Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 535 The Other Half of Star Life

In the east of the Great Zhou Dynasty, with the emergence of the greedy wolf star, it was divided into two lower realms, and a large number of practitioners can be seen entering this not-so-prosperous county. Qi practitioners have observed that the other half of Tanlangxing's fate descended here.

On the streets of Donglin County, a young head arrester walking on the street with a knife in his pocket, led twenty or thirty arresters to pass through the street with a prison car that was like a busy crowd.

The one who was arrested and locked up was a bandit from a nearby mountain called the Green Ridge Bandit. The leader of the bandit was even a disciple from a practice school. environment, no one can control it in this area.

But this time the young man made a move to arrest the thief, beheaded the thief with a single knife, and captured the entire Green Ridge bandit together. There were cheers from time to time on the street, and it seemed that he was quite popular in this area.

Dou Shuo, the head catcher, was in high spirits. A few days ago, he felt that his own strength was continuously increasing, reaching an unimaginable level, and even various mysterious supernatural powers were naturally generated in his body, as if he was a gift from God.

He felt that not to mention the head thief who practiced sorcery, even if he was a hundred times stronger, he could kill him with a single blow.

Divided up the belongings left by the Green Ridge Pirates, took some of them back, and was appreciated by the higher-ups.

Get promoted and get rich together with beauties, Dou Shuo is very ambitious, he feels an inexplicable desire growing in his heart, he wants more, he feels that he should be born to roam the world, roaming the world like a dragon, as if he was born to be like this.

But at the same time, he felt empty in his heart, as if half of something was missing.

In the evening, Dou Shuo passed the long street, and all the shops on the street were closed for rest, except for a fortune-telling booth on the side of the road that remained open. A Taoist holding a long banner looked at Dou Shuo: "Dou Shuo! You are so proud of yourself these days." !"

"But I don't know that your life is not long."

Dou Shuo drew his saber to face each other, the fierce saber energy turned into divine light and split the fortune-telling booth in two, behind him came the supernatural power that only monks could faintly see: "You monster, how can you still see it?" Dare to confuse people with evil words in front of me?"

"Today I will kill you!"

However, as soon as his knife fell, the figure of the Taoist disappeared like smoke, and then appeared at the end of the long street. Dou Shuo took the knife and walked away like a wind, and the two of them chased each other, like Feng Xu Yufeng, directly out of town.

The two fought continuously in mid-air separated by hundreds of meters, with the sword's light and shadow, and the constant bombardment, Dou Shuo's sword became stronger and stronger, at first tens of meters, and later the sword's light was 100 meters wide, and the greedy wolf on his body became more and more obvious , the hungry wolf seemed to have been hungry for a long time, and could no longer bear it anymore and got out of the cage to choose someone to eat.

And the Taoist's spells can be seen forming a large formation covering him with every movement of his hands and feet, and his magic domain is hundreds of meters around, and countless talisman spells descend from the sky, bombarding Dou Shuo's body.

However, Dou Shuo's saber is fierce, and his supernatural powers are blessed by the power of the stars. It seems that he is born with the laws of heaven and earth. He actually used a handful of ordinary soldiers to tear apart this Taoist's legal domain.

The Taoist's face darkened, and he chanted the Taoist formula, and a star dharma rose from his body. He turned out to be a practitioner in the realm of longevity.

Where did Dou Shuo see such a powerful Taoist, he acted as if he was a big formation, and after using his magic, he was like a god or immortal.

The Taoist's sweeping Taoism with a banner turned into a star and landed on Dou Shuo's body. A forest on the ground directly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a huge crater was formed on the ground.

However, at the moment when the sea of ​​flames was formed, the light of the sword struck out from under the earth, and that Dou Shuo actually cut out a knife that seemed to be able to kill immortals and gods in the face of adversity. And tear.

The Taoist holding the banner resisted the knife head-on, killing people with the banner, but before he died, he escaped with a broken arm instead of death. He stood on the crater with his entire right arm empty, and looked at him with murderous eyes. Dou Shuo.

