Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 564 Great Day

Outside Fengyang City, the tents of the Yeting National Army are in the field. The soldiers who have just been withdrawn are cooking and rectifying, counting the number of people, treating the wounded, and the controlled monsters, mountain ghosts, and beasts that need to be fed. The pawn looked so busy that he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

The bonfire stretched for dozens of miles, and it looked as if sparks had surrounded Fengyang City.

Everyone knows that a real big battle will start at night. Bai Jiulong, the general of the Yeting Kingdom, has decided to go to Fengyang City today, take down the entire Fengyang County, and then fight against Mengze Kingdom, Zhongyun Kingdom, and Xu Kingdom. The army gathered in Teng to fight against the Tiger Guards of the Zhou Dynasty.

The topographic map of mountains and rivers in the south of the Great Zhou is hung in the military tent, and a group of generals full of blood are sitting on both sides. The leader looks fierce and even close to it, you can feel the crying of ghosts. Looking from a distance, This military tent is connected with the entire Night Court army, like a whole, every move is like an arm.

"The lord has ordered that we must go to Fengyang City tonight." The General Zhengdong sitting on the top, Bai Jiulong, immediately talked about the latest military order.

Immediately someone asked in surprise: "Why is it so hasty? Didn't you say that you only need to put pressure on the Great Zhou Longting and try to preserve your strength?"

Bai Jiulong immediately said: "The eighth star of the Big Dipper has appeared and joined the imperial army of Emperor Kong Qi of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Xu Hao, the nine-day child-killing general, has now led an army to attack Wuguan. The presence of such a killing star is enough to shake the world. Marquis Dingjun is restless."

"The lord of the country was worried about the change and ordered us to take down Fengyang quickly. Mengze and Xu Kingdom are also attacking Chang County. Zhongyun Kingdom has already approached Tengdi, attracting the attention of the Tiger Guards."

The generals talked a lot: "Greedy Wolf, Seven Killers, and Po Jun have appeared one after another, and now the Nine Heavens Killer General has also appeared."

"However, General Nine Heavens Killing Children unexpectedly appeared under Da Zhou's command."

Seeing that everyone was ready, Bai Jiulong immediately said: "Tonight, at midnight, I will completely break through the formation of Fengyang City and kill the Taoist Yuyan, the immortal cultivator stationed in Fengyang City by Qin Tianjian."

Bai Jiulong's gaze scanned all the people present, and finally looked at a burly man with a height of two meters who looked like a monster: "Order the Mountain Ghost Army to be the vanguard."

"Yes!" The brawny man didn't show any timidity, but was overjoyed. He knelt down and made a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu, and responded with full momentum.

"Liuhuodu is in charge of assisting outside the city, and the bed crossbow and flint chariot, the magic weapon, will assist the vanguard in attacking the city after the city is broken." Then Bai Jiulong looked at the captain of Liuhuodu, who was in charge of the magic weapon bed crossbow and flint chariot.

"As ordered."

"Yin Guiwei listen to the order." Finally, Bai Jiulong looked at a black armored general on the left hand side beside him. His eyes flickered under the visor, and with his hands on the table, he could only see the faint black smoke condensation, but could not see the flesh.

"Ma Cheng, you are in charge of attacking the Temple of the City God and the Spiritual Realm of the Gods. If you can persuade them to surrender, then persuade them to surrender, and if you can't, kill them directly."

"Yes!" The ghostly general knelt on the ground and gave the order.

At night, no one inside or outside the city dared to sleep. Rows of torches were lit on the top of the city, and all the guards looked out of the city with their eyes wide open.

Even at night, many practitioners in the city were using spells to repair the city walls. In less than a few hours, they saw the collapsed city walls rising one after another. status.

