Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 529 Four Stars of Wen Yun

Po County is a place where the culture of the world gathers, and the style of writing is the most prosperous. This place can be said to be a place where every household studies. Every family has someone who is an official in the court, and there are endless families.

Not to mention that this place is also the place where the Shangxian Academy is located. The Millennium Academy and the Master are all here. Apart from the Great Zhou Yangjing, Pu County is the most prosperous city in the world.

Originally, the big river did not pass through the county, but in the previous dynasty, a large number of civilians, practitioners, and even the power of gods were used to open a grand canal to pass through the county. The reason for the canal, and most of the materials needed by Yangjing are also transported through this canal.

At the moment, at the corner of the canal pier, a few carriages were parked here, and a few old men in scribe robes stood by the river, watching the boats coming and going in the distance, and the porters were sweating profusely, waiting until evening. , the ships gradually thinned out.

"If you do the math, it should be almost here!" An old man was a little tired waiting. Although his whole body was full of righteousness, the disciples of the academy couldn't compare to those people of martial arts. .

"The boat should be almost here! This time the sage will go down to the realm, and my school will definitely be able to take advantage of this catastrophe and become the champion again." Another person wearing the school's teaching clothes had arranged for the boat to go to Yongbei County before. In private, he sent his disciples to follow along the journey, and a few days ago, he sent a letter saying that the boat had arrived in Fengyang.

Standing at the front, the master of the Fashion Xian Academy, also showed joy on his face, and stroked his beard: "The stars are in the lower realm, and the ancient gods and gods are reincarnated. This situation, even if it is the background of the Millennium Academy , Just relying on us, I am afraid that one step will be careless and fall into the abyss!"

"When the time comes, what face will we have to meet the sages of the past and the five sages? Fortunately, the upper world has already made arrangements, and we can just follow the instructions of the sages."

"What's more, it's that one who is in the lower realm this time."

Speaking of the saints who came from the lower world this time, everyone burst out with incomparable self-confidence, as if there was something there, even if the gods and gods were reincarnated all over the place during this killing, the academy could still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

But before the boat arrived, a paper mandarin duck crossed the clouds and fell from the sky into the hands of Xuegong Instructor. When he looked at it, his face immediately turned dark.

The master looked over: "What happened?"

Although I don't know what happened, but looking at the expression on the teacher's face, I know that something unexpected has happened. You must know that they are here to welcome Feng Shengren to the lower realm, and you must know that immortal gods should not enter the world easily. Reincarnated in the lower world, although they knew that they were not reincarnated in the lower world, they must have come from the lower world in a certain way. If something happened halfway, everyone in the school of their generation could not afford it.

Thinking of this, Master's heart suddenly sank, and his voice became a little harsh.

"Nothing happened! It's just that the Four Scattered Immortals of the True Immortal Temple met Feng Shengren halfway, and then Feng Shengren left suddenly at Fengyang Lake, and now he is nowhere to be found."

The Master's complexion was still not good, but he breathed a sigh of relief: "A sage is like a dragon, and his actions must have deep meaning. We don't need to speculate, we don't need to wait, let's go back to the academy."

Halfway up the road, several instructors from the front yard of the Shangxian Academy suddenly rushed over, saying that a carriage suddenly appeared at the entrance of the academy, blocking the entrance of the academy, and all the disciples of the academy should get close to the carriage , the righteousness all over his body was suppressed as if he had encountered a nemesis.

It was as if the whole body was burned before the great day, and ordinary disciples couldn't even get out of the gate. Only a few disciples who had achieved greatness and righteousness could barely pass through the gate.

The master brought several contemporary great sages to the gate of the academy immediately, and saw a carriage parked under the thousand-year-old locust tree at the entrance of the academy, snorting and snorting. From the looks of it, it seems that there is nothing special, but it is different in the eyes of people in the academy.

At a glance, they saw that there was a sun burning inside the car, and the light covered the entire county, which was extremely dazzling.

When the master saw it, he knew who it was. He went forward and knelt down on the ground, and a group of people behind him also knelt down.

"The twenty-fourth generation master of Shangxian Academy, Gongyang, pays homage to the saint!"

"Zhou Zhou, a disciple of Shangxian Academy, pays homage to the saint!"

"Tu Hai, a disciple of Shangxian Academy, pays a visit to the saint!"

