Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 533 Greedy Wolf Appears

Ghost Ji Hongyu was in such a miserable state that her soul was almost scattered, and she was almost wiped out on the spot. She saw Emperor Dongyang returning to the mansion, and the remaining Yin soldiers from the emperor's mansion came to attack her and the city, and immediately took Yan The body of the demon emperor broke a bloody path from the army of Yin soldiers, and fled towards the distance without daring to turn back.

At the same time, an invisible figure wearing a black robe appeared above the Emperor's Mansion City. The moment he appeared, tens of thousands of elite ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the city spotted his tracks and rushed out densely.

However, he waved his hand, and inside the sleeve robe, a divine seal similar to the seal of the Nine Dragon Emperor fell down, but it was a black jade seal, and the nine real dragons on it were not golden dragons that represented majestic human luck. It is a ferocious ghost dragon, and it was Emperor Yan Mo who forged the Immortal Artifact Yan Mo Emperor Seal according to the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal.

In the past, he was defeated by the Juntian Immortal and the envoy Jia Yi, the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal was taken back by the Juntian Immortal, and the Donglong Cauldron was also taken by Jia Yi. This seal of Yan Motianzi was re-sacrificed after he fled to the underworld. Immortal artifact, in this underworld, it is almost impossible for anyone to make it with the Dacheng body of Yan Mo Tian Zi and the seal of Yan Mo Tian Zi imitated from the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal, as long as it does not bump into the person who ascended the position of immortal The emperor of the Yin Division is invincible vertically and horizontally.

Yan Mo Tianzi Seal fell from the sky, directly crushing the tens of thousands of ghosts, gods and ghost soldiers rushing out of the Emperor's Mansion, and bombarded the pillar of luck that penetrated the world.

This is Da Zhou's Luck Dragon Pillar. Because of the turmoil in the world, it is no longer what it used to be. At this moment, it was hit by Yan Mo Tianzi Seal, and it shook violently in an instant. The incense and blazing sun in it began to sink and float towards the bottom.

Taking advantage of the instability of the Luck Dragon Pillar, Emperor Yan Mo stretched out his hand, and stretched directly towards the Luck Dragon Pillar. When it resisted and shook the seal of the Emperor Yan Mo, he pulled something out of the dragon pillar.

It was an imperial edict exuding a faint light, with dense inscriptions on the corners, and a huge vortex on the back, which seemed to be able to swallow everything, and seemed to represent the will of the reincarnation of heaven and earth.

This is a divine edict from the Yin Division, which came from the Yintian Zicheng and was endorsed and signed by the department in charge of all Yin laws.

It was when the Great Zhou royal family was first established in the past, it signed a contract with a powerful snobbery from the Hou Saturn Mansion. The Great Zhou Dynasty conferred them as princes from generation to generation, and let them take charge of the Qin Tianjian and part of the Shinto order. Share the world with them, and they also guard the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty from generation to generation.

As far as Emperor Yan Mo knew, the Emperor Dongyang himself was not a human being in the Yang world, but also came from the Saturn Mansion after that. The most powerful dynasty ever - the Great Zhou Dynasty.

At the same time, this is also a contract signed between the royal family of the Great Zhou and each generation of princes of the Great Zhou. It contains the souls of every prince, including the military princes who control the army, to restrain them so that they cannot betray the Great Zhou when they are alive. After his death, he still entered Dongyang Emperor's Mansion City to serve in the Great Zhou Longting.

After Yan Mo Tianzi got the Yin Division Shenzhao, he couldn't help laughing wildly, and saw Yan Mo Tianzi bombarding the dragon pillar, and ghosts rushed out of the emperor's mansion below, and surrounded Yan Motian in the center.

Emperor Yan Mo didn't seem to do anything, or in other words, the moment he got the Yin Division God's Edict, he thought he had won.

At this time, from the end of the sky, an infinitely elongated golden light came across tens of thousands of miles in an instant, and arrived at the city of Dongyang Emperor's mansion in an instant. Dongyang Emperor, who was holding the Dongyang Bell, looked at Emperor Yan Mo with extreme anger, and roared out .

"Che Yan!"

"Kong Huai!"

The two sides directly called each other's earthly name, which was a name that no one had called out or mentioned in front of their sleep for almost a thousand years. The world only knew that there were Emperor Dongyang and Emperor Yan Mo, but no one knew their true identity. origin.

One is from the Saturn Mansion in the present world, and the other is the last Shao King of the ancient Shao Kingdom.

Dongyang Emperor looked at the Yin Division Divine Edict in the hands of Emperor Yan Mo, and his face became extremely ugly: "Why do you know this thing? How do you know that this thing is in the Luck Dragon Pillar?"

Emperor Yan Mo looked at Emperor Dongyang and couldn't help laughing: "Doesn't the emperor know that things like contracts will gradually become outdated as time changes? Some people think that this contract is no longer appropriate, so they tell It hurt me, wanted me to destroy it, and I needed to destroy it too."

"Don't you think that with me alone, I can turn around the majestic Emperor Dongyang and easily obtain the Divine Edict of the Yin Division?"

Emperor Dongyang roared: "How could they! How dare they!"

The corner of Yan Mo Tianzi's mouth showed a smile: "The emperor has made his appearance. There is no immortal dynasty in the world. The sun rises and sets, and the dynasty changes. This is the order of heaven and earth. Only we, the immortal gods, are eternal. The emperor has already ascended the position of immortal god , I have achieved positive results, but I am still obsessed with these things, it seems that my cultivation is not deep enough!"

