If it is said that Xingjun's killing and calamity started, the heavenly gods and gods reincarnated into the lower world one after another, and the whole practice world is like a feast and carnival, then for the Great Zhou Dynasty, it can be called a catastrophe.

If you don’t want this Xingjun’s killing and calamity to start, the first belongs to the royal family of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In addition to the endless rumors and rumors in various counties and counties, all the major snobbery are secretly connected with each other. The dozens of Yi kingdoms in the south and the Rong tribe in the north , also began to test towards Middle Earth.

After being an emperor for nearly a hundred years, the emperor Kong Yan, who has become a little tired and lazy and no longer opened the early dynasty, has recently summoned the three princes and nine ministers, and even wants to go south to tour various counties and counties, shocking the current big families who are about to move. The Immortal sect that fueled the flames behind the scenes.

However, because a tribe of the Rong people in the north plundered and slaughtered the border villages of Da Zhou, the Royal Court of the Rong continued to provoke the border. At this time, I still want to make a southern tour, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty tried their best to dissuade them, so they gave up.

The emperor Kong Yan even wanted to meet the envoy of the Heavenly Court, the Celestial Immortal of the Upper Realm, Jia Yi, who set up the Xingjun this time, but the entire Lingshu Mountain has left Dongzhou. Although he is the emperor of the Great Zhou, But compared with Jia Yi, the envoy from the Heavenly Court, he is nothing like a fairy. As an emperor, if he wanted to meet him, it would be as difficult as going to heaven.

Emperor Kong Yan was also furious because of this, and smashed the white jade floor of the imperial study room with one blow.

When Zheng Li Tianxing, the inspector of the Qintian Supervisor, came, he also saw repair craftsmen and servants cleaning up the imperial study room, and he saw Emperor Kong Yan in the side hall.

"Li Tianxing! I asked you to find out why the luck of the Great Zhou suddenly declined, who is the one who caused the chaos in the Great Zhou, and how long has it been?"

"It's fine if you haven't found the person and the reason! This Xingjun killing robbery started, and I asked you, Qin Tianjian, to come up with a method. You prevaricate me again and again. Look at your memorial, it's full of nonsense .”

As soon as Emperor Kong Yan saw Li Tianxing, he immediately reprimanded him. Li Tianxing immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Emperor Kong Yan.

"Your Majesty! I already have some clues, and I came here today to inform Your Majesty."

The emperor, who was reprimanded with his hands tied and his eyes full of anger, finally showed a slight joy on his face, but looked at Li Tianxing suspiciously: "Oh? Really?"

"Get up, sit down, and tell me quickly!"

Kong Yan sat on the chair, still arching his hands: "The luck of the Great Zhou ebbs and flows, because this time the star king's killing and calamity started, and the person with the life of the Ziwei star was reincarnated in the Great Zhou, and the Ziwei star is the emperor star. When this star reincarnates in the lower world, it will definitely bring disasters to Zhou and the world."

"So no matter whether it is the fate of the great week, or the chaos in the world, including the killing of the star king, the most important key lies on the Ziwei emperor star."

Emperor Kong Yan slapped the table: "Sure enough, it's the lower realm of the demon star! It's a disaster for me and the whole world!"

"We must find this demon star and get rid of this demon star, so that the world can be peaceful, and this great week can be stable."

However, Li Tianxing shook his head and continued: "We must find the person who is the star of Ziwei, but we can't kill him rashly."

The emperor didn't understand, but he knew that Li Tianxing must have his own intentions when he said this: "Why?"

Li Tianxing: "This time the catastrophe begins, people with Ziwei star life are reincarnated in the lower world, and every person with star life is the reincarnation of a fairy god from the upper world, so their own destiny and destiny must try their best to resist. Might kill them."

"And if you kill them, Ziwei Xingming will choose another owner and will not disappear. If the killing is not completed, this Ziwei Xingming will not return to the upper realm."

The emperor put his hands on the table, as if he already knew that what Li Tianxing said later would clear up his confusion and point out a clear path for Da Zhou: "Then what should I do?"

Sure enough, Li Tianxing stood up suddenly, and knelt down to the emperor Kong Yan: "As long as His Majesty occupies this Ziweixing's fate, he can replace Ziweixing to fulfill his destiny."

"At that time, His Majesty will be able to integrate the luck of Ziwei Star and the gods of the upper realm, and as the Emperor Star, it is also an important part of the Xingjun's killing and calamity, so His Majesty can take the initiative in this Xingjun's killing and calamity." Right, I, Da Zhou, can take advantage of this killing and calamity to soar into the sky."

Li Tianxing looked at Emperor Kong Yan: "If that's the case, once the killing is completed, Your Majesty will be Ziwei Xingjun in the upper heaven. I, Da Zhou, will be immortal for thousands of years."

At this moment, Emperor Kong Yan only felt a shudder from the soles of his feet to the back of his neck. His whole body was filled with unspeakable excitement. There was no longer fear and panic in his eyes, and he even revealed an incomparable greed and ecstasy: "Love Is what you said true?"

