Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 574: The Return of Three Stars

Before the rebels hit Changjin, the last barrier in front of Gaoyang City, the entire Gaoyang City became empty, the streets and alleys were empty, and a large number of palace people in the palace fled to the outside. Everyone knew It is impossible for Da Zhou to defend Changjin, or it is useless to defend it. With a few cities and no more than 10,000 troops, how can it face the enemy's 200,000 troops.

People's hearts are in a mess, and ghosts appear spontaneously. At night, there are even visions of ghosts walking in the night in Gaoyang City. Gaoyang at night does not look like a prosperous ancient capital, but more like a capital of demons.

Looking at the chaos and the maids and servants who kept escaping from the palace, Kong Qi, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had no intention of stopping it, or in other words, he no longer took all these things to heart.

Even in the early morning yesterday, the emperor Kong Qi did not go to the court, and asked an eunuch to announce that the ministers went home and there was no need to come again.

Although the number of people in the early dynasty was already less than half of that of the previous one, and most of the ministers and their families had long since fled, the remaining ones at this time were basically those who were truly loyal to Da Zhou and Emperor Kong Qi.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

"Destiny, is it true that God no longer cares about Da Zhou?"

The ministers of the dynasty wailed in pain, and old men knelt down in front of the main hall and refused to leave. The Great Zhou Dynasty was established for nearly a thousand years. In terms of strength, no one in the past dynasties could match it. Once the dynasty collapsed, even the foundation of a thousand years would not be able to recover. sky.

The ministers bid farewell and left in front of the palace gate one by one.

Afterwards, the emperor dismissed all the guards and palace people inside and outside the palace, although many had already fled.

The concubines and heirs of Emperor Kong Qi also gathered together. Under the leadership of Qin Tianjian Jianzheng and a great Zhou prince, they took the last details of the Great Zhou on a French boat and crossed the sea from the east. They may never have a chance in this life. I'm back again.

Although everyone has repeatedly persuaded the emperor Kong Qi to leave with them, the emperor Kong Qi has no intention of leaving at all. Others have more or less reasons to leave, but he, Kong Qi, absolutely cannot leave.

The palace was empty, and in the middle of the night, Emperor Kong Qi quietly came to the hall again.

At this moment, there is no one to serve, and there are no thousands of people under him, Shan Hu Long live.

"It's so quiet!"

He remembered that when he was born, everyone called him the Heavenly Son of the True Dragon, the Immemorial Immortal God reincarnated in the lower world, whether it was his father, the civil and military ministers of the Manchu dynasty, or even the gods of the world, all had high hopes for him, I think he will be the master of ZTE in the Great Zhou, and will completely bring the Great Zhou to the real peak.

Even he himself thinks so.

At the moment when the young man ascended the throne, the emperor, who was in high spirits, couldn't help laughing fiercely. The laughter seemed to be laughing at others, but at the same time, he was laughing at himself. At the end of the laugh, he cried while laughing.

"Extreme prosperity and decline! Prosperity and decline! I am not the master of ZTE, I am the master of subjugation!"

He walked down from the throne, from the high place to the bottom, and walked outside the palace, looking at the buildings in the distance, the huge Gaoyang City, and the world beyond.

There is not a single person to be seen in such a large palace. In the past, Gaoyang City, which was heavily lit, was pitch black. At night, Gaoyang is like a dead city, engulfing everything.

At this time, in the distant sky, a star suddenly dimmed, and then suddenly brightened generously, illuminating all directions.

At the same time, the battle in Changjin in the distance also ended. The young general who led tens of thousands of soldiers to stop the army of Dingjun Hou Wuheng was besieged and killed by him, and finally died in front of the battle. It's less than a hundred miles away, and it will arrive tomorrow evening.

But at this time, a figure entered through many palace gates, and it was not obstructed or obstructed at all along the way, just like this, it was allowed to walk into the palace, in front of the golden palace.

It was Fengchang Li Qian, one of the Nine Ministers, who stepped forward respectfully and saluted the emperor sitting on the threshold of the Golden Palace.

"Your Majesty! The news just came, and Changjin didn't defend. Wuqu star Zhong Yuen Long was besieged and killed in front of the formation. He died at the hands of Dingjunhou Wuheng, and Wuquxing's life was also taken by Dingjunhou Wuheng."

Kong Qi looked at this close minister who had been by his side since he was the crown prince of the Eastern Palace, and he didn't mention the martial arts star Zhong Yuanlang at all, but asked instead: "Why don't you leave?"