However, the city wall can be repaired quickly, but the curse marks and formation horns that were originally branded on it cannot be repaired. Without the blessing of the large formation, the city wall is just a superficial appearance, which can only stop some ordinary soldiers and warriors. The city and flint bombardment, don't turn into nothing in a moment, it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Taoist Yuyan, a Taoist stationed in Fengyang County of Qin Tianjian, is trying his best to strengthen the protective formation at the moment. He is a practitioner under Qin Tianjian, but he is also the head of a local sect in Fengyang County, so Once Fengyang City is broken and the barbarians occupy Fengyang, he and the entire sect will also have a place for witches to hide. This is the reason why he tried his best to protect the entire Fengyang City.

But even so, at this moment he felt that Fengyang City could not be defended, and his face showed worry and helplessness.

"Master Yuyan! The county guard invites you to go over and discuss something important." At the foot of the city wall, a small official suddenly appeared from a corner of the formation, and said to the old Taoist respectfully.

Priest Yuyan was a little puzzled. At this time, the sheriff of Fengyang County suddenly sent someone over. Is there any trump card or method to resist the army outside the city?

But then Taoist Priest Yuyan's face darkened, and he suddenly thought of something. Could it be that the sheriff of Fengyang County wanted to abandon the city and flee?

Daoist Yuyan came to the county guard's mansion aggressively, but saw Fengyang City God and the county guard sitting on the main seat, who showed the body of a god at this moment. A cold woman in a long robe.

"Shan Zhang Zou is actually in the city! I think Fengyang Academy has been reduced to a sea of ​​flames, and the barbarians are besieging the city to rescue them. It is great that the head of the mountain and the disciples of the academy are safe and sound."

Of course Taoist Yuyan knew this woman. Although Fengyang Academy’s background and foundation are not very deep, and the ranking of the school is also at the bottom, but the reputation is one after another. As the head of Fengyang Academy, Zou Hongjun of course It is also famous all over the world.

Zou Hongjun leaned forward and saluted slightly: "The barbarians came fiercely and burned my academy. Hongjun could only hide in the city with his disciples. It was Taoist Yuyan who protected the people in the city and us. Hongjun thanked Yuyan here. Master Yan Dao."

Daoist Yuyan sighed and said: "There are tens of thousands of elite warriors in the barbarians, and the leader is a demon cultivator who possesses the realm. It can be seen that although his demon body is not the immortal body of gods and demons, it is at least an ancient alien species." It is formed by condensing the blood and the upper-level demonic skills, and it may be difficult for Yuyan to resist its power."

At this time, the sheriff of Fengyang County stood up and said, "Don't sigh, Priest Yuyan, we already have a solution."

Yuyan was stunned, and looked at the governor of Fengyang County, but felt that the governor could not have the means to deal with the army of the Yeting Kingdom and the powerful demon cultivator of the relying realm, otherwise it would be impossible to be an ordinary county here Shou, and then immediately looked at Zou Hongjun, the mountain head of Fengyang Academy. If it is considered that the history and background are profound, and the academy is worthy of the title of the most powerful force in the world, it is not surprising that he has any means in his hands.

Taoist Yuyan: "Could it be that Zou Shanzhang has any technique to defeat the enemy?"

Zou Hongjun stood up and took the long box from the disciple standing behind him. The box immediately attracted Taoist Yuyan's attention. Although he didn't know what was inside, there was an incomparably thick and vast The feeling of light is transmitted from the inside, as if the sunlight and moonlight are packed into a box.

"Could it be some heritage and treasure left by the academy?" Taoist Yuyan guessed.

However, the result was more shocking and astonishing than Taoist Yuyan had imagined. Zou Hongjun held the long box in his hand, and looked at the people around him cautiously: "There is a magic technique of Saint Feng sealed in this picture, as long as it is urged with great righteousness, to release it.”

Taoist Yuyan gasped for a moment: "Sage Feng? Juntian Immortal?"

The other people present were only shocked by the name that frequently appeared in history books and myths, but as a practitioner of the realm of longevity and a figure in the early days of the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Taoist Yuyan knew the meaning and behind the name better than anyone present. The strength of these people present is no more than ten years old, or thirty-four years old. In the eyes of Taoist Yuyan who has lived for hundreds of years, they are not as good as a child. How can they understand the weight of this name.

