Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 512 Return to Earth

Ta Lingyin took some weird steps: "If you can find the real artifact of the Creator, even in endless time and space, you will be one of the top few people among all time and space rulers."

Feng Ya turned his head and said: "Even if it is a true god, who can obtain the artifact of the creator, he can also stand at the peak of endless time and space."

"In that ancient kingdom of the Creator, even the rulers of time and space dare not set foot in it lightly. There are too many ancient and powerful existences hidden in it."

"Many of these ancient existences used to follow the Creator and stand beside him. Who knows what is in his hand, don't look at Symmetra holding a creation slab, Maybe this stone slab was used by the Creator to pave the temple, and each of them took one piece."

Ta Lingyin didn't believe Feng Ya's bragging at all, and was obviously flattering: "How is it possible, that is an artifact of creation?"

"You haven't been there, what do you know?"

"I've never been there, and I know that you, the Wind Crow, are bragging. You Wind Crows are all like this."

"Ah! How dare you slander the great Wind Crow Clan."

What Wind Crow Roster Joel said was too exaggerated, no matter how the artifacts of creation are, they cannot be everywhere.

However, a country that has been resident by the Creator himself can't help but make people feel longing and associations, and its background and hidden secrets are certainly not comparable to other time and space.

Hearing what Feng Ya said, he immediately took a serious look at the mark again: "If possible in the future, I will find a way to fight for the news of the last key of the ancient gods."

"Or they will go to the world of the arcane spirits and find a way to get the key of the ancient gods from the crows."

"However, if you can't collect them all, whether it's one or three, it doesn't make any sense. Don't think too much at the moment, let's see the chance!"

Although it seems to be able to find an artifact left by the Creator, as well as clues about the time and space of Sequence No. 1, it is extremely shocking and attractive, but without one, it becomes meaningless.

Fang Xiu only left one thought, and he wasn't too persistent. Who knows when the last Ancient God Key will appear? Maybe after hundreds of millions of years, it didn't reappear even until the collapse of endless time and space?

"Let's go! Go home first, and we'll find a way to contact that star merchant later. They have a lot of connections, so maybe they can get some clues."

The floating city set sail again, this time without stopping at all, and went directly to the time and space of the earth.


Earth, since the Earth Temple appeared half a year ago, and John Fogel established the Alchemy City in the Atlantic Ocean, half a year has passed.

In this turbulent new era where everything is developing rapidly, half a year is enough for many things to happen. Some new people become gods, immortals become gods, and stand on the top of the sky, and some people are fighting for the position of immortality. background of the times.

Compared with the Sky City and Houtu Temple, the Alchemy City has a completely different style.

The Sky City has a posture like a heavenly kingdom, the Houtu Temple is full of ancient and vicissitudes of life, and the Alchemy City has a sense of the future. Within half a year, a variety of The technologies and products combined with extraordinary power are enough to guide the progress of the entire era and represent the future.

The Alchemy City on the Atlantic Ocean has the Tower of Myth as its core, and built a floating floating island on the sea surface, migrating with the ocean currents.

It is not like the city of the sky, which has built a whole, and built a complete sky city in one step, but is like a machine, with the mythical floating tower as the center, constantly splicing upwards.

It is divided into several large areas, the technology area, the refining area, the alchemy area, the pharmacy area, the elixir area, and the central area. Each area has a completely different style, and each area is also a part and The mythical objects under construction are spliced ​​together on the Alchemy City, and when they are finally completed, they will be integrated into a whole and become the mythical Alchemy City imagined by John Fogel.

In the science and technology area, you can see steel fortresses, high-rise buildings and psychic speeding cars shuttle between them, people come and go like a future metropolis, and in the refining area, you can see fairy palaces and pavilions, connected by suspension bridges , the ancient plaque represents a great oriental craftsman.

The alchemy area is full of steampunk feeling. There are even old steam trains passing through the street. Many rusty alchemy dolls with steam are guarding the watchman’s shop beside the street. In the center of the pill area It is a huge furnace cauldron of a landmark building, braving multicolored light, in which the oriental elixir is bred.

At present, it seems that this place is more like a World Expo or a large shopping mall. After all, most of the people living here are professionals, who are used to build various magic tools, alchemy props and elixirs, and then sell them, unlike White Harbor. The city in the sky is positioned as a city where humans and extraordinary people live.

Therefore, most people will not settle here, and they are not qualified to settle here. Those who come here are either professional craftsmen, alchemists, or alchemists, or businessmen and customers.

John Fogel established the laws of Alchemy City, governing all scientists, refiners, alchemists, and alchemists with laws. No one can destroy the order and laws, as long as they can abide by the laws, even the lowest alchemists Sorcerers and alchemists can also receive the blessing of the city of alchemy, and they are not afraid of those existences above the fourth level.

Here, status is not judged by the strength of strength, but by the level of technology. If someone can surpass John Fogel in alchemy, He even promises that he can replace John Fogel as this The lord of a city of alchemy.

This has attracted many alchemists, alchemists, alchemists, and alchemists who are unwilling to be restrained to come here and create a free country that belongs to their imagination.

Buddy the Armless was standing next to an alchemy workshop in the alchemy area, with two mechanical arms constantly changing various tools, processing and manufacturing a long rune sword.

Opposite the streets and shops full of the style of the industrial revolution, a painted mural like a scroll of posters is constantly changing colors and broadcasting various news.

At this moment, the scene of the temples of the gods just appeared. In the temples, the gods were seated one by one. From front to back, stalwart gods sat high on the gods, looking down at the living beings under the sea of ​​clouds.

This is the latest list of the Gods List to be announced, but the simple list and names do not show momentum. In order to gain ratings and gimmicks, the latest list of the Gods List has become like this.

"The list of the gods is newly announced, and the top three on the list of the gods have not changed at all. Immortal Fengdu is firmly in the first place, John Fogel is the second, and Immortal Jia Yi is the third. Four... the latest ones to ascend to the position of Immortal God are Great Astrologer Daryl and Eastern Corpse Exorcist Patriarch Ma Ji, who are ranked ninth and seventh respectively."

"Next, we will announce the list of gods and monsters and the list of gods. Please don't leave. After the advertisement, come back immediately!"

"The list of the gods! Now it has really become the list of the gods!" Buddy the Armless hit an iron fist on the alchemy platform, looking at some people who are behind the list because of this list, they are expected to be on the list of gods. He even knew the people in the Magic Sequence, but now they all surpassed him one by one, which made him feel extremely resentful and frustrated.

After Buddy the Armless attacked Waigang City with the wraith Eddie Stamp and failed to seize the artifact, he was suppressed by the Eastern practice community, and he couldn't even enter the Gate of Gods and Demons.

One step was wrong, one step was wrong, he was famous at the beginning, but now he has become an insignificant person, how can this make him reconciled.

He looked at a man wearing a clown mask sitting in the shadow of the corner of the shop: "Have you heard? It is said that the group of oriental alchemists are building an oriental fairy artifact, and they want to step out of the starry sky and build a new world .”

"By the way, they don't call it New World, what is it called? Extraterrestrial Dojo?"

"When will we people be able to get rid of the shackles and build our new world."

The person wearing the clown mask laughed straight: "It's not far, it's not far! We are also planning to step out of the earth and cross to the vast starry sky."

"Aren't all our underground snobbery and practitioner organizations yearning for this day? The cakes of the earth and the world of gods and demons have been gradually divided up. Those high gods and demons have established a stable order. They rule and control everything. Only Beyond the starry sky is our future."

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