Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 525 Mud Tire Crossing the Sea

In Strider County, the celestial master sent the contemporary celestial master to rush to a rural village here. At the foot of a small mountain, he could see the auspicious clouds in the sky condensed into a piece from a distance, and a red light came from a farmhouse in the distance, full of people. The room photo is bright red.

Celestial Master Zhang Yusu rushed to the small courtyard of the farmhouse, and immediately heard the cry of a baby. A pregnant woman in the courtyard had just given birth to a child. When she was born, she stepped on nine stars, and the nine stars were connected in a line on the soles of her feet.

One could tell at a glance that the child was extraordinary, and the vision even frightened the midwife who delivered the child and the two men waiting outside the door.

This is the third child of this farm family. Another boy and a girl are looking in the yard cautiously. Both of them are wearing inappropriate clothes, or just a piece of rag, even their feet are bare.

The two children and the two men standing at the door, before they had time to take a look at the newly born child, they saw a figure slowly coming down from the sky. Where had they seen such a good-looking person, especially when he stepped on the ground? Seeing the auspicious clouds falling from above the clouds, it was like a goddess descending to earth, the children were a little stunned.

The owner of the house, his younger brother and sister-in-law immediately knew that this was a practitioner descending to earth, or to them, this was an immortal.

The two of them knelt down and bowed to the immortals flying from the sky. For them, these immortals flying around in the sky were more intimidating than the officials in that county, but Zhang Yusu simply nodded, Then he walked into the house and looked at the newly born child.

Zhang Yusu just glanced at it, and knew that this was the reincarnation of his master in the lower world. It's just that the true spirit has not yet fully integrated with this physical body, but his name has been registered in the book of life and death, and his fate has been derived. This time Zhang Heming's reincarnation into the lower world has already happened.

Just waiting for his soul and true spirit to gradually harmonize with this body, the wisdom of past lives will be opened and memories will be found again.

However, during this period of time, it was also the most vulnerable time for the immortal gods to reincarnate in the lower world, so Zhang Heming asked Zhang Yusu to greet him in person, and even other people could not believe it, only his own disciple, the heir to the mantle and morals.

"I am Zhang Yusu, the contemporary celestial master of the Celestial Master Sect. This son was born with great luck, so he should join the sect of the Celestial Master Sect."

"This is the token of my celestial master sect. If you hold it to the celestial master's view in the county town of Strider, they will give you a hundred taels of gold and a thousand acres of land and houses. From now on, your family will have no worries about food and clothing, and you will never have to live like this again." Waiting for the poor days."

"One hundred taels of gold? A thousand-acre farm house?" A few breathless voices immediately sounded in the dilapidated farmyard.

As the head of the family, the farmer was overjoyed. After receiving the jade pendant, he immediately picked up the child and put it in the arms of the celestial master Zhang Yusu. For him, it seemed that without any consideration, one more child was one more mouth. I don't know how long it will take to become a labor force.

Children can be born again, but the golden hundred taels and the thousand-acre farm house mean that their family has completely turned around, and they have suddenly become masters from generations of poor farmers.

"my child!"

The peasant woman still had this reluctance in her eyes, but the man grinned happily while holding the token token: "What are you yelling about? Our child followed the immortal up the mountain to practice, and he will definitely become an immortal in the future. This is a blessing that many people cannot cultivate. "

Zhang Yusu hugged the child and looked at his mother: "This child is the reincarnation of a great power from the upper world. After practicing, he will think of the past. You are just mortals. Maybe you will be old when he practices and meditates. Gone."

"It's better not to worry about it too much."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yusu waved his sleeves, and flew up to the sky from the courtyard in the blink of an eye on a cloud, and rushed towards the gate of the Heavenly Master School without daring to stop at all.

At about the same time, in Rongbingyuan in the north of Dongzhou, in this bitterly cold place, the ancient witch who came down from the ancient temple just happened to encounter two big tribes fighting. However, a small tribe of one or two hundred people was slaughtered.

The ancient witch made a move in an instant, and a golden-patterned palm descended from the sky, crushing all the Rong cavalrymen who were happy to be slaughtered into meat paste, and then picked up a child who was just a few days old in a tent, and walked towards the barren ancient mountain. go.

In addition, several true disciples of the Tianxing School also secretly went to Xixiang Mountain to welcome the reincarnation of their ancestor Tianxingzi.

The fairy sword originally hidden in the depths of the Sword Pool in Tianjian Mountain leaped out and flew into the distance, as if sensing something, it was looking for its owner.

The head of the Yuan Shendao came out with the immortal weapon of the town, and fought with the Mozun of the Yincha faction of the Demon Sect. Traitors appeared in the Yuan Shendao sect, which led to the leak of the news that the founder of the Yuan Shendao was reincarnated in the lower world. Shinto has always been an old enemy, not to mention that Taoism itself is incompatible with demons. The demon master of the Yincha sect wanted to snatch the reincarnation of the ancestor of Yuan Shendao, which caused the current head of Yuan Shendao to be furious and directly dispatched the immortal weapon of the suppression group.

The fairy weapon and the immortal body of gods and demons fought for several days in the millions of mountains in the south. Even if they fought at a height of 10,000 meters, the mountains on the ground collapsed and the rivers were cut off.

The immortal body of the gods and demons of the Demon Sect and the immortals of martial arts are all sanctified by the flesh, which can be said to be stronger than the ordinary first three stages of crossing the catastrophe. Become a fairy.

But in the end, the Demon Lord of the Yinsha Sect lost to the head of Yuan Shen Dao and fled, but let the whole world know that the founder of Yuan Shen Dao reincarnated in the lower world.

Since the last time the Immemorial Heavenly Court was opened and the immortal gods of the ancient era reincarnated in the lower world, the immortal gods who have ascended to the upper world in this life are also reincarnated in the lower world at this very moment.

This is no longer meddling in Xingjun's killing, but he is determined to win the position of Tianting Xingjun in Xingjun's killing this time, regardless of everything.


In the sky of Youdu, there suddenly appeared a round of moon. The double moon crossed the sky, and it was like a palace in the sky, and the lights were always brightly lit in Youdu. Everyone can see this gorgeous scenery.

Such a strange scene can only be seen in this secluded capital.

Many people know that one of the moons is the immortal dharma body of Immortal Juntian, but only a few people in You Palace know that Immortal Juntian is no longer in Youdu, and has entered the world of mountains and seas.

Juntian Immortal Monarch's immortal dharma body has turned into the moon and hung in the sky, and has become an empty shell, but this place is Youdu, the residence of the lord of the Primordial Golden Immortal Youdu, and no one has ever dared to act presumptuously here, even The gods of the upper realm are not qualified either.

At this moment, Immortal Lord Juntian squeezed a body for himself with the breath soil, integrated his soul into it, and then took the fairy ship of Youdu Shipping Company to the sea and headed for Dongzhou.

This feeling is a bit like a mud bodhisattva crossing the sea.

However, although this soil is soil, it is not real soil and rocks, but real fairy soil. A small piece is enough to turn into a mountain, and it is also enough to block the big river and fill the lake. The so-called water is just a joke.

The clay sculpture that Juntian Jun made for himself looks more like a statue of a god, similar to the image of himself placed in the Confucian Temple.

He traveled across the ocean with the statue, and gradually arrived at Dongzhou. At first, the clay sculpture looked like a mud tire, placed high on the altar.

But as time passed, he gradually became like a living person, and Immortal Lord Juntian was able to use this immortal embryo to go out and even use part of his own magic power.

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