Even Zou Hongjun, who is the head of Fengyang Academy, doesn't know what kind of thing she is holding in her hand. If it is released, it will be enough to make the sects of the world smash their heads. The saint is also the ancestor of Taoism.

Taoist Yuyan looked at the box in Zou Hongjun's hands excitedly, still in disbelief, as far as he knew, there might not be such a thing even in several university palaces, how could Fengyang Academy have it.

"The head of the mountain can be sure that this inside is left by Sage Feng."

The head of the mountain, Zou Hongjun, nodded: "I'm sure, because this thing was handed over to me by Sage Feng in the past. Because of a coincidence in the past, I brought my disciples to meet Sage Feng on the big river."

"Fengsheng also said that if the academy encounters a calamity during the killing of Xingjun, this picture can be used to resist the disaster. I think Fengsheng has already predicted today."

As for how he met Fengsheng, Zou Hongjun didn't say any more about the details in the middle, and Taoist Yuyan didn't ask any more. It can be seen that what Zou Hongjun said didn't seem to be a lie at all, and he felt the inside of the box. Qi machine and immortal dao accumulation have been almost determined, and this is at least an item left by the immortal.

Taoist Yuyan was extremely envious: "The head of the mountain really has a great fortune, and he was able to meet the sage Feng face to face and personally give him the belongings."

"However, with such a sharp weapon, Fengyang City can be saved, and the entire Fengyang County can also be saved."

At this time, the sheriff of Fengyang County finally appeared to show his presence: "Now what we are discussing is how to use this picture of a saint to survive this siege. After all, this picture can only be used once, so it must be hit once." Deadly, completely remove the army and threats outside the city."

Taoist Yuyan nodded: "The sage is majestic and upright, and he is most restrained by such demons, ghosts and demons of the Demon Sect, and the Demon Cultivators of the Ten Demon Sects."

"I don't need to do anything. In the middle of the night, when the yin qi grows and the monsters are at their peak, the Yeting army will definitely attack the city. At that time, as long as..."

There are plots in the city, and the army outside the city is also ready to go. In the middle of the night, a murderous air condenses within a radius of hundreds of miles. Even the cicadas and night frogs in summer dare not make a sound. My heart panicked.

And when the moon was in the sky and the moon was at its peak, with the sound of the horn in the barracks of the Yeting army, the army lined up outside Fengyang City densely and neatly, and the ghosts and monsters lay on the ground like tame cats and dogs.

Heavy demonic energy surged into the sky, and streaks of military energy condensed into blood dragons hovering above the army.

A large black banner of thousands of feet rose slowly from the barracks, and the demonic energy cracked, and a thousand-meter magic god walked out of it, grabbed the banner, and then walked out from the darkness, overlooking the whole city. Fengyang City.

Even if they saw it once in a hundred days, the guards and people in the city would still be scared to death when they saw this demon god again. This is an existence that cannot be imagined and resisted at all.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The rapid bell rang continuously, and everyone moved quickly.

"Hold! Hold!"

"The big formation is open, everyone hold on to me!"

"Don't be afraid! Give it all to me..."

The ant-like mortals and guards in the city were in a mess, but the giant god-like magic form outside the city moved quickly, and the whole arm and body were drawn like a big bow, standing on the ground, and the thousand-foot banner was directly facing Inserted on the ground.

"Boom!" Immediately, a huge halo exploded, the black magic energy collided with the large light curtain, and the sky and the earth trembled at the same time.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

After a violent bang, the entire formation made continuous violent explosions like popping beans, and the entire formation collapsed rapidly like a chain reaction.

"Open it!" The demon god in the sky opened his bloody mouth, roaring as if he was going to swallow the entire Fengyang City.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw the entire formation collapse together, the light curtain exploded with a loud bang, the halo of the city dissipated when it was unscrewed, and all the walls and formations continued to collapse and explode.

"It's over! It's over!"

"The defensive array is broken! Fengyang City can no longer be defended!"

"We all have to die!"

