Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 526: True Immortal Temple

The fairy ship of Youdu Shipping Division arrived at Dongzhou, and the fairy saint's mud tire was transferred to another big ship. It went all the way up the river, passed Fengyang Lake and Tengdi, and then went from here to Huandi since ancient times. There is the core of Zhongtu, and Bujun, Yangjing and Dongyang Mountain are all in that area.

The boat is a large ship of the Academy, and the current master of the Shangxian Academy personally arranged to come to pick up the fairy mud tire, but this big boat was arranged secretly, and even the people who came to pick up the mud tire did not know that they came to greet him. Yes, it turned out to be the legendary Feng Sheng, who thought it was just an ancient statue.

After all, the Xingjun Killing Tribulation has been opened at present, the patriarchs of the Daomen, the immortals from the upper world have reincarnated in the lower world, and the people in the entire East Continent are already panicking. The Republic of China, Tongtian Kingdom, and Yiren sneaked into the layout of Dongzhou one by one, and even the traces of demons appeared more frequently.

If people find out that the Juntian Immortal also entered the human world at this time, I am afraid that the Great Zhou Dynasty, which is like a boiling furnace, will no longer be able to cover the lid.

You must know that although people with star destiny have reincarnated into the lower world one after another at this moment, these people are still just children at present. It will take at least ten or twenty years before they become adults and star destiny is opened.

If at this time, the Daomen and the Demon Gates fought, the Great Zhou Dynasty fought against dozens of Yi kingdoms in the south and the royal courts of the Rong people in the north, and people from other states contributed to the flames, then it would be fun to watch.

Now the snobbery of the various sects are making arrangements for the future, and of course the Academy does not want to cause any disturbances due to the news of Jun Tianxian's lower realm at this time.

There were few people on the boat, and the mud tires were placed on the altar. Fang Xiu would go down from time to time to take a look outside.

However, because the clay statue has not yet fully incarnated, Fang Xiu's hair and clothes sometimes cracked and fell off while walking.

"It seems that it will take some time for this mud tire to turn into flesh and blood." The white and delicate statue, like white jade, picked up the fragments on the ground, caught them on the corner of the sleeves, and immediately Then it was connected.

At this time, the boat of the Academy suddenly stopped and docked at the ferry of Fengyang Lake. In the distance, not far from the city of Fengyang County, the pavilion of Fengyang Academy could be seen.

And the reason why the big ship stopped at this moment was because someone from Fengyang Academy wanted to take this big ship and head north along the way.

Although this ship was specially arranged by the Academy to pick up the clay statue, the person who sailed the boat did not know the sacredness and importance of his mission. Fengyang Academy also belongs to the academy, especially the people from Fengyang Academy. The mountain mainly takes a boat, and there is no disagreement.

Trivial sounds came from above the ferry pier, and the sound of large and small boxes being carried could be heard, mixed with many women's talking and shouting.

Fang Xiu took a look, and suddenly remembered that Fengyang Academy is the only academy that recruits female disciples in the academy, and it can be regarded as a unique inheritance of the academy, and because of its speciality, it is well-known throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Fengyang Academy! It seems to be from Qingping's lineage, so they are my students' students."

This is a female sage who was a scholar during the Dahuan period. Although Fengyang Academy was established after the opening of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it inherited the inheritance of this female sage.

Afterwards, the statue turned around and returned to the altar. Fang Xiu stopped watching and waited for the next step after arriving at Shangxian Academy.

Things were almost finished, most people disembarked, and the disciples of Fengyang Academy boarded the ship and entered the empty singing people.

This female student of Fengyang Academy, wearing a dress similar to the robes of ordinary students but more like a palace skirt, pushed open the hatch and entered.

Between Yingsheng and Yanyan, someone immediately noticed the difference in the front cabin of this cabin, which looked more like a temple, especially in the cabin there was this altar with a statue of a god on it.

