Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 545 Touring the World

On the banks of the great river, the sky is blood-red. It is clear that the sky is blue and white, but the sky cannot see the sun, nor the cold moon. There is only one blood-red star standing in the sky. It is big and round, like dripping blood. generally.

A figure in black armor sat cross-legged on the sky, as if fused with the stars. Tens of thousands of wolves rode under their feet. With a roar, the black wolf smoke gathered blood and merged into his body, and around him, densely packed Gu The vulture circled around it, making eerie calls.

Holding a ferocious head in his hands, even though he was dead, the unwilling and angry cries still reverberated in this world, and layers of phantoms emerged from the head, turning into various monsters, and the dripping blood fell on the ground. On the ground, countless wolf riders scrambled to devour them, and then many wolf riders grew two heads.

It was the head of a Martial Dao Immortal, and it was the commander of the Shenwu Army who guarded the Kunyang City of the Great Zhou before. His death was tragic and tragic, which can be seen.

And under the feet, the broken Kunyang City has been completely reduced to ruins, the large formation fixed on the wall of Kunyang City has been completely torn apart, countless corpses have accumulated like mountains under the city head, and the river has been completely dyed. Blood red.

At a glance, the densely packed corpses are heading downstream along the huge waves. In the huge waves that are constantly churning in the river, a large number of water monsters and monsters are biting the corpses of these Great Zhou Shenwu Army warriors. This earth-shattering bloody battle, Instead, it became a gluttonous feast for monsters and ghosts in the great river.

The figure in the sky was integrated with the army, absorbing the power of the stars in the sky and raised his head. Under the helmet was an immature face, but his eyes revealed a firm killing intent, as if he could see To the sea of ​​blood.

"Let the army go! Follow me to attack Huanglong and destroy Dazhou."

Jin Lin'er, the third prince of the Royal Court of the Great Rong, awakened the life of the Seven Killing Stars and defeated the Shenwu Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He crossed the river and went straight to the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. When Yang Jing heard the news, the wolf riders of the Great Rong had already crossed the Dragon Hill City, entered Xunzhou, intending to go straight to Huanglong.

Tens of thousands of wolf cavalry and 10,000 gu eagle flying troops ran for more than a thousand miles overnight, looking at the capital of the Great Zhou, and even the leading flying army had already begun to hover over the capital.

However, after breaking Dragon Hill City, the wolf cavalry led by Seven Killing Star Jin Lin'er stopped suddenly, as if they were no longer in a hurry when they arrived here, and were waiting for the army behind to catch up, and then broke through Great Zhou Yangjing in one fell swoop.

In other words, Jin Lin'er is waiting for Yangjing to fall into chaos. The new army of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been completely held back by the Weiwang army of Panzhou. In addition, the second army of Zhenwu and Yulong will not be able to arrive in a short while if they want to return to aid. of.

At this moment, he happened to be waiting for the army from the rear to follow, while he was guarding Longqiu City and plunged the Great Zhou Longting in Yangjing into chaos and fear, and then carried out a thunderous strike. If he rashly attacked the capital of Dazhou Shenjing, It may cause it to fight back with all its strength, but it will suffer heavy damage.

Seven-kill star Jin Lin'er even sent out a flying Gu carving army to let everyone know that he has arrived and is within easy reach of Yangjing.

In the bustling place of Gyeonggi, in the middle of the night, countless people heard the strange and frightening cries of babies on the sky. That was the sound of the mounts and gu carvings of the northern Rong people's flying army.

Great Zhou Yangjing was completely in chaos. Above the imperial court and in front of the palace gate, countless courtiers begged Emperor Kong Qi to go out of Beijing to inspect the world quickly, and go south to Bujun or Gaozhou.

There was crying and pleading in front of the palace gate, as if their voices could penetrate deep into the inner palace and into the ears of the emperor, but at this moment the emperor Kong Qi had already issued an order, and no one was seen.

"The old minister begs to see His Majesty!"