"We will all be eaten by the monsters and ghosts. The Demon Sect has always been brutal and bloodthirsty, and we will all be killed by the blood sacrifice demon god."

At this moment, looking into the distance along the streets of the city, one can see beyond the collapsed city walls, thousands of monsters and barbarian soldiers who are more fierce than monsters rushing into the city, one by one the guards and the people in the city There was a look of despair in their eyes, and many people even quickly packed up their things and fled towards the north of the city. Where are the Town God's Temple and the Sheriff's Mansion, many people want to get shelter or escape from the chaos in the city. go out.

The barbarian soldiers outside the city let out wild laughter, one by one the mountain ghosts rushed into the city rapidly, one by one jumped up tens of meters, rushed directly to the dilapidated city wall, turned over and stood On the top of the wall, he looked at the chaotic city.

"Kill kill kill!"

"The general said it, three days to plunder!"

"The blood food of all the ghosts is in the city, and they have been starving for half a month."

The Pioneer Mountain ghost army charged up the wall, rushed into the outer city, and fought with the guard gate, and the army outside the city also moved steadily one by one, heading towards Fengyang City.

At this moment, looking down at the demon god's image above the city, he immediately aimed his target at the Town God's Temple in the city. The Town God's Temple burst out with a strong aura of incense, and a deity in a god's robe in the underground god's spiritual realm had already looked at the demon god.

The Demon God let out a sneer, raised the military flag in his hand and dropped it, intending to destroy the Town God's Temple and the entire God's Spiritual Realm, shattering the last trace of life in the city.

The people in the Sheriff's Mansion also saw this scene, and all panicked, they all looked at Zou Hongjun, who was holding a long box and a picture of a saint, and the monk Yuyan Taoist, who was guarding the Heavenly Supervisor.

Taoist Yuyan saw that the enemy's pioneer army, the Mountain Ghost Army, had already entered the city, and there were densely controlled ghosts in the sky rushing towards the city.

Moreover, the demon god wanted to directly destroy Fengyang County Town God's Temple and the spirit realm of the gods, so it was no longer possible to lure the enemy into further depths.

"It's now!"

Zou Hongjun, the mountain head of Fengyang Academy, was immediately filled with great righteousness, and the long box in his hand was instantly shattered, and the long white scroll inside shot out, turning into rays of light soaring into the sky: "Sage, please act!"

At this time, the military flag in the demon god's hand fell like a spear, and the divine light swept across it like a nine-day thunderbolt.

But he didn't expect to see a white picture scroll thrown under the ground head-on, and the picture scroll projected out and unfolded in the wind, blooming with white light.

Bai Jiulong didn't take it seriously at all. At this point, he didn't believe that there was anyone in the city who could resist him.

"A blank roll! Want to stop me too?"

The demon god in armor smashed down the thousand-zhang military flag, directly bombarding the picture scroll.

Suddenly, the white light exploded, and the military flag seemed to have pierced the sun instead of hitting the scroll in an instant.


The light swept across tens of miles, from the inside of the city to the outside of the city. In an instant, the night disappeared, and the whole world was illuminated into a blazing white.

Under the strong storm, all the mountain ghosts, demons, ghosts and gods that rushed into the city were shocked by the white light in an instant, and disappeared amidst the screams.

The rays of light advanced layer by layer, and the demon energy in the air and the blood demon on the ground were all swept away.

Even rushing into the top of the city, the Moxiu who practiced magic arts and a large number of soldiers contaminated with magic energy, the moment they came into contact with the light, it was as if the whole thing was ignited by the flame and burned to ashes.

"Hao Ran Upright!"

"Is this righteousness?"

"How is it possible, Master Xuegong doesn't have such a strong aura of righteousness!"

Under the screams of the demon monks, they just wanted to escape, but they were caught up by the mighty sun in an instant, burning into a wisp of black smoke, and finally the light shook, and even the black smoke dissipated without a trace .

Under the sweeping light of the great sun, there is no room for the slightest filth in the world.

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