Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 563 Saint Figure

On the top of the city, the monk who led a dozen disciples to set up an altar was instantly broken because of the spell, and under the pull of the large protective formation, a mouthful of thick blood spurted out, and at the same time, his eyes, nostrils, and ears were constantly swollen. Spilled blood.

The faces of several disciples who stood together on the altar turned purple and black in an instant, their souls were torn apart under the pull, and they fell to the ground, a ray of true spirit was thrown directly into the underworld.




The few disciples who were standing outside guarding the Dharma watched the great array of spiritual light explode layer by layer, a corner of the city wall collapsed, and the sky was covered with dust. They rushed up in panic and horror, but saw corpses all over the ground and the patriarch who was half kneeling on the ground.

The immortal-level cultivator who was manipulating the protective formation barely stood up, looked at the thousand-meter-tall giant god outside the city, and his expression was extremely horrified: "The Demon Cultivator of the Relying Realm."

"Replenish quickly! The big formation cannot be broken, and the city will die if the formation is broken."

The stern roar of his life immediately woke up the disciples under the sect, and soon he saw several disciples stand up and stand on the altar, and the originally crumbling formation stabilized again.

At this time, the opposite side was unloaded from the boat, and the magic weapon bed crossbow and crossbow were placed outside the city on the backs of mountain ghosts.

The mountain ghost was about ten feet tall, with a ghost face and fangs. Under the driving of these barbarian soldiers and monks of the devil sect, and under the chains, it seemed extremely obedient. Rows of monsters and hundreds of mountain ghosts lined up outside the city, being captured The iron chains were locked, and it didn't look like a war, but like a demon attacking the city.


With the wave of the general of the Yeting Kingdom, thousands of magic weapon bed crossbows and stone crossbows were fired one after another. You can see the crossbow arrows and flints engraved with Taoism one by one shot out, falling from the sky, turning into For a series of powerful spells, they bombarded Fengyang City's protective formation.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

At that scene, like a meteor falling, flames and various Taoist spells crackled and burst on the light curtain of the protective formation.

Looking out from the city, one can see layers of beautiful halos of various colors dazzled on the sky of Fengyang City, as brilliant as fireworks.

But at this moment, no one in the city was in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery. The cries of children and women's panic continued to be heard from every household, and the people in charge of rescue in the collapsed streets collapsed on the ground in fright.

Although large protective formations have been set up in the important border towns and counties, except for daily repairs, generally these large formations are rarely opened once in a century, and the people in the city have never even seen the sky-shrouding shield The light curtain of the sun, and I have never seen the terrifying vision of the start of this war.

Arrows streamed, flints fell to the ground, beams of light shot from the sky and earth, bombarding Fengyang City one after another, the loud noise continued without the slightest pause.

And the army of the Yeting Kingdom outside the city did not wait for the formation to break. Dozens of demon cultivators chanted spells, blood curses in the blood cups in their hands continued to spread, and besides, the monsters in front of them suddenly became larger and larger. The growth became bigger, the face became uglier and more disgusting, and the eyes turned blood red.

Hundreds of monsters with a height of 20 to 30 meters, like a small mountain, clad in armor and rushed towards the city wall of Fengyang City. Regardless of everything, the formation in the sky turned into countless sword lights and fell, splitting many monsters into two pieces. Half, but some powerful monsters directly used their supernatural powers to hold the sword light, and smashed the city wall abruptly.



"Peng Dong!"

The sky shakes and the earth shakes, streamers of light and fire rain down from the sky, and demons attack the city on the ground.

The earth was torn apart, the sky was burning, Fengyang County City, which was originally beautiful like a paradise, seemed to be dragged into the endless hell at this moment.

The guards on the city wall also immediately pulled out their arrow crossbows, one by one taking turns injecting blood into them and shooting them out, continuously shooting at those monsters who roared and roared towards the city wall and the formation, and even leaped towards the top of the city. .

In addition, a real fire was poured down on the city wall to refine oil, burning the city at the foot of the city wall outside the city into a sea of ​​flames.

This city wall reinforced with spells and spiritual materials is far superior to diamond, let alone the protection of a large formation. However, under such a fierce bombardment, cracks and damage gradually appeared, and the formation patterns engraved on the city wall gradually Obliterated and collapsed, the ground cracked and destroyed the buried horns at the foot of the city wall.

The army of the Yeting Kingdom outside the city saw a gap in the formation and the city wall, and quickly attacked here. In all directions, the army of Yi people rushed up like tides and ants, trying to rush along the collapsed city wall and the gap in the formation. into the city.


"Block them, plug the gap!"

