Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 527: Broomstar

The big river was surging, and the four Taoists by the river turned into several rays of light and appeared on the boat in an instant, waiting outside the cabin on the deck.

"come in!"

Hearing an ethereal and indifferent voice inside, the four dared to go in. Taoist Baihe himself seemed a little nervous, not to mention his three disciples, four of whom had reached the immortal state nearly a thousand years ago. Now they are cultivating The ghost fairy who has reached the ninth life now looks like a Taoist boy who has just entered the Taoist sect.

Because the person inside is almost similar to the Taoist ancestor to Dongzhou. Before human beings were born, when the wilderness was occupied by monsters, he started to walk mountains and seas, set up a Taoist gate and passed down the Taoist magic, and only then did he have today. Dongzhou practice world.

This is true for Taoist sects, as well as for the school and all mortals. The sage Feng preached the world, and only then did the school have today. Compared with the major practice schools, the school has a greater influence in the secular world. Who doesn't pay homage to the Five Saints of the Academy, especially Feng Sheng, who was listed first in the establishment of the Academy, is almost completely deified and has become a symbol of humanity.

Under the reprimand of the Head of Fengyang Academy, all the disciples in the cabin knelt down towards the statue in panic, not even daring to lift their heads.

Remembering that this was actually the face of Saint Feng, who had been commenting on this holy image before, everyone was excited and scared.

The disciples named Fengyang Academy were too frightened to speak, but their hearts and expressions showed different attitudes.

"It's over, it's over! This is really a saint, not a statue!"

"We judged the sage before, and when we read "Preaching", our hearts were not sincere enough, and we were still chaotic afterward. Maybe the sage also saw it in his eyes."

"Sage Feng! Don't blame us, we didn't know you were inside the statue."

"Sage Feng won't punish us for our shameless actions before! No way, how could this saint care about us little girls."

And when the head of Fengyang Academy panicked, he thought of something more in his heart: "It's no wonder the master of the Shangxian Academy secretly sent someone to pick up the holy statue. It turned out that it was the lower realm of the saint. Could it be related to the academy this time?" Great plan, just let us meet."

At this time, the four people outside the door also came in. In Fang Xiu's eyes, Baihe and his disciples, although all the nine reincarnations later were human, and now they can almost be called human race, but their training The ghosts and immortals' body, but revealed their original real body.

The old Taoist White Crane could see a divine crane spreading its wings behind him, and the other three disciples could see a ghost dragon wrapped around his body, devouring the sea of ​​clouds, but Fang Xiu could tell at a glance that it was supposed to be a snake, but later turned into a dragon , Nine generations of practice, this ghost fairy dharma body turned into a ghost dragon, this thing can be called the dragon of the underworld, no worse than ordinary real dragons.

A person looks like a big cat, although because of its huge body, it looks like a god tiger, but if you look closely, you can tell that it should be a cat, and Fang Xiu knows it is a cat when he calculates it on the fly. It was originally a domestic cat used to catch mice in an official granary during the Dapan Dynasty.

The youngest disciple turned out to be a native dog, but at this moment, supported by a Sanxian cultivation base, he made a gesture of a dog swallowing the moon.

The three disciples that Baihe took in are quite interesting, they are all mortals without the slightest blood. You must know that although Baihe also practiced the way of ghosts and immortals, he was born as a great demon. After being enlightened by Fang Xiu, at the beginning At the time of the Lingshu Mountain Fairy Banquet, it was already able to be formed, and it is the blood of the first-class sky demon itself, which is quite extraordinary.

But after thinking about it, it just fits the way of ghosts and immortals, isn't it the way to reach heaven for ordinary people? Baihe inherited the ghosts and immortals that Fang Xiu created but did not practice perfectly. Jue, it seems that he also has a very deep understanding of the way of ghosts and immortals.

"White Crane brings Yunlong, Fenghu, and Tiangou under the door to meet Juntian Immortal Lord, wishing Immortal Lord longevity and heaven, and prosperity forever."

The four Taoists kowtowed three times and bowed nine times together with the disciples of the school before standing up.

It was only at this time that Bai He dared to raise his head to look at the god statue on the altar. At this time, the god statue that looked like jade and porcelain also lowered his head, exuding a faint divine light.

