Rebirth Dominator

Chapter 580 Huayang Shenjun and Lunar Star

It was Qingyang Sanren who came in. After the ghost immortal cultivated to the ninth life, the memory and cultivation base of the previous nine lives will return together. The ghost immortal only needs to re-cultivate to the realm of longevity in each life before he can be reincarnated again. In the ninth generation, it suddenly entered the peak period.

It is also the last step of ghost cultivation, directly stepping into the last door of cultivation, and condensing into a fairy body. After that, the way of ghosts and immortals has almost come to an end. Later, according to many powerful explorations of the way of ghosts and immortals, you can enter the underworld Shi Youming walked the path of the Underworld God of the Nine Paths of Immortal Thunder Calamity, or he could find another path, and switch to other paths on top of the Nine Nether Real Fire Immortal Physique.

The Ninth World Ghost Immortal is comparable to the Real Immortal on Land in terms of realm, and it is also the realm of immortality, but it is a bit embarrassing in terms of combat power, and it is not even comparable to some powerful abilities that rely on quasi-immortal weapons, let alone some that rely on quasi-immortal weapons. The earth immortal based on the blessed land.

Before the Qingyang trio practiced until the ninth life, they could not retreat, because they were different from other ghosts and immortals. Other ghosts started to follow the way of ghosts and immortals in their first life, and the Qingyang three were a few ancient masters. Being able to connect hands, he used his slough and treasures of heaven and earth to forcibly help him continue the way of ghosts and immortals, which caused his innate superiority to be much worse than others. He was the first practitioner to start walking the way of ghosts and immortals , it has not really come through until now.

Qingyang Loose Cultivator, who walked in with his disciples from the main hall, immediately saw all kinds of gods, real gods from the land, and ancestors of various sects step down from the cloud bed to greet him.

Even the immortal gods who came before did not make such a movement, because Juntian Immortal Lord and Nine Palace Star Lord who sat at the front took the lead and came down from the cloud bed to greet them, and the other guests could not sit still, they all followed They flew down from the cloud bed together.

The Taoism and magic power of Qingyang Sanren may not be considered as much in front of the powerful and practitioners of the Mandian, and may not even compare to some of the later generations, but in terms of his seniority, few people in the Mandian can match him, even The Qingyang trio handed down the inheritance of Qi Cultivation in the early years, and many inheritances of today's Taoism, Sword Sect, and overseas side sects come from this.

Outside the main hall like the ancient Immortal Palace, there are countless existences named after Immortals, and the middle-aged man in a Taoist robe combed a Taoist bun, and looked at the Juntian Immortal and Zhang Heming who were facing him: " Fengdu, Tianshi, please stay safe."

Juntian Xianjun looked a little sighed, but also a little sad: "Thousands of years have passed, Qingyang, you have finally returned."

Zhang Heming was extremely happy, and said: "Okay! Today is really great joy. Changde has become a Taoist couple, and the three of you in Qingyang have returned again. In ancient times, the four of us met to become immortals together. It has spanned thousands of years. Unexpectedly Today, the few people I waited for really met in the form of immortals and gods."

As Zhang Heming said, he led the three of Qingyang towards the inside. The Sanren of Qingyang had practiced for nine generations before returning. Suddenly recalling the past, he felt even more embarrassing, and asked where Jia Yi was.

Zhang Heming immediately said: "Jia Lianqishi and Chang Erye are behind. Chang Erye is the protagonist today. It is not convenient to come out now. You can see him later. Jia Lianqishi is an envoy to recruit immortals. This time The lower realm is unbearably disturbed, and he claims to be Yuelao hiding behind, and he will bring Changde and Tuming out later, and he will make a fortune to pray to the world."

Qingyang Sanren mentioned Changde, and suddenly sighed: "In the past, I was equivalent to entering the mountains and seas. You and I were all successful in cultivation. Changde asked to come to my door, but I refused to take risks with us because of his hesitation in the past. He, thinking about it now, is nothing more than a little effort, but because he couldn't let go, he was rejected from the door."

"And now he has also cultivated into a god, with immortality in hand, and the way is hopeful."

Juntian Xianjun shook his head: "The past has become the past, and now you and I are both certified immortals, so why worry about the past mistakes, and Changde has long since stopped talking about the past, after all, when we first practiced, we left There are not many Daoist friends and fellow practitioners left."

Qingyang Sanren said with a smile: "That's right, today is a day of great joy, don't mention these, don't mention these."

"I even brought a congratulatory gift with my own hands, and I want to hand it over to my siblings later."

A group of people laughed heartily and stepped forward, stepping on the cloud air step by step to the top cloud bed, and each sat in attendance, the atmosphere in the entire temple became even more enthusiastic.

There are not many people who came late, some came after not receiving the news from Xiantie, and some were not closely related to Changde, and wanted to come to join in the fun, tried every means Come up to the main hall of this desolate ancient shrine.

A few people worth noting among them are Huayang Shenjun and Zhenxianguan Sisanxian from the land of sunrise in the east.

"The Lord Huayang is here to congratulate you!"

"The White Crane Loose Immortal, the Cloud Dragon Loose Immortal, the Wind Tiger Loose Immortal, and the Canggou Loose Immortal are here to congratulate."

