Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 528 The Immortal Que Under the Moon

"Pfft!" At this moment, a female disciple of Fengyang Academy who was kneeling on the ground to eavesdrop couldn't hold back her laughter, and immediately saw the head of the mountain staring at her with a dark face.

But in front of Saint Feng, he didn't even look at this saint, he didn't care about it at all, and the head of Fengyang Academy didn't like to get angry. After glaring at his female disciple fiercely, he decided to wait until later Clean her up again.

Most of the other older ones have no expression at all. After all, broom star is also a decent star of the heavenly court, one of the main stars of the upper realm, in charge of a large cave star mansion, such a fairy god is no better than other gods except for the ugly name. The position of Xingjun is poor.

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Baihe talking about meeting this broom star, Jun Tianxian couldn't help laughing, his voice and smile were just like Baihe's when he attended the Lingshu Mountain Discussion Immortal Banquet, he was as chic as a fairy, which made him feel extraordinarily happy. familiar.

It turned out that at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, they met a child herding cattle. The child saw that the four of them were dressed in extraordinary manners, and thought they were immortals in legends, and wanted to worship them as teachers.

Don't look at the white crane holding the disciple ceremony in front of Juntian Xianjun, he is extremely respectful, but he is a majestic loose immortal, the master of the real immortal temple, in charge of ghosts and immortals, in the entire East Continent, he is also a top practitioner, he can be called the ancestor outside A person of the first level, how can a person like him accept disciples easily, especially when he has cultivated the Ninth Rank Ghost Immortal and is about to ascend to the ascension.

Moreover, this cow-herding baby seems to have no high qualifications, and the qualifications that can barely cross the threshold of cultivation are not in line with the selection of the disciples of the sect, nor in line with the mortal but inner beauty that Baihe Guixian wanted. features.

Unexpectedly, the cowherd boy said: "You look down on me today, and you will definitely beg us again in the future, begging to accept me as a disciple."

At that time, Baihe Sanxian didn't take it to heart. He didn't expect to run into the fairy sword of Jianshan that day when he went out, and bumped into the fairy sword head-on. The real fairy weapon was extremely sharp in killing and cutting, and directly hit Baihe Sanxian with a big somersault, and then a group of sword immortals in Tianjian Mountain who were confused had another battle with the scattered immortals of Zhenxian Temple.

After leaving the generation of Tianjian Mountain, the four of them encountered a series of unlucky things again. It can be said that they stepped on dog shit when they went out, farted and hit their heels. Can't figure out what is the reason.

But he could vaguely see that his luck was shrouded in a black cloud at the moment.

As a person who is close to immortals, he naturally has a natural sense of smell and inspiration for luck and fate. In an instant, he thought of the cowherd boy at the foot of Tianjian Mountain, and felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, he went back and took a look, and found When this child was born, it coincided with the opening of the fairy gate, and the stars descended to the lower realm, and it also had various peculiarities.

Although from the outside, even he thinks this is an ordinary child, even with poor aptitude, but Bai He understands that he may have met a real reincarnated person of star destiny.

Next, the four of them lived in Tianjian Mountain and the first generation of Gu Gaoguo for a period of time, just for the reincarnated person of star fate, until they felt the aura of Juntian Xianjun, and a Juntian Xianjun also reincarnated from the lower world, and hurried away. Come to protect the way.

Fang Xiu could imagine Baihe's embarrassment at that time. As a loose immortal in the current world, a person who has cultivated to the extreme with nine ranks of ghost immortals, can be cured by a child, which makes people laugh.

"This kind of star-fate person may also let you meet, I don't know if it's your bad luck, or this star-fate person's bad luck is deep."

"However, I am not reincarnated from the lower world this time. Once the heavens are opened, I have my own destiny. I don't need to compete with the star-destined people who reincarnated in the lower world from the ancient times for the position of the star king. You can meet the reincarnation of the star king. People are your own chance."

"As for whether you want to accept this star-destined person as a disciple, or if you want to seek the position of this star king, you can make your own decision, you don't need to ask me."

"However, the heavens have the virtue of good life. The position of the star king is not just obtained by killing, but to see who has more fate and luck. If you can follow the fate, you can defeat this star above the destiny." For a person with destiny, the star destiny will naturally abandon it and belong to you, if you do not have this destiny, even if you kill the person with this destiny, you will not be able to take this star king's destiny."

"Furthermore, each of these people with star destiny is the reincarnation of an ancient immortal god. If you want to kill someone rashly, you will surely bring disaster and calamity. It is the right way to be upright and upright."

At the level of Xianjun Juntian, the words spoken must have profound meanings, Baihe Sanxian and the three disciples of Zhenxian Temple did not dare to underestimate them, and they all kept them in their hearts: "I respect the teachings of Xianjun!"

"Go! This time the Xingjun kills, you may start with the reincarnated person of the star life, and find other people with the life of the star or the reincarnated person of the lunar star, and you may be able to gain something."

Farewell to the scattered immortals of Zhenxianguan: "If the immortal king has a call, no matter the end of the world, the white crane will definitely arrive. If there is any request, we will go through thick and thin and we will fulfill it."

After the four scattered immortals of Zhenxian Temple left, it was considered that the people of Fengyang Academy had spoken. At this time, the head of Fengyang Academy hurriedly stepped forward: "Zou Hongjun, the forty-second generation head of Fengyang Academy, has seen Saint Feng."

Saint Feng took a look at Zou Hongjun: "The things about me in the lower realm and what I said just now must not be leaked to the outside world."

"Disciple Hong Jun knows!"

The head of the mountain looks respectful, but these little girls in Fengyang Academy are different. Although they all lower their heads, they still can't help but look at him curiously, as if secretly looking at him from the side, so they won't be given by Feng Shengren. found average.

Many people looked at Shengren Feng eagerly, and remembered that in the myths and stories, when ordinary people meet immortals, the immortals will always reward them with something, not to mention that they themselves are the disciples of Shengren Feng.

Although he thought so in his heart, no one dared to say it, but Shengfeng couldn't see what these juniors were thinking.

Originally, Fang Xiu didn't expect to meet his disciples from his school on this boat, and he didn't have any preparations. After thinking about it, he casually took out a picture of the fairy palace under the moon that he had drawn in Youdu before, and he could still be seen on it. The inscriptions and seals are not very good, but this painting is definitely the best in the world. Except for the few paintings that were coerced by the fairy lord of Youdu in the palace, there are not many people in the world who have Feng in their hands. Saint's painting.

Zou Hongjun, the mountain head of Fengyang Academy, can be said to be crying with joy. Except for the ancient times, I am afraid that this Fengsheng painting can no longer be found in Shangxian Academy, and Fengyang Academy got a volume. The status of the academy is probably going to be raised to a higher level.

"Gift from Saint Xie Feng!"

"Saint Xie Feng!"

"Saint Xie Feng."

And Fang Xiu bestowed this painting, not simply a random act, so he warned: "This time the lower world is killed and calamity, the academy may be involved, you hang this fairy picture in the academy, if there is a calamity, It will save the academy from disaster."

After staying in the cabin for a few days, Fang Xiu and the mud tire finally got 70% to 80% compatible, and his activities were no longer hindered. He walked out of the cabin slowly under the cloud light, and looked outside at the gradually falling night.

The clay statue walked across the river, in the faint waves of the dark night, it seemed to be integrated with the sky and the earth, and disappeared into the distance.

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