Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 534 Chaos in the Northern Territory

In Yangjing, this time, the general examination of Jinshi was presided over by Yuan Cheng, the servant of the Ministry of Rites. Li Qian, who just turned 20 years old, came to Yangjing to prepare for the exam a year ago.

"This time, I must go to high school!" Sitting in the private room temporarily built by the Ministry of Rites, Li Qian looked at the elderly people with gray hair on the opposite side and on the left and right sides, and suddenly felt a little sad. You can't be like these people, and you can't get ahead until your hair is gray.

Besides, before coming here, Master Xuegong personally sent himself and others out, and told himself that he had extremely high expectations of himself, and he would not let Master down no matter what.

Thinking of this, Li Qian couldn't help but think of the man in black and red ancient robes that he had seen several times near Xiansheng Palace in the forbidden area of ​​the backyard. He looked very similar to Saint Feng. He dreamed that he handed him a jade pendant and let him hang it around his waist.

"When the star life is opened, don't show your sharpness, especially the life artifact, don't lose it."

Li Qian couldn't help thinking of something more: "Isn't it really the sage Feng? How could the dignified sage pay attention to me, an ordinary school disciple?"

"The fate of the stars is opened? I heard that this world coincides with the reincarnation of the stars of the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm. Am I one of them?"

Li Qian, who was born in the Shangxian Academy, followed several disciples who were also from the Shangxian Academy to Beijing to apply for Jinshi. Among them, Li Qian was not so conspicuous. , are all famous in the world, but because of their youth, they also get attention.

When he came to the capital, Li Qian saw the bustling scene of Dazhou Shenjing, which is even better than Pujun, especially the majestic palace complex. You can see traveling officials and even Dazhou princes on the streets. Here, ordinary Practitioners of the Alchemy Realm can be seen everywhere, and it is not difficult to meet practitioners of the Longevity Realm and above.

Not to mention that Zhuangyuan Street, where they live together at the moment, is full of scholars as far as the eye can see, and at night, one can even see streaks of mighty aura rising into the sky, like a bullfighting bullfight.

They are either from the world's top five university palaces, or from major academies, or from the sects of famous scholars and great sages.

They may have originally come from a poor family or even a peasant family, but they can come to this Yangjing step by step. After showing their talents, they will definitely be favored by the academy and academies and focus on training, so Li Qian reported his name and background. The examination candidates all over the street can be called his fellow apprentices.

But they are just brothers in name, on the surface they meet in harmony, but in secret they hold each other together, hardly interacting with each other, the boundaries are clear,

Many of the disputes and grievances among the five university palaces in the world have been handed down from thousands of years ago. Although Shangxian Academy is in charge of preaching jade slips and is the leader of the school palace, the other four university palaces in the world do not completely obey Shangxian. The order of the school palace, even because of the controversy over morality and etiquette, openly turned their faces many times.

Only when there is an oracle handed down from Xundu Xuegong in the upper realm, will they be united.

From time to time in the distance came the movement of the awe-inspiring righteousness, which was the reflection of his compatibility with the scriptures of the sages, and after reading the sage's chapters, Li Qian didn't know that when he wrote the pen, the pen was like a dragon and a snake, and he was full of awe-inspiring Righteousness seemed to pull the stars in the sky, covering everyone else.

It also attracted the attention of Yuan Cheng, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and many officials of the Ministry of Rites talked about it.

After taking the exam for several days in a row, as the bell rang, Li Qian walked out of the Ministry of Rites with many scholars, and got Yuan Cheng's attention.

It's just that Li Qian hadn't returned to Zhuangyuan Street, and before the sun set in the evening, he saw a star shining brightly in the sky. Although Li Qian didn't see it, he raised his head and looked towards the sky as if drawn by his own destiny.

A senior from Shangxian Academy next to Li Qian looked in the direction of the imperial city, his gaze was burning: "The Dragon Pillar is in turmoil! The world must be different!"

"This time we come to Yangjing to participate in the Jinshi Department, whether it is a blessing or a curse is still unknown!"

Then in Yangjing, powerful practitioners and great sages suddenly erupted, and the terrifying and dull power covered the entire Yangjing, making people feel as if a catastrophe was about to come.

In the attic of Qin Tianjian, Li Tianxing, the supervisor, seemed to have expected this moment long ago: "The greedy wolf is here! The world is in chaos!"

"It's finally here!"

Li Tianxing looked at the star map drawn behind him, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Just why did you come so early?"

Inside the Yangjing Town God's Temple, a deity wearing a scarlet robe looked at the violently shaking Luck Dragon Pillar. The golden Luck that originally covered it continued to decline, and the golden dragon wrapped around it let out bursts of angry roars. Voice: "The Luck Dragon Pillar has been reduced by 30%. It is already so terrifying just because the Greedy Wolf Star is in the world?"

Sangong Jiuqing rushed to the palace one after another, requesting to meet His Majesty the Emperor, the Dragon Qi was attenuated by 30%, equal to the inexplicable power of the Great Zhou, almost attenuated by one-third under the circumstances that everyone couldn't figure it out.

