Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 511 The Ancient God and the Eternal Ship

Watching the Golden Moon and Liewei Crow God go away, Fang Xiu looked at Feng Crow who was shivering under the corner of the wall.

Don't look at it pretending to be in front of Fang Xiu, but it is very timid, especially seeing the crow gods in the kingdom of the crow gods who have been afraid since childhood, turning back to look for him in the Golden Moon, even more so. I was scared out of my wits.

"Tell me! What's going on?" Fang Xiu saw that he hurriedly escaped from the crow's nest to find himself, and didn't follow the Golden Moon away, so he felt that it must have some secrets.

Fang Xiu thought for a while, and couldn't help but frowned: "Did you steal something from the crow's nest during the chaos?"

Wind Crow Rost Joel found that the Golden Moon and the Crow God who came to look for it had left, and only then did he dare to walk out from the corner, looking left and right, exuding spiritual power to peek outside the Shadow Realm.

It was only when he found that the other party had really gone far away that he walked out swaggeringly.

"That's not true. The Ancient God's Key originally belonged to our Joel family, and never belonged to anyone."

Above the highest temple of the tower of mythology, the shadow of the tower spirit silver emerged. This puppet-like tower spirit was wearing a futuristic tights, and his body was shaking his head mechanically, as if he was deep in thought.

"The Key of the Ancient God? I seem to have heard of it!"

"It is said that an ancient god brought something from a time and space very early in the sequence back then. There is a secret hidden in the legend."

Wind Crow Rost Joel scoffed at Yin's statement, and suddenly seemed to raise his head to the sky: "It's not a time and space at the very front of the sequence, it's time and space No. 1, the oldest and the oldest of endless time and space. The time and space that began to be born."

"It is a god so ancient that you can hardly imagine, a real ancient god. It is said that this god once saw the Creator with his own eyes."

"I have seen the God of the Creator! It is said that at that time, the ruler of time and space had not yet been born, let alone Clock City. Have you ever seen such an ancient existence?"

"What is hidden here is no ordinary secret, it is the ultimate secret of endless time and space, the secret about the Creator."

Rostjoel the Wind Crow flapped his wings exaggeratedly, shouted, and was extremely excited.

Silver seemed to have heard of this time and space, and kept moving forward like a machine. He stood in front of Rost Joel the Wind Crow, and asked in surprise, "Sequence 1 time and space? The first world created by the Creator in legend?"

"That's right, that's the one!"

"Few people in the entire endless time and space knew the origin of the ancient god's key, so they all thought it was just an ordinary mythical item left by an ancient god. No one thought that it was brought out by a Sequence 1 time and space god. secret."

Wind Crow Roster Joel jumped up as if he had finally met someone who knew what he was looking for.

Fang Xiu didn't expect that this kind of wind crow seemed to have some great things and secrets, which could be related to the legendary Creator who created everything and endless time and space.

Fang Xiu, who was sitting on top of the temple, tapped on the seat of the god with his fingers, remembering.

"Since it wasn't stolen from the crow's nest, it means that it was in your hands. I should have seen everything in your hands. Why didn't I know there was such a powerful thing in it?"

"Could it be that one?"

Fang Xiu immediately recalled the previous auction held by Wind Crow Roster Joel in the Star Realm Merchant of Red Moon Floating City in the City of Destiny. What the Wind Crow got seemed to be a ship in a bottle. In addition, Fang Xiu saw the exact same thing in Roster Joel's space mail bag before.

At this time, Feng Ya also took out the model ship in the bottle and the ship in the mail bag before.

The thing is not big, only a few meters long and wide, at least not a real boat. The only thing that is special and makes Fang Xiu feel different is that there is a mark on the boat that I have seen before in Clock City, with a silver 8 horizontally, like Two eternal serpents are entangled together.

"This is the key of the ancient gods? What secrets are hidden in it? Tell me in detail, what is the time and space of Sequence No. 1, the eternal boat and the lost myth mentioned by the Crow God of the Crow's Nest, and what is it?" What?"

Fang Xiu originally thought it didn't matter, it wasn't a big deal anyway, but now after listening to the exchange between Feng Ya and Ta Ling, he couldn't help but become more cautious.

Wind Crow Roster Joel is very good at telling stories, or exaggerated storytelling, Fang Xiu had to remind him, otherwise this guy would add fuel to the story.

Wind Crow Roster Joel was about to sing an epic chapter, but after hearing Fang Xiu's words, his flag and drums suddenly died down, and he became less interested.

According to what Feng Ya said, the time-space of Sequence No. 1 is the first time-space and world born of endless time-space, which is the time-space created by the Creator himself.

It is said that it is a super-large crystal wall system, which has infinite planes and the oldest gods, the origin of all wizards, arcanists, gods, demons, humans and ancient races, and it is also the hometown of the Wind Crows.

At that time, the Creator personally visited the world, walked on the land he created, created the first life, and guided the movement of all creatures. In that time and space, the oldest gods and myths were born.

There is a myth of the lost creator. The legend hides all the secrets about the creator, the artifacts of the creator, and even the original mythical host. The source of the birth of all space-time rulers is likely to be hidden in that world.

No one knew where it was, and no one could find it, until one day, an ancient god left the completely closed kingdom of the creator and came to the endless time and space in the eternal boat, the artifact left by the creator. .

"Our Wind Crow family, it is said that at some point, we left the Kingdom of Creator, No. 1 time and space with this ancient god on the eternal boat, and came outside the world."

"However, this god from the Creator's Kingdom finally entered the origin of time and space and embarked on a journey to find the Creator."

"Then, never came back."

"Before he left, he hid the Eternal Ship in a certain place in endless time and space, leaving behind four keys. Anyone who can find these four keys of the ancient gods can find the coordinates of the Eternal Ship and get this An artifact of the Creator."

Wind Crow Roster Joel finally said with great fascination: "Legends, as long as you find the Creation Artifact, the Eternal Ship, you can take this Creation Ship, go to the end of time and space, and open the gate of Sequence No. 1 time and space, which was created by the Creator himself. A world where all the secrets about the Creator are hidden."

Fang Xiu also felt a little emotional. The hidden secrets and ancient mysteries of this endless time and space are more interesting than Fang Xiu imagined. There was a clock city before, and now there is a sequence No. 1 time and space, the kingdom of the creator, and the artifact of creation. The boat made Fang Xiu's rare blood boil.

Sure enough, in this wider world, it is the world that truly belongs to the rulers of time and space. Only here can they find the true meaning of their existence.

Fang Xiu picked up the key of the ancient god, and symbols and projections that seemed to have no meaning appeared on it. There are two of them here. According to what Wind Crow Roset Joel said, there is another one in the Crow God Kingdom. .

Then, as long as one can find the remaining clues, one can find an artifact left by the legendary creator, and even find out about the time and space of Sequence 1 and the kingdom of the creator. What lost myth of the creator and the secrets left by him can be explored?

"Isn't this symbol the symbol of Clock City? Why does it appear on this ancient god's key?"

"The symbol of Clock City? This is not the symbol of Clock City. Some ancient rulers and gods will know that there is such a mark on every artifact of the Creator."

"This is the seal of the Creator, representing eternity and infinity!"

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