At this time, Bai He suddenly understood why he felt that when Juntian Juntian opened his mouth, his aura was strong and complete, unlike the weak aura of other patriarchs who were true spirits reincarnated in the lower world. Chances are, if they hadn't been known in advance, no one would have been able to find them: "It turns out that the celestial lord is a clone of the lower realm! Baihe thought that the celestial lord was a reincarnated body, and deliberately killed the star lord for this time. The heavenly court will open to the lower realm, so he brought his disciples , traveled all the way to this place to defend the way!"

The statue seems to have two layers, one is the mud tire outside, and the other is the fairy soul inside. The mud tire has not moved, and the fairy spirit inside said: "Immortals should not walk into the world easily. This time the star king's killing and calamity started, and the recruitment of immortals made Jia Yi worry." The massacre caused the fate of the human race to collapse, and Dongzhou was destroyed, so I was invited to join Dongzhou, so I used this muddy body to go down to the world."

"I didn't want to disturb this world, but I didn't expect that the four of you just reached the ninth life of cultivation, and you have already completed the body of ghosts and immortals. It seems that you really have some fate with me."

Bai He began to show fear, and then he heard the end of Juntian Juntian's words, and then he showed joy: "It was Baihe who took the liberty to disturb the purity of Xianjun. After the Ninth World Restoration, Baihe returned to the Temple of True Immortals, and saw what the former Xianjun left for Baihe. The object turned out to be a Taiyin fairy scroll, which fits my nine-turn Taiyin fairy formula, which makes up for the road behind the ghost and fairy road. Baihe's ghost and fairy road has come to an end, and it is no longer like a real fairy, a celestial fairy, or a fairy road. , there is still a way out.”

Bai He bowed again: "The Immortal Lord actually figured out Bai He's plight many years ago, thank you for the gift of the Immortal Lord."

Juntian Xianjun: "You created this nine-turn Taiyin fairy formula yourself, and you are walking the way of ghosts and immortals. Ghosts and immortals were born in the Nine Nether Immortal Fire, and they were also bound by the Nine Nether Immortal Fire. On top of this Nine Nether Immortal Flame, it is no longer possible to practice other Taoism, comprehend other laws, and even rely on immortal artifacts."

"If you can comprehend the Dao of Taiyin, after ascension, turn the Jiuyou Immortal Fire into the True Fire of Taiyin, you can continue to practice on this fairy way, and you will no longer be a low-level fairy."

"The real fire of Taiyin comes from the Taiyin star. It is not enough just to have the Taiyin fairy scroll. You must ascend to the upper realm and find a way to enter the Taiyin star palace. But this time the catastrophe begins, and the people with the fate of the Taiyin star will also reincarnate in the lower realm. If we can find him, we will be able to cultivate the Taiyin True Fire in advance, prove the Taiyin Dao, and directly ascend to the Taiyin Star Palace."

"Or there is another chance, if someone among you can inherit the star king's fate, it is not impossible to ignore this cultivation level and directly switch to the divine way, and become the star king of heaven in one fell swoop."

Bai He and several disciples carefully wrote down the words of Jun Tianxian Jun. They came this time, one of them came because the way of ghosts and immortals came to an end and they were confused about cultivation.

Not only the named disciple, but also the conversation between Feng Shengren and Baihe Sanxian was heard by all the disciples of Fengyang Academy and the head of the mountain. Everyone was very excited. Although they don't know much about the legend of the Heavenly Court in the Upper Realm, even though some of their disciples haven't heard of it, it doesn't prevent them from knowing that every word in it is related to What you get is the real fairy class stuff.

This made them, as mortals, not excited or curious, almost pricking up their ears.

At this time, Baihe spoke again, and said a big news: "Xianjun! The four of us also discovered a person who was reincarnated from the ancient heavenly court star king. Although it is not certain, there are eight out of ten Nine's sure!"

"White Crane is willing to dedicate it to Xianjun!"

"Oh? Which one is the reincarnation of the main star?" Although Fang Xiu didn't need such a person with a star destiny, nor did he need the position of a star king, but he heard that the white crane boy had discovered a reincarnated person with a star destiny in advance. Somewhat surprised, this is not easy to discover, especially when this secret is so chaotic that almost no one can calculate it.

Together with more than a dozen disciples of the academy, they also looked at Baihe Sanxian, especially the head of the mountain. Only she can understand the true meaning of this. The world is also considered well-known, and Baihe, a great practitioner who became famous during the Dapan Dynasty, has been found.

Embarrassment suddenly appeared on Baihe Sanxian's face, he opened his mouth and closed it, and after hesitating for a moment, he said hesitatingly: "It's the broom star!"

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