Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 573: The End of the Dynasty

When Xu Hao threw the imperial decree on the ground, a figure appeared behind him at the same time. It turned out to be Taiwei Xu Che who should have repented behind closed doors in Gaoyang, Xinjing, and devoted himself to practicing.

"Father!" Xu Hao turned around and knelt down in front of Taiwei Xu Che.

Xu Che looked at the youngest son whose star life had been fully activated, possessing supernatural powers and star power, and had surpassed himself as a martial artist who had already survived the three disasters. Xu Che laughed happily: "It's not a loss." He is my son, and he really lived up to his father's expectations."

Xu Hao looked at the corpse of Da Zhou Nei, who came in front of him on behalf of Kong Qi and held the imperial decree, and his eyes were full of flames: "Is father really going to rebel?"

Xu Che snorted coldly: "One moment, that moment."

"Great Zhou lost the Nine Dragon Emperor Seal, the Dragon Pillar of Luck collapsed, the destiny is gone, and Great Zhou is doomed."

"Before I became my father, I miscalculated that the new army could resist the Shendu army and Wuweihou, and I didn't expect that the emperor would have the courage to give up Shenjing and go south. But now it is different. The Great Zhou lost its deer. This broken ship is no longer the shelter for you and my father and son, no matter who can unify the world, that kid Kong Qi will have no chance."

Xu Che looked down at Xu Hao: "Besides, you are the Nine Heavens Killing Child General. Although you have activated your star life, your murderous aura is not enough, and your destiny has not returned. It is just right for you to ruin this great week."

But Xu Hao said: "Father, the Royal Dragon Army has now become the Imperial Guard Army and the Tiger Guard Army. They have no soldiers and horses. How can they win the Great Zhou Longting?"

Then Xu Che sneered and said, "My Dragon Army was broken up and reorganized by Kong Qi, so I thought I had no other way? When Xu Che was in charge of the Dragon Army, the first emperor had not yet ascended the throne. This kid thought it was broken up. If you join the Dragon Army, you can get in touch with my control over the Dragon Army?"

Zhongyun, Mengze, Xu Guo and other Yi kingdoms were forced to withdraw from Teng County, shrinking and fleeing all the way, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers who originally came from the south are now less than 80,000, and they are struggling to defend Chang County.

The army of the Tiger Guards has packed Chang County with water, and every pass, main road, and ferry are heavily guarded, and it is difficult for these barbarians to fly with their wings.

Coupled with the frequent success reports from Shaozhou, the Tiger Guards believed that this battle would be won, but from the moment the dragon pillar collapsed on Gaoyang, the situation became a little different.

Marquis of the Tiger Guard Army looked at Dazhou Xinjing in the middle of the night, saw the collapse of the dragon pillar, and the misty fortune of Dazhou, and instantly knew that there was a change in Gaoyang.

But what is even more frightening is that the servants who should have sent the imperial decree to the Tiger Guards were intercepted and killed on the road. The original imperial decree ordered the Tiger Guards to accept the army of surrendered barbarians, forcing them to sign the surrender form and then let them go back.

The Tiger Guards garrisoned the three counties of Changjun, Tengjun, and Fengyang, and the imperial decree to guard the land of the three counties. Send down the barbarian army, and then immediately return to Gaoyang City.

And the Qintian Supervisor who was originally stationed in Tengjun rushed back to Gaoyang on the night when the Great Zhou Dragon Column collapsed, causing the Tiger Guards to lose a lot of help.

The Marquis of the Tiger Guard Army personally led the army to launch an attack on the 70,000-odd remnants of Yi people in Chang County, and the map was decided after the first battle.

But what I didn't expect was that the 20,000 troops in the middle army suddenly rebelled. The original tiger guard army flag fell, and the flag belonging to the Yulong army stood up again. Everyone shouted slogans and wore red dragon scarves.