This time, it was completely a situation where swords and soldiers were in contact. The soldiers of the Yeting Kingdom formed a battle one by one, using their combined magical powers to continuously display their saber energy to attack the city. The guards in the city carried large shields and held long spears, forming a battle formation. Plug the gap.

The fighting and fighting continued until night fell, and the bones piled up in the gaps in the caves were already as high as the adjacent city walls.

In the back, the two sides could be said to be fighting on top of a mountain of corpses, with sword energy and fire rain above their heads, and Shen Zhou was full of magic spells and sword lights.

Some people didn't know how they died until the time of death. It may be that the rain of fire from the sky pierced through the chest, or it may be that the overflowing sword energy cut off the head.

A golden gong sounded in the distance, and the sound rang for dozens of miles. The army of Yeting Kingdom began to withdraw, and the defenders of Fengyang City finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But everyone knows that night does not mean a truce. These barbarians, demons and demon monks in Shiwan Dashan are best at night battles. Once night falls, the most dangerous moment for Fengyang City will really come.

At that time, the commander-in-chief of the Yeting Kingdom army outside the city will really make a move. A powerful magician who possesses the realm will lead an army of tens of thousands, and the entire Fengyang City will be destroyed forever.


Zou Hongjun, the head of the Fengyang Academy, is currently in Fengyang City, hiding in a large mansion in the north of the city with his disciples and the female relatives and family members of Fengyang County officials. Discolored women and children.

The head of the mountain, Zou Hongjun, looked at the sky and the distance, and he had already seen the situation of the entire Fengyang City in his eyes.

"Fengyang City can no longer be defended!"

When Zou Hongjun saw the military spirit of the barbarians in the distance and the killing blood and demons filling the sky, he already knew that the killing was coming. The head of Fengyang Academy quickly dispersed all the disciples of Fengyang County in the academy and asked them to return quickly. family.

And the rest of the academy disciples who had no time to evacuate, or whose families were far away, quickly brought them into Fengyang City together with people from various villages and towns outside the city. At that time, the city was also in chaos. In the big formation, the guards in the city are hunting and intercepting them everywhere.

Soldiers on the street rushed across the street with torches held high, chaos and roars could be heard everywhere, and many female disciples of Fengyang Academy and female family members of Fengyang officials in the mansion were sobbing in fear.

The mountain chief, Zou Hongjun, and the wife of the sheriff of Fengyang County were comforting the girls, but they also looked out of the city with great worry, as if they knew that the empty Fengyang city alone would be difficult to resist the menacing attack The night court army.

Several female disciples who came to Fengyang Academy from Gyeonggi just happened to lose contact with their family members because of the chaos in Gyeonggi some time ago, and were unable to return to Gyeonggi because of the rebellion of the six kings. Now even Fengyang Academy was burned by barbarians. Now, Fengyang City is about to be breached, looking at the head of the mountain at a loss, this middle-aged beauty who looks a little stern has become their last support and reliance.

"Shan Zhang! Are we going to die here?"

"I heard that those Yi people still eat people, and they like to eat girls with thin skin and tender meat."

"There are monsters outside, they will definitely eat people when they enter the city."

"Wow! I don't want to be eaten!"

A group of half-grown girls were already overwhelmed by fright, but now they have completely collapsed.

A female teacher from Fengyang Academy stood up at this time, and severely reprimanded her: "What nonsense! I usually teach you how to see if you still have the appearance of a disciple of a school, as a disciple of a school... "

"Furthermore, you are disciples of the school and the true biography of my Fengyang Academy. No matter how courageous Ye Ting Kingdom and Demon Sect are, they will not dare to touch our school."

At this time, a female disciple said weakly: "Those barbarian soldiers burned the academy, and the school and the master are in the county. It's too late to save us now."

"You..." The female teacher was half-dead from anger.

Although Fengyang Academy is also among the twenty-four academies, it is ranked at the bottom. Unlike other academies and the Five Great University Palaces, they also practice archery and swordsmanship, and possess a variety of noble and righteous techniques to fight against the enemy. , if you encounter some ordinary monsters and ghosts on weekdays, of course you can easily deal with them. Now that the army is overwhelming and the giants of the demonic way are outside the city in person, even the head of Fengyang Academy seems to be extremely powerless.

It seems to be specially included in the twenty-four academies because it recruits women, but it is also excluded by many academies and several university palaces, thinking that women should not be regarded as academies.

At this time, Zou Hongjun, the mountain head of Fengyang Academy, looked outside the city, and the scene of mourning in the city, as well as the disciples and female relatives beside him, and finally sighed.