At this moment the night has fallen, fortunately there is no one at the gate of the school, I am afraid to see this black and kneeling scene, including the master of the Shangxian Academy, it is enough to make people dumbfounded.

"Get up! The lower bound cannot be extended this time, and I'm not really in the lower bound. It's inconvenient for me to walk outside, let's talk about it when I go inside!" The voice from inside the carriage entered the ears of several people, and immediately excited them so much that their blood swelled. The person kneeling behind couldn't help but feel a shiver running up his spine, and couldn't stand up for a long time.

Although I already knew that the person in the lower realm was Feng Shengren, but when I met him face to face, I still felt a little overwhelmed. It felt like a dream. After all, a character who only appeared in myths and legends came down to the mortal world and appeared in my own world. before.

Master Gong Yangli personally led the horse into the academy, until it reached the forbidden area in the backyard of the academy, inside the Xiansheng Palace.

There is also a Xiansheng Palace in the Juntian Star Mansion in the upper realm, which is the residence of Fengsheng. The Xiansheng Palace here is modeled after the Xiansheng Palace in the upper realm.

It's just that no matter in shape or size, they are far behind. The area of ​​Xiansheng Palace in the upper realm is just like a city, but this place is just an ordinary palace.

Feng Shengren just stepped down from the carriage at this time. At this moment, his figure does not look much different from ordinary people, but he still has the feeling of a part of a clay statue, with a scent of incense. It doesn't look like he is walking from a carriage. Come down, but walk down from the altar.

However, this form is more in line with the appearance of Feng Shengren in the impression of the disciples of the academy. The Feng Shengren they saw is a god on the altar, high above, and cannot be looked directly at.

The decorations in Xiansheng Palace are also similar to the Upper Realm, the only difference is that the Upper Realm is where the Five Sages really gather in this Xiansheng Palace, the ancient sages gather together, and there are only the statues of the Five Saints and the ancient sages. tablet.

Feng Shengren glanced at it, and finally stood under his statue: "This time Xingjun kills and calamity, what I have done in the palace is still in charge of literary and moral luck, but try to protect the people of the world during the killing and calamity, so as not to The killing and calamity were too heavy, and the vitality of Dongzhou's humanity was severely damaged."

"The stars in charge of literary fortune in the world should be Wenqu, Wenchang, Kuixing, and Luxing. People with these four stars should join our school."

"Wenqu, Wenchang, and Kuixing are the three stars. If they want to ascend to the position of Xingjun, they must be born in the imperial examination, and they must be related to my school. Only this Lu Xing may not be born under my school."

"Find Wenqu, Wenchang, and Kuixing three stars as soon as possible, and then plan to plan for the position of Lucky Star, and start planning from now on."

"This is the planning of my school, the trend of literary and literary development, and besides that, there is the overall situation of the world."

"The overall situation in the world, if you don't go out, you can kill the three stars of the wolf and start the catastrophe. Ziwei Xingxing will end the chaotic world. Find the three stars of the wolf and the emperor as soon as possible, and you can complete the catastrophe as soon as possible, and end this star king. .”

The master of the Shangxian Academy waited under Feng Shengren like a student, and recorded everything Feng Sheng said in his heart. A few words have already determined the layout of the entire academy for the next ten or twenty years, and even the direction of the overall situation of the world.

At this time, the master showed some unbearable expression, as if he did not want to see the chaos in the world and the devastation of life: "May I ask the sage, when the killing and calamity occurs, will my school support the person with the life of Ziwei, or preserve the great Zhou Dynasty. "

Feng Shengren looked at the master Gongyangli: "Follow the general trend, if Dazhou can stabilize the star king's killing and robbery, then he will preserve the continent and the country, and he can't just help the Ziwei star to end the troubled times, but there is only one , end the killing as soon as possible. If there is a stalemate and the killing lasts for tens of hundreds of years, I am afraid that the luck of humanity and the entire Dongzhou practice world will be greatly damaged. It turned into this situation.”

"Also, Immortal Nanhua has also reincarnated into the lower realm! In the past, Immortal Nanhua was also a disciple of Xuegong. He once practiced with Tang Li in the same sect, and he also received some guidance from me. He can be regarded as half of my disciple. The lower realm also told me this time, you wait to welcome him back

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