Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 544: Seven Kills

Kong Yan, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, passed away, and the crown prince, Kong Qi, inherited the great treasure and the throne, because it was the time of severe drought in the south and the rise of bandits all over the world. Relief to the victims, and the land of thousands of miles of wine ponds is also a land of fish and rice. This year, it has not been harassed by wars and bandits, and has obtained a bumper harvest.

The new emperor has great plans to change the current situation, stabilize the interior first, and then stabilize the exterior.

And when the new emperor Kong Qi had just promulgated a series of new policies, Marquis Wuwei of Panzhou, who established himself as the mighty king, and the Rong people in the north, who were eyeing tigers, launched attacks on Kunyang City and Yuandong County of the Great Zhou respectively, as agreed long ago. .

Hundreds of thousands of troops marched southward, and the Rong people once again assembled on the banks of the river, staring at Kunyang City with iron hoofs. The 100,000 troops from Panzhou left Panzhou overnight and invaded Yuandong County in the eastern part of the Great Zhou Dynasty again.

During the alternation of imperial power, the enemy did not wait for Kong Qi, the emperor of the Great Zhou, to calm down, and calmed down the internal chaos little by little, and directly dealt him a fatal blow. The young emperor hastily dispatched the new army stationed in Yuanxi County to Yao Dongjun to suppress the rebel army led by Marquis Wuwei, which opened the first confrontation between the new army and Marquis Wuwei.

However, most of the people in the world do not believe that the new army that has been trained in a hurry will be the opponent of the world-famous Marquis of Wuwei and the Shendu Army. However, they are more confident in the Shenwu Army stationed in Kunyang City, and believe that it will definitely be able to withstand the pace of the soldiers going south. However, the most dangerous ones are Marquis Wuwei and his 100,000 cavalry.

On the one hand, on the first day of the week, civilians were recruited to raise food, grass and materials from several counties in Qianli Jiuchi. At the same time, Danding Pavilion continued to refine these grains, spiritual rice, and monster blood into blood pills and various materials used by warriors, such as array flags. , Lingshi, incense money, etc., are provided to the Shenwu army and the new army who are fighting the Rong people.

At the same time, the Inner Palace will take out the Xuanjia Shenbing that Dazhou has accumulated for many years. After all, these warriors are still different from ordinary people. They must eat this kind of blood pill to maintain their combat power and vitality, and all kinds of supporting weapons and armor. In order to be able to exert their combat power, they urged the new army to move out quickly to stop the 100,000 cavalry of Marquis Wuwei.

At the same time, he did not trust the combat power of the new army, so the emperor issued several edicts in succession, summoning the Royal Dragon Army guarding the highlands to go north quickly. Once the new army could not resist the 100,000 cavalry under Marquis Wuwei's banner, the Royal Dragon Army would be able to replace them Stop Wuwei Hou's ambition to annex Yuandong County and Yuanxi County, and drive him back to Panzhou.

At this time, there was a severe drought and poor harvests in the south, and the bandits were swarming. The Zhenwu Army was responsible for suppressing the bandits, but it had not subsided for a long time. The court repeatedly reprimanded them but had no effect. He repeatedly asked the imperial court for military pay and various supplies and weapons, and the meaning of supporting soldiers and raising bandits is well known in the world.

The Royal Dragon Army was stationed in Gaozhou, which is also the land of the ancient Gao Kingdom. When the emperor summoned the Royal Dragon Army to go north, when the first edict came down, Chang Pinghou did not have the slightest intention to send troops to the north. Instead, he wrote a letter saying that there were also bandits in Gaozhou. However, the southern thieves have the intention to enter Gaozhou. If there is no Yulong army to suppress it, if Gaozhou is not guarded by the Yulong army, I am afraid that Gaozhou may fall in an instant, and the country will be restless.

Until the second edict was issued, the general of the Yulong Army, Chang Pinghou, said that the Yulong Army lacked weapons and armor, and lacked in supplies. The soldiers of the Dragon Army were required to throw their heads and blood for Da Zhou, but they couldn't be allowed to fight in civilian clothes and fight hungry, asking for all kinds of weapons and food and salaries wantonly.

This feeling, quite a feeling that the Zhenwu Army used to blackmail the court with the rebellion of thieves and bandits was extremely jealous, but now they are seizing the opportunity and absolutely refuse to let it go.