"The reincarnation of Sirius is really powerful. When you are strong, you will be strong. Survival in adversity. Just after waking up, you can beat my hundreds of years of cultivation. Fortunately, you have a mortal weapon in your hand. If it is a magical weapon, I will Is there any life left?"

"It's a pity that someone took away half of your star life. For the remaining half, that person will definitely come to ask for it. When the time comes, will you give this life to him? Or not?"

The Taoist's words were like thunder in Dou Shuo's heart, and he already felt that what the Taoist said was true. In the past few days, he always felt restless, and faintly felt that what the Taoist said was true. Something extremely important in oneself has been taken away by others.

As soon as I heard what this Taoist said at this moment, I knew where the problem was.

"Who is your monster? What does this greedy wolf star life refer to?"

The Taoist holding the banner swallowed a pill: from the sleeve that was originally empty, an arm slowly squirmed and grew out in a moment. Dou Shuo was shocked and surprised.

The Taoist saluted: "Yungan from the Tianxing sect is here to find you. You are willing to join the sect of the Tianxing sect. If you are willing, you can come with me. I will tell you everything."

"And I, the Tianxing faction, will do my best to wish you the best of luck in competing for the position of Xingjun, and regaining your place as a god in the heavenly court."

Dou Shuo sneered for a while: "Is this how your Taoist sect invites people?"

Taoist Yungan showed no expression at all, and said as if taking it for granted: "If you can kill him, you are not a reincarnated person. If you are really a person who is greedy for your life, why be afraid of this temptation."

Dou Shuo hesitated, he seemed to feel that this was an extremely important decision for him, and his natural destiny and luck gave him a special feeling, and he would make a choice that was beneficial to him.

In particular, half of his star life was taken away. At this moment, his star life is crumbling, which is also prompting him to make choices and changes in the midst of crisis.

Dou Shuo's face moved slightly, and he looked at Taoist Yungan: "What kind of sect is this Tianxing sect? I have heard that Tianjian Mountain, Tianhe School, Taishou Mountain, Lingshu Mountain, and Tianshiguan are the leaders of the Taoist sects in the world, but I have never heard of it. Over-the-star faction?"

Taoist Yungan nodded: "The Tianxia sect is indeed headed by these sects, but the Tianxing sect is not inferior to these sects. The Tianxing sect also has the patriarch Tian Xingzi who is listed as a fairy god in the upper world, and the Tianxing sect is responsible for investigating the dragon veins of the world. , All the Qin Tianjian supervisors in the past dynasties came from the Tianxing School, and because of this, the name of the Tianxing School is rarely known in the mortal world."

Dou Shuo also became emotional when he heard that the Tianxing faction had actually produced real immortals, and that they were investigating the dragon veins in the world.


Qianli Wine Pool, Cliff Star Pavilion.

"Master Tianxingzi, the man who is greedy for the life of the wolf has been found!" Yun Wei, the head of the Tianxing School with white beard and hair, knelt in front of a boy who looked only in his early ten years old, and called him the patriarch.

Tian Xingzi, who was reincarnated in the lower world, had already awakened Su Hui. When he opened his eyes, there were vicissitudes and indifference in his eyes that did not match his age: "It's a pity that only half of the star's life is left, but if it is used well, it will be a lifetime." Chao Shaqi."

Yun Wei asked at this time: "Master! Half of the greedy wolf star's life was taken away by the Marquis of Wuwei. The Marquis of Wuwei... is the emperor Yan Mo, can this person win? Is it so important to us? ?”

Tian Xingzi: "The three stars of killing and breaking the wolf are naturally linked by luck. If you find this greedy wolf star, the other seven kills and two stars who break the army will definitely be affected by their luck, and they will be born one after another. You are the head of the Tianxing faction. Can't you see that? ?”

"Emperor Da Zhou formed a new army, just send this greedy wolf star in!"

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