Li Tianxing: "It's absolutely true, this time the world's powerful families, monks and gods were born one after another, as well as the overseas practitioners and demons who came across the sea, it is for the position of the star king."

"Others can seek the position of the Star King, why not Your Majesty?"

Even though the Emperor Kong Yan is the master of the Middle Earth in this majestic East Continent, but his cultivation base is only at the third level, and he was forced to push it up by pills. He can't enter the realm of longevity. He is still just a mortal. To become a fairy god in the upper realm in one leap, and also the master of Ziwei Emperor Star, the majestic Ziwei Star King, the emperor couldn't help being crazy about it.

In an instant, the Xingjun's killing and robbery, which originally made him panic, turned into an opportunity for the entire Zhou Dynasty in his eyes.

However, Emperor Kong Yan got a little excited, and calmed down again in a moment: "But this demon star has been reincarnated into the lower world. It has been so long, and there is still no trace. How can we find these monsters who have caused troubles in the Zhou Dynasty?"

Li Tianxing: "With Weichen's subtle Taoism, it may be difficult to find the reincarnation of Ziwei star hidden in the world, so Weichen plans to go back to the Tianxing School, and then use the method of incense and fire to meet my master."

"I'm afraid the only person who wants to find the reincarnation of Ziwei Xingming is Tian Xingzi, the master of Weichen."

Hearing this name, the emperor Kong Yan also showed a look of admiration in his eyes: "I know! It is the immortal who founded the Tianxing sect and later ascended to the upper realm."

"It claims to hold the secret of heaven and turn the world around, and it even followed the Taizu to conquer the world."

"If this immortal is willing to act, he will definitely be able to find the whereabouts of the demon."

Li Tianxing also respects his master very much: "My name, Li Tianxing, was chosen for me by my master back then, which means that I will inherit his mantle."

"However, I'm ashamed to say that, with my cultivation and aptitude, I'm afraid I have no hope of catching up to master one or two in this life."

Emperor Kong Yan held Li Tianxing to talk at night by candlelight, and Li Tianxing didn't leave until late at night. The next day, he rushed to the Tianxing Sect's mountain gate by the Qianli wine pool, and met the current head of the Tianxing Sect, Yun Wei.

Li Tianxing and Yun Wei are both apprentices of Tianxingzi, the founder of the Tianxing sect, but one of them served as the supervisor of Qin Tianjian in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and held the authority of the Middle Earth Shinto, with great power, while the other inherited Tianxingzi's orthodox lineage. Today is the leader of the Star Sect.

In the main hall of the mountain gate, although Li Tianxing was the majestic supervisor, he still had to salute his senior brother, and then began to talk about his purpose of coming.

"The so-called Xingjun Killing Calamity means that the person with the destiny of the star should use his own destiny to activate the catastrophe, receive the power of Zhou Tian and the stars, and let himself ascend to the position of the Xingjun."

"So this killing calamity does not necessarily refer to the exhaustion of Da Zhou's vitality, nor does it mean that the dynasty needs to be changed, but it is just that all the people with star fate should respond to the calamity and let Zhou Tian Xingjun return to his throne."

Li Tianxing talked about his thoughts, and wanted to get the senior brother in charge to agree with his point of view, fully support him to support the Great Zhou Dynasty, compete for the life of Emperor Ziwei in this Xingjun killing, and then pass the star of this emperor. Life, in the early stage of the killing and robbery, reverse the direction of the entire killing and robbery.

Turn the entire massacre into nourishment for the Great Zhou Dynasty, so that the Great Zhou Dynasty will become the biggest winner.

Yun Wei is much older than Li Tianxing, with almost white beard and hair, sitting cross-legged under the statue of the patriarch in the main hall of the mountain gate, closing his eyes and resting his mind, without even moving his brows: "Where did it come from so simple, this Xingjun killed a robbery?" Turn on, for example, people with star destiny like Wenqu Wuqu may be able to complete the fate of catastrophe without the arrival of troubled times, but what about those with star destiny such as wolf three stars, Ziwei emperor star, Tiangang Disha?"

"As soon as Greedy Wolf, Po Jun, and Seven Killers came out, Ziwei Emperor Star cut off the luck of the Great Zhou, and was reincarnated in the lower world, and there was a star-destined person who came out of the catastrophe, and the fairy god was reincarnated."

"Most of them, if they want to finally escape the catastrophe and become the star king of the heavenly court, they must overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty before they can finally complete their own catastrophe."

"This world is not chaotic, this great week is not dead, how can these people with star destiny be born?"

"This great week must perish, otherwise how can we let these people with so many stars activate their fates and follow their fates."

Li Tianxing immediately retorted: "Although these people have the star destiny to start the killing, but the one who guides and presides over the whole killing must be the people with the star destiny of Emperor Ziwei."