All the generals and schools of the Chinese army rebelled, and cut off the entire Tiger Guard Army front and rear with a counterattack.

At this time, Xu Hao, who led thousands of soldiers, also arrived on the battlefield and stormed the rear camp of the Tiger Guards, causing the entire formation of the Tiger Guards to be in chaos and completely collapsed.

Changping Marquis Xu Che also appeared in person, and four generals from Zhongyun Kingdom, Mengze Kingdom, and Xu Kingdom besieged the Tiger Guard Army Marquis.

The four lowest and late stage fighters fought against the peak powerhouses of martial arts and immortals. On the spot, you can see the demon body support the sky, the martial arts golden body breaks through everything, the ground and the battlefield are torn apart, and several mountain peaks are torn apart in the fierce battle open.

Every peak military general not only has his own martial arts avatar, but what is even more frightening is that there are tens of thousands of warrior soldiers under his banner, which are completely integrated with their martial arts avatars and aura.

The combat power exerted by this continued to increase. In the end, the Marquis of the Tiger Guard Army was under heavy siege, and his martial arts golden body, which was like a giant Buddha on a mountain, was destroyed and died on the spot.

The Tiger Guard's Marquis died in battle, and the evil aura of the army also dissipated directly. The former soldiers and sharp men who were originally shrouded in it could no longer be reintegrated.

Under the scouring of the army, most of the soldiers who were originally loyal to the Tiger Guard Army and the Great Zhou Longting also died in the battle.

The rest were all returned to the banner of Changping Marquis Xu Che to rebuild the Yulong Army.

After clearing the army and rebuilding the Yulong Army, Xu's father and son led the army into Shaozhou, and together with the Dingjun Hou Wuheng who had already made an alliance, they attacked the imperial guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Under the order of Emperor Kong Qi, the imperial guards began to slowly withdraw from Shaozhou, preparing to guard the re-established Wuguan and Changshui Ferry.

But they didn't expect that the Tiger Guard Army in the south would be defeated so quickly, and what's more, they didn't expect that a Dragon Guard Army suddenly appeared behind them.

No one expected that Xu and his son regained control of the Yulong Army so quickly, and went straight to Shaozhou without the slightest hesitation, blocking their retreat.

Dingjun Hou Wuheng, Changping Hou Xuche, two martial arts immortals and a nine-day child-killing general Xu Hao, the three of them led an army to surround the imperial guards in the west of Lichi County, Shaozhou. The ruins of the old capital.

After three days of fierce fighting, the Marquis of the Forbidden Army was killed, and the remnant army besieged in the south of Lichi completely surrendered under the persuasion of Changping Marquis Xu Che.

Within half a month, Longting of the Great Zhou lost the imperial guards and tiger guards one after another, and lost the last vestige of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Only the defenders of Gaozhou and tens of thousands of shadow guards of the emperor's guards remained.

Moreover, Shaozhou Wuguan and the second brothers Chang and Teng were lost one after another. Gaozhou lost its last barrier and was nakedly displayed in front of the enemy army.

Next, the army of barbarians from Changdi and Tengdi, and the Yulong Army and Zhenwu Army who passed through Wuguan.

A total of 200,000 troops entered the land of Gaozhou. General Jiutian Shatong personally led the army of the three counties as the forward. All the way up, the soldiers pointed directly at Gaoyang.

When Kong Qi, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty who returned to Gaoyang in the new capital, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knew the news, the whole Gaoyang fell into chaos. People collapsed directly to the ground, even the prime minister knelt on the ground, unable to cry for a long time.

This time was more terrifying and desperate than Yang Jing's time.

Because everyone knows that the big week is over.

This time, they didn't have the chance to go south and move to the capital. The whole world was lost, there were rebels everywhere, and even if they wanted to escape, they had nowhere to escape.

Push a friend's book: Mirror of Eternity, a book by an old fantasy author, it is still very safe, and I have written the old chapters and the soul of Negri.

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