Emperor Dongyang was silent, as if he had accepted the fact that the Great Zhou Dynasty and himself had been abandoned, or in other words, as early as the moment he became the Great Zhou Emperor, he was no longer a member of the Hou Saturn Mansion, and signed the contract with the original Those people who signed the contract and the divine edict were only exchanging benefits.

Since it is an exchange of interests, when it is in their interests, they will of course support and help the Great Zhou Dynasty, and live and die with the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now that the Xingjun killing and calamity has started, they feel that the Great Zhou Dynasty is no longer in their interests , and of course abandon them.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Give me back the Divine Edict of the Yin Division, and I promise that I will personally send you to the world, and the Great Zhou Dynasty will also help you in your affairs in the world."

Emperor Yan Mo laughed loudly: "The emperor thought I was going to be reincarnated in the lower world? Why do I need to be reincarnated in the lower world? Don't the emperor know that what my magic sect is best at is doing the stuff that Li Daitao is stiff?"

"If it wasn't for me destroying Dapan in the past and slaughtering the blood of the last royal family of the Pan Dynasty, how could you come to Dazhou?"

"This debt! It's time for you Da Zhou to pay me back. Karma is implicated, and you can't do it if you don't pay it back!"

"Your Marquis Wuwei of the Great Zhou betrayed the Great Zhou a long time ago, and you didn't practice the Great Zhou's Eastern Emperor's Taiyi Punch and Human Immortal Martial Arts, but you have already secretly colluded with my Demon Sect, and what you practiced was my Demon Sect's God and Demon Immortality The body is still my Yan Mo Tianzi Dafa."

"Hahaha! He thought that I would be unable to do anything to him if I was trapped in the underworld. He secretly practiced my supreme law and thought that he would be able to cross the world and lead the demon gate, but he didn't know that he had already entered my urn."

"Now that his soul is in my hands, I, Emperor Yan Mo, will return to the Yang world today, and let everyone know that I am back again."

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yan Mo crushed the Yin Division's divine edict, and the Yin script collapsed instantly, converging upwards, forming a gray vortex, which was the reincarnation channel of the Yin Division.

Many souls fled out along the inscriptions, or entered reincarnation, or sneaked into the yang world, looking for their own masters.

"Er dare!" Dongyang Emperor shot angrily at the moment when he crushed the Yin Division's divine edict, and instantly saw a golden divine bell like a mountain fall down, smashing the incarnation of Emperor Yan Mo.

And the true spirit of Emperor Yan Mo, along with those souls, entered the passage of reincarnation together with the seal of Emperor Yan Mo, the fairy artifact.

When the Dongyang bell fell, the channel of reincarnation was also annihilated, but the emperor Yan Mo had long since disappeared.

At this time, the Luck Dragon Pillar on the Emperor's Mansion collapsed again in an instant, shrinking by nearly 30%, and the burning sun also dimmed in an instant, revealing the decline of the setting sun and the setting sun.


At Tianyang Pass in the northern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty, within the camp of the Shendu Army outside the city, a black air suddenly shot up from the barracks, like a wolf smoke or a black storm penetrating the sky and earth, it was extremely terrifying.

The black air continued to spread towards the surroundings. In the entire barracks, soldiers fell down one by one, and groups of them ran away in fright, but they were caught up in the blink of an eye.

One by one, the soldiers stood up again in the black smoke, but at this moment, their martial arts supernatural powers had already been transformed into magic, and one by one they became magic soldiers and generals.

Marquis Wuwei sat cross-legged in the pillar of wolf smoke at this time, suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at the earth and the one hundred thousand demon soldiers and generals under his command, with extreme longing and greed in his eyes.

"I'm back!" That voice was full of anger and resentment that had been suppressed for thousands of years, but thinking of those two characters in the past, Emperor Yan Mo became helpless again. Those two existences, I am afraid that even if he boarded the Even if he lost the position of Xingjun, he couldn't do anything to the other party, let alone now.

At the same time, a star in the sky shone brightly, and a giant wolf galloped down from the Tanlang Star Mansion nine days away, split into two, and came from the lower realm.

Marquis Wu Wei sat in the black demonic smoke column, let out a long howl, and swallowed the giant wolf into his belly, feeling infinite power added to his body instantly, and a thousand-foot black giant wolf wrapped around the smoke column behind him.

It destroyed the divine edict signed by Emperor Dongyang when the Great Zhou was founded, defeated 30% of the Dragon Pillar of Luck in the Great Zhou, captured the body of Marquis Wuwei, and turned the entire Shendu army into his own demon soldiers and generals. , betrayed Da Zhou.

It is tantamount to using one's own power to start a situation of chaos in the world and officially start the killing and robbery.

This should have been done by those who were greedy for the life of the wolf among the three stars who killed the wolf. Now Marquis Wuwei completed the duty of the life of the star instead of him, and took half of his life in an instant.

And the other half of Tanlangxing was destined to go down to the east, and Marquis Wuwei looked at the east, where the other half of Tanlangxing's fate fell.

"You will be mine!"

And all over Dongzhou, countless practitioners and gods also saw the scene of Tanlangxing's generous light. Although they couldn't see the scene of Tanlangxing coming from the lower realm and splitting into two, they already knew what happened .

In the Shangxian Academy in Pu County, a man leaning under a tree and among flower petals, holding a scroll of letters also raised his head and looked into the distance: "The greedy wolf is here!"

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