock city universe from outside time and space at this moment, they can see that the entire universe is constantly collapsing towards the center, and all matter is recycled and swallowed by the silver hole in the center.

The huge Golden Moon spun around in the starry sky. After seeing this scene, it seemed as if it had received some signal. In the blink of an eye, a golden channel was opened, and a golden light rushed along the starry sky. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared. Heading towards the edge of the universe, they will leave the clock city universe and go to other time and space.

The foresighted Crow Clan first sensed the crisis and danger, and started a new journey by relying on their clan's supreme artifact, the Golden Moon.

Floating cities and half-plane arcane wonderlands set sail from several planets near Crow's Nest are full of people. After seeing the closure of the large portal, they tore apart the space and fled towards the edge of the universe. As for whether they Can escape the fate of destruction, no one knows.

Most of the remaining races were unable to board the Floating Void City and the Half-Plane Arcane Wonderland, or came here for various reasons to stay temporarily, but were trapped here because of the closure of the large space portal.

The starships, floating towers, and various navigation tools of various races that were densely packed in the starry sky before the large space portal all turned their heads at this moment and came towards the floating city where Fang Xiu was.

Everyone felt that the crisis was coming. They didn't have the artifact that could directly teleport over a distance like the Golden Moon. When the large teleportation gate couldn't be opened, everyone could only rely on the blessing of the power of the nearby strong.

And in this vicinity, the few floating cities with the imprint of Clock City have become their targets. Other rulers who originally stayed on the star of Crow's Nest have either rushed to the direction of Clock City, or have already left. Leave in a hurry, and the rest are just onlookers.

However, for the main gods, the current situation that can still be waited and watched is a catastrophe for them, a situation of death that they cannot even escape. Mythical bodies emerged from the floating towers one after another, and sent a request to Fang Xiu's floating city, hoping to get the protection of the master.

"Great master! I hope you can open the floating city and protect us."

"We are unable to go to the edge of the universe, let alone return to the main star, and hope that you can save our group."

"A family of two-headed trolls..."

Among the tens of thousands of starry sky airships, through the window walls, you can see the fearful eyes of elves, goblins, trolls, murlocs, and humans. Men, women, children, and children of all races look into the starry sky through the windows. The ever-disappearing stars and the sun, and that majestic floating city.

They knew that this would be their last chance. Witchcraft gardens and arcane kingdoms passed through the starry sky and stopped at the edge of the floating city. In the silent and vast starry sky, Fang Xiu's floating city was suddenly surrounded by densely packed groups of people. surrounded by the device.

You can see thousands of floating towers, wizard gardens, and arcane kingdoms alone, not to mention the densely packed airships, which contain at least tens of millions of creatures of various ethnic groups.

Standing on the central tower of mythology, Fang Xiu finally waved his hand and opened a light door, allowing them to enter the floating city.

After seeing the opening of the light gate, strong cheers erupted in the floating towers and starry airships in the starry sky. The young people and children cheered for joy. His Majesty the Great God is willing to protect them. Even if something really went wrong in Clock City, they should be able to escape here smoothly.

Hundreds of mythological floating towers of various styles entered the light gate, behind which were witchcraft gardens and arcane kingdoms like light balls, floating above the floating city one after another.

The densely packed starry airships and starships passed through the gate of light and landed on several large squares in the floating city, and some directly landed in the gardens and streets of the temple, and the tower Lingyin immediately controlled the alchemy dolls Walk out of each temple to maintain and maintain order.

The Floating Void City, which was originally empty like a dead city, suddenly became lively and boiling, and people could be seen everywhere. Fang Xiu's Floating Void City is the largest Floating Void City, and it is more than enough to accommodate tens of millions of people. .

One after another, mythical beings rushed to the central mythical tower to meet the Lord God who was willing to accommodate them, and to pay him the highest respect.

Among them, there are even a few eighth-level beings. After all, not everyone will always bring the Mythical Floating Void City and the eighth-level Arcane Wonderland with them, and they are also trapped here at this moment.

Roster Joel, the Wind Crow, even saw the elf archmage riding the space dragon before. At this moment, this gorgeous archmage knelt down humblely on the highest temple of the tower of mythology, and had an audience with the main god Fang Xiu, the fear on his face still hasn't dissipated.

Feng Ya looked at the elf arcanist who was extremely wealthy before, shouting and embracing, and the panic-stricken appearance at this moment, and suddenly remembered what Fang Xiu had said before.

"Even if I wear the cheapest and plainest white robe, I don't bring a single entourage, and I walk on the streets like a mortal. No matter whether they look at me high or low, I am the master of time and space."

"And they, even if they wear the most expensive divine clothes, sit high on the throne and be worshiped by hundreds of millions of believers, in the end they are just existences that cannot control their own destiny."

"God is noble because of power, not gorgeous appearance."

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