Kong Qi, who had just become the emperor, crushed his imperial edict into powder angrily in the court hall, but he couldn't do anything about the rebellious officials and thieves like Chang Pinghou. Let Emperor Kong Qi loathe and hate.

After a few days of delay, the emperor agreed to Marquis Changping's request. At this time, the news of the defeat in the first battle between the new army of Yuandong Army and the Shendu Army of Marquis Wuwei came. Marquis Wuwei walked all the way down, without any intention of entanglement, as if he wanted to go straight to Dongyang Mountain, the imperial mausoleum of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and hit Huanglong directly.

The forward of the new army was ordered to intercept the cavalry of Marquis Wuwei going south within two days, but it just happened to be tricked by Marquis Wuwei, and 10,000 people were trapped in Tuo County, Yuandong County. The whole army may be wiped out.

The whole new army wanted to rescue them, but they were afraid that they would fall into the trap of Marquis Wuwei's tricks again, and they would fall into a situation of besieging and fighting for aid. Their own combat power was not as good as that of the elite under Marquis Wuwei's banner, and now they were even more in a dilemma.

When the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty learned of this situation, it was even more flustered. Whether it was the Dongyang Mountain of the Imperial Mausoleum of the Great Zhou Dynasty or the decline of the new army, the court felt that something was wrong. If we defeat the new army of the Great Zhou Dynasty and annex Yuandong County and Yuanxi County, it will be unstoppable.

In fact, if Dongyang Mountain of the Imperial Mausoleum is taken down, the luck and power accumulated by Dazhou for hundreds of years will collapse, and without the two counties of Yuandong and Yuanxi, it means that Marquis Wuwei and the Shendu army can directly fight all the way. Within the Great Zhou Shenjing Yangjing, the imperial court repeatedly ordered Chang Pinghou to go north immediately to resist the Shendu army under Wuweihou's banner.

After Changping Hou heard the news, it was okay, and he opened his mouth again, asking Emperor Kong Qi of the Great Zhou Dynasty to confer the title of king. Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, only a few people have been crowned kings, all of whom were generals at the time of the founding of the country. People have either passed away long ago, or left Dongzhou or ascended to the upper realm.

Since then, no one has made a king again. Chang Pinghou's move is tantamount to a blatant temptation. He wants to crack the soil and make a king. However, with a strong autonomy, it seems that Marquis Changping has not yet had the courage to openly rebel or fight against the Great Zhou. With hundreds of years of power and luck, there are still enough people to recognize the rule of the Great Zhou.

As soon as Changpinghou's memorial arrived in Yangjing, there was an uproar in Yangjing. Some people advocated that Changpinghou should be settled first, and let him go north to resist Wuweihou and Shendu army first. Some people said that the ancestral system cannot be changed, and Changpinghou repeated it And San's challenge to the court's bottom line is absolutely intolerable.

At this time, the military news came from Yuandong County again. The 10,000 soldiers who had been trapped in Tuo County for several days, led by a commander named Dou Shuo, led thousands of people to break out of the encirclement. The reaction, riding on the chaos in its rear, annihilated thousands of its men.

The new army has also gradually gained a firm foothold after several battles, and it is in a situation of confrontation with the Shendu army.

When the news came, the capital shook, and the whole court cheered. Emperor Kong Qi even personally ordered to reward the soldiers who had achieved military exploits, and asked the servants to go to the battlefield with the magic weapons, exercises, and elixir from the inner library to encourage the soldiers.

This time, Marquis Changping's plan came to nothing, and instead aroused the court's strong resentment towards him and the emperor's hatred.

However, when Marquis Mighty Wu was blocked in Yuandong County, unable to go south and was slowly retreating back to Panzhou, the news from the north completely broke the previous cheers and made everyone feel icy cold.

Kunyang City was broken.

The Seven Killing Star actually appeared in the bitter cold place in the north, and reincarnated as the third prince of the Royal Court of the Great Rong. His star destiny was opened in this place where the murderous aura gathered. With the bloody killing aura growing in the battle, the speed is almost unmatched. He was able to block it, and finally directly in front of the formation, at the place where the blood of the two armies met, with the help of the bloody killing spirit of the Rong people, he directly tore apart the opponent's formation and killed the commander of the Shenwu army.

At that time, the blood-red stars rose in the north, and the red light shone for thousands of miles. The majestic martial arts and immortals fell directly, and their bodies died and their souls perished.

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