The Luck Dragon Pillar is a symbol of the strength of the Great Zhou. Whether it is on the bright side or in the dark, it must be due to a reduction in strength, or a major problem somewhere, that will cause the Dragon Qi to weaken.

Everyone was terrified, and it was because they didn't know where the problem was, the officials crowded outside the palace gate, everyone was talking, and people were panicking.

Not long after, an eunuch came out of the palace, the emperor only summoned a few of the three princes and nine ministers and the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, and the others retreated one after another.

Compared with the ministers seeking an audience outside the palace, the emperor Kong Yan seemed more restless at this moment. Seeing the ministers enter the imperial study and kneel to meet him, he asked, "Li Tianxing! Didn't you say that killing robbery will wait until these star kings are reincarnated?" It will only open when the wings of a person are full, and it should not be that time yet, why is the Greedy Wolf Star appearing now?"

"Thirty percent luck! The Great Zhou Dragon Pillar has attenuated thirty percent luck, what will happen if it continues to decline?"

"Could it be that the tragedy of Dapan in the past will be repeated in Shenjing? Monsters are rampant, and ghosts are roaming the streets?"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but think of the scene at the end of the Great Pan Dynasty. At that time, the Great Pan Dynasty was also in its heyday. Disintegration and separation, the world is in chaos.

Li Tianxing could only clasp his hands and said: "The minister is investigating thoroughly, what went wrong, and the result should be resolved soon."

"However, the Luck Dragon Pillar has collapsed by 30%, the problem must not appear elsewhere, but within us, especially the four armies of Shendu, Shenwu, Yulong, and Zhenwu. They are the foundation of the country. "

"Besides the problems of the four armies, I can't think of any other reasons that could make the Luck Dragon Pillar collapse so quickly."

It's fine if Li Tianxing doesn't say it, this statement immediately surprised the emperor and the officials in the hall. Once there is a problem with the four armies, it is tantamount to a catastrophe for Dazhou. , Yulong, and Zhenwu four armies, where can the power of the Great Zhou suppress the heroes of the world.

Sure enough, news came from the border on the second day, and it was news that shocked the world.

The Shendu Army abandoned Tianyang Pass, and Marquis Wuwei, who was in command of the Shendu Army, changed his banner and set off a counter-banner. He led an army of 100,000 to attack Chenjun suddenly, and the army besieged the city.

The Tianyang Pass was opened, and the royal court of the Rong people, who coveted the middle land, took advantage of the momentum and went south. Eighty thousand cavalry passed through the ancient Baizhou all the way.

Li Qian has been staying in the capital, waiting for the day when the rankings will be released. In the past few days, rumors can be seen in the entire Yangjing. The land of the five prefectures in ancient Panzhou was divided into the north.

The iron cavalry of the Royal Court of the Great Rong was already on the verge of the river, and could cross the river at any time, invade the hinterland of the Great Zhou, and even threaten Shenjing.

This is equivalent to saying that the eight or nine counties in the area north of the great river in the Great Zhou territory were almost completely lost within less than ten days.

Dazhou hastily dispatched the Shenwu army to Kunyang City, backed by Xiangshan Mountain, with the help of the big river to prevent the iron cavalry of the Royal Court of the Great Rong from going south. The beast gu sculpture leaps across the big river, covering the sky and the sun, and you can hear the terrifying sound of the gu sculpture. On the other side of the big river, you can also see the bonfire lit by the witch sacrifice of the Rong people, killing hundreds of people. sacrifice, cast the spell of cursing the plague, intending to curse and kill the people in the city.

Within the Shenwu army, a martial arts immortal made a move, and a giant palm fell from the sky, directly falling on the opposite side, killing the witch priest who cast the curse technique, and a hundred thousand warriors roared, blood on the top of the city Qi gathered into a mountain and descended from the sky, crushing the Gu Eagle flying army hovering in the sky into pieces.

A witch god who had survived the three disasters in the royal court of the Rong people shot out in anger, and a terrifying thousand-meter skeleton giant appeared on the opposite bank, crossed the river in one step, and stepped towards the city of Kunyang. He also showed the appearance of a human being, and fought with him until dawn. The two sides died down, and there was no movement across the river.

Marquis Wuwei, who set up the rebellious flag, took advantage of this period of time and gradually annexed the ancient pan land, quite like the ancient pan country again, relying on natural dangers to separate one side and build a country by himself.

The imperial court wanted to send the two armies of Yulong and Zhenwu to extinguish the Marquis of Wuwei who started the rebellion, but there was constant opposition. Once the two armies were dispatched, the barbarians in the south would probably take advantage of the situation and there would be no people to guard the south Without deterrence, since ancient times, it has been a land in the south where there are many sects and aristocratic families, and changes are likely to occur.

The Secretary of the Ministry of War wrote a letter admonishing the imperial court to establish a new army, but some people said that the four powerful martial arts armies in the world are all the foundation accumulated little by little for hundreds of years in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and each warrior was cultivated by consuming a lot of resources and strength , A new army, how could it be the majestic Marquis Wuwei, and the opponent of the most powerful army in the world, the Shendu Army.