Li Qian straightened up: "My minister said that no matter what, I will stand by His Majesty's side."

Kong Qi didn't say much: "It's a destiny that cannot be broken. I, Kong Qi, can't stop this great trend."

There was a long silence, and in the end thousands of words were reduced to one sentence: "It's better to go back!"

But at this moment, Jing Zhaoyin and Zhou Wenlong were sitting on top of the mansion hall, dressed in official uniforms, and sat on the main seat.

Zhou Wenlong looked at the place he had been in charge of all along, and the plaque hanging behind him, sighed, leaned on the wooden chair, and looked outside the hall: "It's time."

Afterwards, this important minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the minister of the dragon of the emperor Kong Qi, closed his eyes and lost the slightest breath for a moment.

Zhou Tian and the stars were in motion, and star power descended from the sky for nine days, illuminating the entire Gaoyang City.

At night, after the first battle, Changjin did not rest at all. Instead, the rebels went straight to Gaoyang. Before they reached halfway, they saw a dragon roar suddenly erupting from Gaoyang, the new capital of the Great Zhou in the distance.

The rushing vanguard cavalry stopped one after another, and they saw rays of light rising into the sky in the distance in the city of Gaoyang, connecting the sky and the earth.

In a scuffle, Zhong Yuanlang was finally killed successfully, Dingjun Hou Wuheng, who took the life of Wuqu Xing, and General Jiutian Killing Tong were the first to sense something, especially General Jiutian Killing Tong, blurted out in an instant: " King Xing is back!"

First of all, a bright golden dragon rushed out of the light, pierced the clouds of the nine heavens, cleared the clouds and mist to see the bright moon, and ran towards the sky.

Then I saw two rays of light and stars going away with it, the stars in the outer sky resonated, the twenty-eight constellations roared one by one, and the Big Dipper slowly rotated like a spoon, as if welcoming its return.

In the shocking vision of heaven and earth, several immortals from the lower realm returned to their positions one by one, ascended to the sky and left.

At the same time, among the thirty-six heavens, a Taoist holding a map of the stars in the sky lit up a few of the stars in the map with a fairy hair, and several names fell into it and returned to the nine heavens , fell into the fairy book.

At the same time, the voice of the immortal also faintly passed down from the nine heavens, falling into the ears of every monk in Dongzhou.

"Kang Jinlong returns!"

"Star Wenchang is back!"

"Wenqu star returns!"

When Kang Jinlong, Wenchang, and Wenqu three stars returned to the throne, all parties in the Great Zhou Dynasty, King Wei of Panzhou, King of Donghai, King Zheng who occupied Zhengzhou, Strider State and Daben Huandi Gyeonggi, and the remaining Huandi The six kings were all alarmed at the same time.

No matter who it is, they all know the meaning of this. This means that the Great Zhou is truly dead. The world has completely lost this master in name, and everyone is eligible to become the next co-lord of the human race.

"Kang Jinlong returns!" In Zhengwang Palace, a prince wearing a dragon robe looked out of the sky, with a complex expression on his face, including surprise, worry, and sadness.

"Emperor Da Zhou has passed away!" In a certain county of Yuandong County, in the marching camp leading an army towards Panzhou, among the tents and campfires stretching for tens of miles, a general wearing black armor There is no reverence for the emperor.

And beside him, a Taoist wearing a Taoist robe of the Tianxing sect said: "This is the destiny of heaven, no one can violate it!"

Sure enough, a few days later, the news that Gaoyang, the new capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, had been breached spread all over the world.

Marquis Dingjun, Marquis Changping, and the Yi people divided up the rich heritage left by Yangjing and Dazhou and it was too late to take away. I don’t know how many gods and gods who followed Dazhou were slaughtered along the way, especially the current City God of Gaoyang, the original Yangjing City. In God's spiritual realm, treasures left over from the thousand-year-old Zhou Dynasty, fairy materials, and incense money like mountains and seas have been accumulated.

The Marquis of Changping occupied Gaozhou and called himself the King of Gao, and the Marquis of Dingjun occupied Shaozhou and Yongzhou and called himself the King of Shao.

However, after the Yi people wiped out the Great Zhou Longting, they did not know why but hurriedly withdrew their troops, and withdrew from the territory of the Great Zhou with the spiritual objects and incense money accumulated by the Great Zhou, various sects, and gods for thousands of years.

The Marquis of Changping and Marquis of Dingjun, who originally formed an alliance, had another dispute because of Fengyang, Changjun, and Tengjun.

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