Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 579 Qingyang Loose Immortal

Although winter has not yet entered the Desolate God City of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, the north is already bleak, and snow has even started to fall in many places.

But the entire Rage God City is shrouded in a fairy formation, not to mention the desolate ancient god mountain is also floating above the clouds above the Rage God City.

At this moment, magical ships, flying swords, and escaped light came from the sky one after another, gathering towards the desolate god city, but only a few people were able to enter the desolate ancient god mountain. It is the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the giant of Buddhism and Taoism.

The Ancient Desolate Mountain has been completely refined into a divine artifact. It seems that the Ancient Desolate God Changde intends to bring this sacred mountain back to the upper realm.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, one after another, figures like immortals and gods came one after another, and set foot on this sacred mountain floating on the clouds. Under the ancient sacred mountain, there were priests to receive the guests who came, and everyone gave gifts. It is a heavy gift, and if you take out one casually, it is enough to make many practice sects and thousands of practitioners in Dongzhou fight for it.

"Dragon King Fuguang of the East China Sea is here to congratulate you! Present a quasi-immortal artifact, the Jasper Qilin Hook."

"The Patriarch of Tianjian Mountain came to congratulate and present a Ziqiyun elixir."

"The Dragon Subduing Arhat of the Xizhou Buddhist Gate came to congratulate, and sent a copy of the Tathagata's scriptures to the Great Sun Tathagata."

"Ao Shen, the Dragon King of the North Sea, came to congratulate him and presented him with a pair of cold crystal jades, a pair of quasi-celestial artifact Qiankun bracelets, and ninety-nine boxes of spiritual treasures and immortal materials."


One after another, the big men arrive, and the things they give away become more and more expensive, especially the Dragon King of the Four Seas. Those disciples of the guests, where have they seen such a scene, and gave away the quasi-celestial artifact?

Especially Ao Shen, the Dragon King of the North Sea, came on a purple jade dragon boat, brought his dragon son and grandson to present gifts respectfully, and quickly entered the top to see the ancient god Changde.

Because he was able to ascend to the position of the Dragon King of the North Sea in the past, and it was because of Chang De's help that he became what he is today. In name, the Dragon King of the North Sea is still a disciple of Chang De, and Chang De is Ao Shen's master.

In the first place, in the vast palace built by hollowing out the entire mountain, there are many luxurious and heavy objects, such as chime bells, fairy screens, jade walls, Shenjing palace lanterns, etc. The maids who came and went wore ancient Dahuan witch sacrifice robes, which looked full of ancient charm, and everything made people feel like they were dreaming back to the ancient Dahuan period.

Entering the main hall, the whole hall is surrounded by clouds and mist condensed by spiritual energy, and everyone is set off with a sense of immortality, especially above the hall, which is tens of meters high, there are cloud beds one after another. , on each cloud bed are placed Changyu tables and fairy screens, representing an ancestor, followed by his disciples.

Maids in fluttering fairy clothes flew back and forth with spiritual food and wine, circled around the stone pillars carved with divine beasts, and finally sent them to the cloud bed above.

Looking at the past, almost all of them are ancient existences in the legends of Dongzhou and the Four Seas. Many people can even see their gods and incense in the major temples, and they are also hung in the patriarch halls of the major sects. There are their portraits.

"That's it? Ji Meng, the god of Zhangshan? Isn't this what existed thousands of years ago? He's still in the world?"

"Gu Immortal Sect Patriarch, Gu God Shi Min, I saw his statue in the south some time ago."

"Look! The Dragon King of the West Sea Candle Jiuyin, it is said that his divine candle illuminates the land of thousands of miles in the West Sea, opening his eyes is like the coming of the great sun. In the battle of the dragon gods of the four seas in the past, he was the strongest."

"Old Immortal Tianxing of the Tianxing Sect, it is said that he has gained the fate of the Uri Star Official in Dongzhou, and he fought with the Buddhist sect, and the Buddhist sect suffered a big loss from him."

Those junior disciples who followed the elders couldn't help but gasp in surprise every time they saw one of them.

When I finally got to the front, I saw several immortal gods sitting on the cloud bed at the front of the hall. All the juniors dared not speak even with their heads down. All of them dared to bow their heads and salute, and only those immortal gods from the ancient times could fly up to chat and exchange a few words.

At this time, Zhang Yusu, the celestial master of three generations, and Bai Mei, the demon fairy, also came hand in hand, and Hu Xiuer, the cautious Xinyue fox, was behind him. The three of them couldn't even enter the desolate ancient mountain because they didn't have the fairy post, so they finally arrived at the desolate city below to get It only flew up after receiving the token.

At this time, most of the guests have almost all arrived and are just waiting for the protagonist to attend.

Zhang Yusu and Bai Mei went straight to the main hall, and immediately saw the immortal gods and all kinds of true immortals present, and the ancestors of the Tribulation Period had filled up the seats. One of them should have followed Jiugongxing to advocate Heming's arrival, and the other was It was because they belonged to the monster race, and had nothing to do with Chang De, the owner of the Desolate Ancient God Mountain, and had not been invited, so there was no place for the two of them at this moment.

Although Zhang Yusu came here for the Nine Dragon Emperor's Seal, he also knew that the owners of this place at this time were the ancient gods Changde and Tude Zhenjun Tumingshangshen. The master is here, and she can't let her make decisions.

Immediately, he brought Bai Mei and Hu Xiu'er to Juntian Xianjun, and after seeing the ceremony, he returned to the side of Zhang Heming on the cloud bed on the other right, Zhang Heming didn't care, and let her sit down casually.

But Bai Mei and Hu Xiu'er stood in front of Juntian Xianjun respectfully and cautiously, especially Hu Xiu'er, the terrifying aura around her was so powerful that she couldn't bear it, or for her, she never thought that the There are so many tyrannical beings, and they are gathered together at this moment.

Different from other people, Juntian Xianjun came here alone, there was only a jade table placed on the huge cloud bed, and he was the only one who poured and drank by himself.

However, Xianjun Juntian seemed to have drunk too much while holding the jug, watching the fairy attendant who played the fairy song on the central cloud bed hum along, and seemed to realize that he saw Bai Mei and Hu Xiu'er after he left the stage.

Jun Tianxian waved his sleeves: "What are you two standing there for? Just behind me."

I didn't mention the Nine Dragon Emperor's Seal, let alone the disputes between the Taoist sect, the demon sect, and the demon clan. When I came here, I felt that this time the matter was not simple, and even the worried two didn't even know what to say.

Immediately, a pair of sapphire desks and two sets of futons flew up and placed beside Jun Tianxian, and then a maid flew up to add spiritual food and immortal wine.

Two people full of worries really participated in the fairy banquet about the ancient god Changde and Tude Zhenjun Tuming to form a Taoist couple here.

"Qingyang Loose Immortal of Mount Taishou has arrived."

But at this time, with the sound of a bell, the priest in charge of receiving guests shouted at the foot of the ancient mountain outside, attracting the eyes of all the guests in the hall.

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