"Po County is a thousand-year-old city and a place of learning. Since His Majesty came to the throne, he should visit the world. Since ancient times, the emperor has had the ancient ceremony of worshiping the sages of the school. Now that the emperor is on the throne, it is time to go to the school..."

"The high ground is unstable, and Marquis Chang Ping of the Yulong Army is full of ambitions, but the soldiers of the entire army are finally loyal to His Majesty. If the emperor goes to Gaozhou, he will definitely bring the Yulong Army back..."

"Your Majesty, Da Zhou can live without us and Yang Jing, but he can't live without His Majesty!"

However, the so-called inspection of the world at this time is tantamount to abandoning the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty that has been established for hundreds of years and fleeing. At first, the first emperor Kong Yan wanted to inspect the world, but was blocked by the officials, but now it is the other way around. The officials begged the emperor out of Beijing.

Because of the National Defense Array, the important towns of the Great Zhou Dynasty, including Shenjing, had city walls. However, due to the continuous expansion of Shenjing, the original Yangjing had already become an inner city, and the outside of the city walls continued to expand. At the end, it is directly connected with the distant world and mountains.

The outer city of Shenjing was not closed, so when Da Zhou heard the news, he immediately blocked Shenjing, but the more it was like this, the more difficult it was to seal the news. Everyone knew that day that Kunyang City was broken, and Rong People have come towards Dazhou Shenjing.

When the people in the outer city heard the news that the Rong people were calling, tens of thousands of wolves were within easy reach, and even traces of Gu carvings could be seen in the sky, and of course thousands of them began to flee.

The city is also in chaos. If it comes to the background of Da Zhou, one or two martial arts immortals and monks who have passed the tribulation period can still be sent out. Yang Jing is not without the power to fight.

But at this moment, the Seven Killing Stars came with a large army. This kind of army formation may not be considered strong in a one-on-one fight, but when it comes to defense and war, the damage and lethality are beyond imagination, and they can be easily broken. An important city with a large formation can also form a battle formation to defend against land real immortals who have survived several thunder disasters and can borrow the power of the Dao Law.

Siege of cities and territories, and strong defense are far beyond what ordinary practitioners can match. This is the real strength of a strong martial arts army.

At that time, the military spirit and martial arts supernatural power will be overwhelmed, and there will also be a witch god and great witch priest in the county who can compare with martial arts immortals, and there are only thousands of guards in the city, how can they resist.

Those two martial arts immortals and the powerful monk in the Transcending Tribulation Stage might be able to escape unscathed. It would not be easy for the Seven Killers Jin Lynn'er to kill them, but Yang Jing would definitely not be able to hold on.

Except for the same martial arts army condensed into a battle formation, with the help of this national protection formation to protect Yangjing, it is estimated that only real immortals can truly withstand the front of his troops and force the opponent back.

In the palace bedroom, a concubine was crying and holding a child, and Emperor Kong Qi's face was determined at this moment.

"I am the emperor of the Great Zhou, how could I be forced by mere Rong people to give up Shenjing and flee. The Great Zhou has been established for hundreds of years, and there has never been such a thing."

"I will never run away! Let that golden lyn'er come, and then I will see what the Seven Killing Stars of the Three Wolf-Slaying Stars, who are wreaking havoc in the world, look like."

Emperor Kong Qi wanted to stick to Yangjing, insisted on defending the capital of Great Zhou, and fought to the death with the Narong people, but at this moment, the new Qintian Supervisor went straight to the inner palace, asking whether Emperor Kong Qi had forgotten the promise he had made to the late emperor. promise.

Emperor Kong Qi once again remembered the last words of the late Emperor Kong Yan, as well as his last words before he died, and finally sat down on the dragon chair.

Qin Tianjian Jianzheng also withdrew, and not long after, the emperor passed down his decree and decided to travel around the world. He first went to Pu County to pay homage to the saints and great sages of the past dynasties in the Academy Palace, and then went to Gaozhou to appease the Yulong Army.

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