But in the end, the emperor still agreed with the advice of the Minister of War to build a new army. Today, the world needs a new strong martial arts army to support the situation, especially as an emperor, new strength is needed to break the deadlock.

In the middle of the night, the two stars Wenqu and Wenchang on the sky suddenly shone brightly. Li Qian, who was sleeping, dreamed of throwing a golden document into his arms, and woke up suddenly.

The same is true for another young man from the Palace of Moral Studies, as if he felt a powerful force pouring into him, as if he could borrow the power of the stars in the sky and even realize it in the dark. A variety of powers about stars and fate.

After Li Qian woke up, he found that he was really holding a golden scroll in his hand, on which several ancient god patterns were faintly visible.

At this time, Li Qian heard people shouting outside the door, and many scholars shouted: "The list is released! The list is released!"

Li Qian hurried over to take a look, and found that he was at the top of the list, the champion.

At this time, a person ranked second in the crowd looked at Li Qian. Li Qian felt a sense in his heart and nodded to him. Although that person was ranked below Li Qian, he still saluted in a dignified way: "Congratulations Li Qian!" Brother high school champion! Next week Wenlong!"

Li Qian hurriedly replied: "It turned out to be Brother Zhou from Tengjun. Brother Zhou's poems are outstanding all over the world, especially a poem of a thousand pieces of gold is famous all over the world. I have also heard of Brother Zhou's reputation in Pujun."


Inside the Xiansheng Palace of Shangxian Academy, Fengsheng faced the statues of the five saints, and he could see a circle of light opened in it, revealing the real scene of Xiansheng Palace in Xundu Xuegong, the upper realm. The four saints are at this moment Stand together and salute Feng Sheng.

Zhuang Sheng was the first to speak and said: "Master, the locations of the two stars Wenqu and Wenchang have been found out, but the Dongtian Xingfu has not been opened, so you are not allowed to enter. The area of ​​​​the two main stars is not even much smaller than Dongzhou. Open it, and my school will no longer be confined to the realm of the world."

Tang Sheng nodded and said: "However, just now, I discovered that the two stars Wenqu and Wenchang suddenly affected the lower realm of star power. It is estimated that Wenchang and Wenqu have already taken over the star's destiny in the human world at this moment."

Feng Shengren nodded and said: "The four star kings who are related to literary fortune must belong to the school. This is also the purpose of my coming from the lower realm. You should also prepare in advance in the upper realm. Everything is arranged in advance. The fairyland will open. It's time to be in a hurry."

The master, Gong Yang, stood respectfully behind Feng Shengren without daring to lift his head. He had lived for most of his life, and he had never seen the scene of five saints gathering together. Live a little sweat.

When Saint Feng turned around, Gong Yangli took a step forward and said, "Sage Feng, both Li Qian and Zhou Wenlong have already passed high school this time, and they will take on the fate of the stars."

"The astrology has already appeared. I am afraid that everyone in the world knows that these two are the reincarnated people of the star destiny. Will you call them back?"

Feng Sheng shook his head: "No, what are you doing to recall these two people? They are already members of the academy, and they are involved in the luck of the academy, so it is not appropriate to interfere too much."

"Furthermore, the fates of these two people are Wenqu and Wenchang fates, and they are not Shapolang and Tiangang Disha star positions. If the star fates are activated this time, they should enter the court as officials and follow the trend."

"Whether this great week is dead or not, it has nothing to do with the two of them. When they are famous all over the world, it is when the position of Xingjun belongs to me. My school has two more Xingjun."

Master Gongyangli was still worried: "What if something happens to these two in Yangjing? What should I do?"

Feng Sheng smiled: "Great Zhou coincides with the great change in the north at this moment, and the joining of two star-lords in Da Zhou is equivalent to heaven's help for Da Zhou. The emperor of Da Zhou and the Sangong Jiuqing must protect them with all their strength. "

"Besides, it's too late to win the fate of these two people. If you want to win the star fate of Wenchang, you should defeat the person with the star fate of Wenchang in this Jinshi examination and win the first place. If you want to win the star fate of Wenqu, It should beat Wenquxing on the basis of Cifu fame."

"At this time, both of them have achieved success and fame, and their lives have been added. Even ordinary monks in the tribulation period may not be able to kill them. When the official robes are added, the luck of the stars will increase, and the dragon spirit of the Great Zhou will be stronger. With Huyou and Xuegong on the side, who can take the life of Wenchang and Wenqu from Xuegong?"

Feng Sheng looked into the distance: "At this time, we should pay attention to the north. That person took half of the Greedy Wolf's fate and directly disrupted the world. It is really a good way."

"Sure enough, none of these old friends is a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Master Gongyang Li nodded repeatedly, but he only thought that Feng Sheng was talking about Wu Weihou, but he didn't know that Feng Sheng was talking about Che Yan, the emperor of Yan Mo.

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