"Shan Zhang! There is an icon of Saint Feng on this boat!" A female disciple took a look and immediately recognized whose image it was. As a disciple of the school, she was very familiar with the appearance of Saint Feng. Even though the portraits and statues in various schools and academies are slightly different, they are similar, especially in details.

The mountain owner of Fengyang Academy is also a woman. She looks about 30 years old, but her gorgeous appearance is stern and rigid: "Don't yell! You have desecrated the dignity of a saint!"

The mountain master and a dozen disciples immediately performed the disciple ceremony, and after reading "Preaching the Word" again, they stopped and looked at the statue of the saint.

The mountain master of Fengyang Academy took a look at the statue of Feng Shengren, only to see that its whole body is as white as white jade, without a single flaw, and the carving is natural, just like a living thing.

The more I look at it, the more I feel a sense of sagehood flowing on this statue, and even the mountain master of Fengyang Academy feels that this statue of Fengsheng is better than the one left by Yisheng hanging in Xiansheng Palace of Shangxian Academy. The abundance of holy images has more meaning of saints.

"How is this possible?" Shanzhu shook his head, it was the statue of Feng Sheng depicted by Yi Sheng, and only this kind of saint could meet Feng Sheng in person and grasp the saint's meaning of preaching to the world.

"The owner of the ship just said that this is personally ordered by the master of the Shangxian Academy to transport it back to the academy. It must be an important sacred object of the academy. It may be an icon handed down from ancient times. You must not touch it."

"This icon is so exquisitely carved! I have never seen such a quality saint image in other academies."

"This texture is probably carved with spiritual materials, so I don't know what kind of spiritual jade it is!"

"Sure enough, only Shangxian Academy can have such a statue of a saint. If this is placed in our academy, then it will be..."

The bookish young girls commented on the portrait of the saint, which immediately annoyed the owner of Fengyang Academy: "Be quiet, don't be disrespectful to the statue of the saint."

Seeing that the mountain master was angry, all the female disciples immediately didn't dare to look any further and started to pack up their things.

"This ship is a cargo ship, so we can only squeeze here. You take out all the quilts and tidy up the surroundings. What we did when we came in, we will also be what we left when we left."

Seeing that all the disciples started to move, a bed of quilts was spread on the ground, and then the mountain master of Fengyang Academy bowed again to the statue of the saint: "Please don't blame the sage Feng, and also bless us for a smooth trip. , safe and sound."

The big boat didn't stop all the way. After sailing for three days, four figures suddenly appeared on the bank of the big river. The coming school ship.

The bodies of the four people have escaped the restrictions of the mortal body, and they are already real immortal bodies. There are no pores on the skin, and even the lines have the charm of the Dao. The bodies seem to breathe naturally with the heaven and the earth. With the movement of hands and feet, it is possible to affect the changes of Qi within a kilometer.

As the large school boat approached, the four of them suddenly knelt down and knocked their heads directly to the ground: "True Immortal Guan Baihe, together with the three disciples under my sect, I beg to see Immortal Lord Juntian."

The sound spread across the river, and only those in the cabin could hear it. The statue of the saint who had completely closed his eyes and entered the state of meditation suddenly raised his head and opened his eyes. His eyes penetrated the cabin and the river, and saw the four people by the river.

The four people standing by the river were Baihe Sanxian and his three disciples who had inherited Fang Xiu's lineage of ghosts and immortals in the past. At this moment, it seems that they have already cultivated to the ninth world, and from the view of true immortals, they took It's something that Fang Xiu left to him back then.

But at the same time when he got the things, because of the connection of Qi, he also found that Fang Xiu had come from the lower realm, so he came all the way here to meet this Juntian Immortal.

Although Immortal Jun Juntian didn't recognize them as disciples, their lineage actually inherited the inheritance of Immortal Jun Juntian.

The statue of the sage woke up and came, with rays of light bursting out from above, and a ray of immortal soul and true spirit could be vaguely seen overlapping with the clay statue: "Yes!"

The sudden opening of the statue of the saint and this vision scared the disciples of Fengyang Academy and the mountain master who were full of cabins, all at a loss.

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