She said to an academy professor beside her who had never spoken, her cold eyes showed a trace of determination: "Take out the picture of the saint! Then follow me to see the sheriff!"

Then he looked at Mrs. Fengyang County Magistrate who was also standing in the lobby of the front room: "Madam, please come with me."

The face of the magistrate's wife of Fengyang County was extremely astonished at first, and then turned into ecstasy: "The picture of a saint? Is it a sacred object left by a saint in the academy?"

She also exclaimed in her heart: "Fengyang Academy has such a rich background, I am afraid that it is only something that can be found in the Five Great University Palaces. This Fengyang Academy is ranked last, and its background is also the weakest. I didn't expect to be able to come up with this kind of knowledge." When the holy object comes out, it is indeed the inheritance of the school, which cannot be underestimated."

Many girls and disciples in the backyard also immediately raised their heads and looked at the head of the mountain, Zou Hongjun, in shock. Even if he had been in business for hundreds of years, when the academy built by the sages of the past was burned to rubble, they would never be willing to give up this saint. Take it out, these teachings and the calmness of the disciples in the backyard are also because they know that they have a saint map, and no accidents will happen even in the most critical situation.

"Shan Zhang, this is a gift from a saint!"

"Shan Zhang, do you really want to use the saint map?"

"The academy has been passed down for thousands of years, and this is the only thing that can be called a heavy weapon, even if it is passed on forever!"

Many of today's teachings are from disciples who traveled with the head of the mountain in the past and met the disciples of Saint Feng. This map of saints can be useful even in the face of immortals and gods. Now it is used in Fengyang City and a mere relying realm. Moxiu's body can be called a waste of money.

Zou Hongjun, head of Fengyang Academy, shook his head: "Feng Sheng gave me the picture of a saint in Fengyang Academy that day, perhaps because he anticipated today's situation."

"It is far better to save the people in this city with a picture than to hang it in the dark room of the academy, so that the sacred objects will be dusted."

"Besides, we are disciples of the academy. How can we watch the people in the city sink into fire and water and not save them? If I disregard the life and death of the people in the city today, even if I leave this picture of a saint, what face will I have when I go to see the old school in the future? Sage Patriarch, what face do you have to meet the sage and be worthy of what he has given you in the past."

At this time, many disciples who were sitting cross-legged in the mansion realized that their own academy still had such an inside story in their hands, a picture of a saint left by sage Feng.

The family members of officials who were also hiding in the mansion looked at Zou Hongjun, the head of Fengyang Academy, most of these people came from aristocratic families. What kind of meaning does the sacred object represent, especially if it is left by the sage Feng.

In the past, Saint Feng took the Xundu Academy and the entire Juntian Realm to fly up to the upper realm, and the five saints were listed above the sky. The sacred objects left by Saint Feng can definitely save the entire Fengyang City from the crisis at this moment.

In this era of gods and demons appearing in the world, it happens many times that one person can be a million soldiers, let alone a god.

All the officials of Fengyang City, big and small, and their family members talked a lot: "We are saved, we are saved, Fengyang Academy actually has a volume of saint pictures left by saints."

"There are tens of thousands of troops out there, and what's the use of a scroll of sage pictures." A young female family member immediately questioned.

A girl who seemed to have read stood up, she should be the daughter of an official: "Sage Feng is the number one saint in the academy, and the strongest person in the world is also an immortal saint from the upper realm. If it is really the saint left by him Let alone an army of tens of thousands, even if a martial artist arrives, he will have to bow his head in the face of this holy thing."

The wife of Fengyang County Magistrate walked up and down, a gleam of joy finally appeared on her flustered face, and she thanked the head of Fengyang Academy repeatedly: "On behalf of the people in the city, I thank the saint, the school and the head of the mountain."

At this time, the academy finally took out an exquisite and precious long box from the depths of the room. It was specially customized with layers of secret patterns locked on it. The power of the realm can't afford the backlash of this saint's aura.

Such a box can be called a million gold, but compared to the contents contained in it, everyone feels that using such a box to hold the sacred objects inside is the so-called sacred object dusty.

Zou Hongjun, the head of the mountain, took the box and opened it carefully, until the light burst out from the cracks, illuminating the whole big house, and a majestic aura was revealed from it, like the eternal Kunlun Mountain pressing down on everyone. heart.

"This is the stuff of a saint!" Everyone couldn't help but have such a thought in their hearts.

Before everyone had time to see the contents of the box clearly, the head of the mountain, Zou Hongjun, immediately closed it, sighed, and then took the box towards the Town God's Temple and the Sheriff's Mansion not far away. All the officials gathered in that area, once the city is broken, it will be the last place of defense.

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