"We can break through and then stand up. The emperor of the Great Zhou seized the Ziwei emperor star fate, recovered the three evil stars, and used the Ziwei emperor star fate to break the wolf-killing situation of all star-fate people?"

Yun Wei shook his head: "Difficult, difficult, difficult! This is simply against the sky, like a mantis holding a cart!"

Seeing that he couldn't convince the senior brother in charge, Li Tianxing talked about the things mentioned in the previous biography: "Have senior brothers counted the prince's fate? Is it possible that Ziwei Xing's fate?"

Yun Wei shook his head: "It can't be figured out yet, the secrets are so chaotic, even the gods of the upper realm can't deduce the secrets, but according to guesses, it's not much different, it should be Kang Jinlong, not Emperor Star."

Kang Jinlong can also be regarded as the fate of the real dragon emperor, but compared with Ziwei Emperor Xing's fate, it is far behind, especially during the killing of Xingjun this time, Li Tianxing sighed again and again: "What a pity! What a pity! "

"I want to borrow the Patriarch's Hall and use incense to send letters to meet the Patriarch."

Yun Wei, head of the Tianxing faction, raised his head at this time and looked at Li Tianxing, staring at Li Tianxing with a gleam in his eyes: "You want the patriarch to help you figure out who is the person who is destined for Ziwei Xingming?" Right? As I said just now, the secrets of heaven are chaotic, even the gods of the upper realm are nothing."

Faced with the pressure from the senior brother in charge, Li Tianxing still insisted: "Junior brother still wants to give it a try!"

The head of the Tianxing faction, Yun Wei's face turned cold: "Hmph! Senior brother won't stop you if you want to try it! But this time, the Xingjun's killing and calamity, I, the Tianxing faction, are not going to intervene. There are so many disciples under the sect, I can't just sit and watch Watching them take this trip to the fire pit."

Li Tianxing hastily shouted: "Brother..."

The head of the sect, Yun Wei, left in a huff: "Needless to say! I am the head of the Tianxing Sect. Master entrusted the Tianxing Sect and his mantle to me because he wanted me to keep this lineage instead of recklessly reckless. Entering into this killing calamity, every disciple of the Tianxing Sect lost their lives for nothing."

In the end, Zhengli Tianxing, the supervisor of the Great Zhou Qintian, could only go to the Patriarch Hall of the Tianxing School alone, lit a pillar of incense, and wanted to communicate with the upper realm during Qingming, but he never got a response.

After several attempts, Li Tianxing finally had no choice but to leave sadly.

Afterwards, in the Patriarch Hall of the Tianxing Sect, the head of the Tianxing Sect and all the elders could be seen gathered together. The door of the main hall was closed tightly, and the lights inside were lit up, illuminating the portrait of the Patriarch.

The head of the Tianxing Sect, Yun Wei, spoke first: "I'm afraid Li Tianxing has long been separated from me. Does he still know that he is a member of the Tianxing Sect, a person in the world?"

"I'm afraid he has been a slave of Da Zhou for a long time, and he has long forgotten that he is a disciple of the Tianxing Sect, a monk who pursues the free and unfettered way of immortality!"

An elder of the Tianxing sect immediately asked: "Does Li Tianxing know about the reincarnation of Patriarch Tianxingzi?"

Yun Wei sneered: "I already knew that this person was separated from us, how could I tell him that I had already arranged for Yun Qian and Yun Xiu to meet the reincarnation of the Patriarch, and the broken ship of Da Zhou seemed to be sinking sooner or later. We have to make plans early, compared to the position of the star king of the heavenly court, this big week is already dispensable to us."

Another elder who looked like a young man asked: "The four divine armies of the Great Zhou are still there. Hundreds of thousands of warriors are strong enough to overwhelm the world. Can we think about what Li Tianxing said?"

As soon as the words came out, I saw an old woman beside me sneering endlessly: "Conquer the world? That's because the gods of various sects were either oriented towards Da Zhou, or they were too lazy to intervene in the human world, and they only wanted to ascend to the upper world. How much have they reincarnated in the lower world now?" Fairy?"

"Besides, Da Zhou was able to rule the world at the beginning because Da Zhou obtained the secret technique of training heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court. Now, all the major sects have already mastered this method. Which sect does not have its own secret technique of Dao soldiers? The sect did not train their own warriors and the art of combining gods and blood."

The old woman's statement was agreed by everyone else, including the head Yun Wei, who was not optimistic about the Great Zhou Dynasty at all.

"How should we plan?"

"Let's start with the Shapolang Three Stars and Ziwei Emperor Stars who started the killing. We must find out their whereabouts. For the rest, we will talk about the rest after Senior Brother Tian Xingzi returns and news comes from this world."

"In addition, when will the people from the Danding Pavilion arrive? Our two families must advance and retreat together this time, and there must be no mistakes. There are also four strong military masters who have mastered martial arts. Our manpower Also find a way to move, these are martial arts immortals who have cultivated the immortal body of gods and demons, and they are worthy of our win over."

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