The Four Scattered Immortals of the True Immortal Temple can be regarded as an outlier in the cultivation world of Dongzhou. As soon as he appeared, he saw many figures from the Taoist sect glaring at him. Before that, a group of people fought in Xianque City and took away one of the ancient relics of Xianque. Inherited treasures.

Both Taoist and Demonic Sects were pitted by their pits, and Xianque City was destroyed for thousands of years. I don’t know how many sects’ backgrounds and accumulations in Xianque City were wiped out, and Demonic Sect died. I don’t know how many disciples , Both the demon and the Dao couldn't tolerate them, and shot to kill the scattered immortals of the True Immortal Temple.

If it weren't for his deep background, Baihe Sanxian had once been a Taoist boy under the Juntian Xianjun's sect, and some of the younger generation's Transcending Tribulation Stage and Land True Immortals could still fight, which can be regarded as a fight of the same generation.

In addition, they are heterogeneous enlightened people, and they may not be conspicuous overseas, but in Dongzhou, heterogeneous enlightened people are naturally discriminated against by many Taoist sects.

Those immortal god-level powers are afraid of their own identities or their background inheritance. I am afraid that these scattered immortals have already reincarnated back by now, so how dare they come to this ancient mountain to participate in the fairy feast of Changde Shenjun.

At the entrance of the main hall, Si Sanxian received a completely different treatment from the previous Qingyang Sanren. De also cupped his hands triumphantly, as if the glaring eyes of the young disciples of the sect were welcoming them.

However, his master and three senior brothers focused all their attention on Huayang Shenjun and a woman behind him. The figure of Huayang Shenjun was completely condensed by the real fire of the sun. The female god is nearly two meters tall, tall and full of silver hair, her eyes and expression look sacred and indifferent, as if she is inaccessible.

Most of the people present have never seen God Lord Huayang, but they have heard of this existence. God Lord Huayang is similar to Taibai Jinxing in the upper realm. He is a congenital god and demon. Coming out of heaven and earth, living in great merit.

He lives in the land of Tanggu Fusang overseas in the East, and is in the palm of the ancient alien rain master's concubine country.

Many people in the hall whispered, no one thought that the god of Tangu Fusang also came to the mountains and seas. He has lived overseas for a long time and has never entered the mountains and seas. There must be other plans for Tu Ming Shangshen to form a Taoist couple fairy feast.

"The true immortal watches the white crane, has seen the Huayang god, and seen the goddess."

Baihe Sanxian met this god at the door, and immediately went to greet him, but he looked carefully at the goddess behind Huayang god, with a look of surprise and shock on his face.

But Huayang Shenjun didn't say much, just nodded, and immediately walked towards the hall.

Baihe Sanxian and others also went in, but they didn't even find their seats. They just arranged a few seats on the big cloud bed at the end to eat and drink. They watched carefully the Huayang God in front and the goddess behind him. Going to greet her, the two also knew the identity of the goddess, who turned out to be the daughter of God Lord Huayang.

"Huayang God, Taiyang Xingjun, we didn't expect that the sun and the sun were born together, and this Taiyin star was reincarnated as the daughter of Huayang God. It is the lineage of the emperor."

"This Lunar Star didn't need to rely on the luck of the Dongzhou Human Race to ascend to the throne of Xingjun God, but we all counted as bad, always thought that this Lunar Star would rise through the great luck of the human hostess. "

Everyone waited patiently, and when there was a lot of discussion, the bell finally rang at this time, and it rang nine times in a row, and the protagonist that the immortals had been waiting for finally appeared.

From the long corridors on both sides, surrounded by countless fairy children and fairy guards, a goddess wearing a black emperor's crown robe and a goddess wearing a star-studded heavenly star-lord robe slowly came out in a fairy chariot.

Fairy children and fairy servants around, the heavy chime bells ringing accompanied by the sound of ancient music, the whole ceremony is thick and grand, especially with its appearance, in the huge temple, the fairy god sitting next to the cloud bed and the divine pillar , Great practitioners stood up one after another, congratulating the two upper realm gods.

The teams walking out of the long corridors on both sides finally gathered together in the midair of the main hall. Behind them was the dragon and phoenix jade wall that was tens of meters high. The god Changde and Tude Zhenjun Tu Ming both stood up, and the god stood up holding the hand of the goddess , set foot on the white clouds.

"Congratulations to Lord Changde."

"Congratulations to God Tu Ming."

Thinking of the neat voice, the Juntian Immortal who was standing in front couldn't help raising the wine pot, Zhang Heming stroked his chin and laughed, but forgot that this reincarnated body has no beard.

A divine light lit up, and the clouds gathered heavily to form a gate of light. A celestial being dressed in the robes of a celestial court official finally walked out and stood at the front. It was Jia Yi who presided over the formation ceremony of the Taoist couple.

After all, the marriage of gods and Taoists is different from the marriage of mortals, and the various procedures and ceremonies are even more different, but the most important point is to pray to the world and the immortals to witness.

It means to take the heaven and the earth as the witness, and the immortals as the matchmaker, and after they finally form a Taoist couple, the fate and destiny of the two will be bound together for eternity.

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