Huo Yi nodded thoughtfully.

But here, Xue Xi showed a puzzled look and said puzzledly:"I have a little doubt. Why did I encounter this monster this time? Why didn't I find it in the place where Huo Yi and I went before?"

Yun Fengyi heard this and looked at him curiously:"Are you sure?"

Xue Xi nodded and said:"Of course I am sure. There is also a statue of a fierce beast guarding there like here, but there are no monsters or anything like that. It is easy to get the beast bead!"

Yun Fengyi raised his head slightly, his face was thoughtful for a while, and he looked at Xue Xi and said:"Maybe you are lucky! It is also possible that the monster has not been completely resurrected, and you just took the beast bead at that time!" Xue

Xi nodded when he heard this, maybe it was indeed what Yun Fengyi said!

After that!

The few people didn't say anything else, sat on the black magic python and left here!

Qin Xuan, who was in Tianxuan Sect, also saw this scene and frowned slightly!

"It seems that there are still many things in this Tianxuan Secret Realm that I don’t know about!"

Qin Xuan finished speaking, and the system's voice sounded in his mind!

【Ding, task issued: to increase the number of disciples in the sect to tens of thousands, with qualifications not lower than medium grade, time limit: three months】

【At the same time, the Tianxuan Sect must also have a very wide reputation in the Tianxuan Continent, for example: reaching the level of a force like the Tiangong】

【The elders of each department of Tianxuan Sect have reached the level of Wu Zun, and the lowest has reached Wu Zong, so please start to develop to the next step, and cannot stay in this small place, please look at the long-term.】

【After completing this mission, you will get: three low-level Martial Emperors, ten Martial Saints, and an ancient divine weapon, the Ancient Emperor Bell.

Qin Xuan was shocked when he heard the words of the system in his mind. He said with tears in his eyes,"System, are you serious? I only have one Martial Emperor now, but you want me to gain the fame of a force like Tiangong. Do you think this is possible? I really want to ask the system if you are too proud!"

"You don't think that since the Tianxuan Sect defeated the Tiangong this time, you would assign me such a task! This is a bit difficult, system!"


But unfortunately, the system did not reply to him!

As if it did not hear him!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan sighed and felt like crying but had no tears!

Helplessly, he spread his hands and said,"Forget it, forget it, the reward this time is pretty good!"

"If you want to gain fame, you have to find other opportunities. It seems that you have to let the two major forces of Soul Palace and Shadow Palace develop in the Central Region!"

Qin Xuan looked outside the hall with scorching eyes!

After speaking!

Central Region!

Outside the Tianxuan Secret Realm Valley!

Ling Gu put his hands behind his back, straightened his body, and looked into the valley, as if he was thinking about something.

"From the beginning of the Tianxuan Secret Realm to now, it should be over in a few days, and the Bloodthirsty will soon come out. What I am most worried about now is whether they will conflict with the group of people in the Tiangong and fight?"Ling Gu murmured

"If we really deal with that group of people in Tiangong, how should we explain this to them?"

"Do we have to fight them directly? But if so, our current strength is not enough!"

Alas! Thinking of this, Linggu sighed slightly, shook his head, turned around and returned to his palace!

The three old men of Tiangong were still on the top of the mountain at this time!

They looked more and more anxious!

After all, the premonition of danger in their minds was getting stronger and stronger, and now the Tianxuan Secret Realm was about to end, they were afraid of something unexpected!

Chu Xuan looked at the faces of the two and said,"The Tianxuan Secret Realm is about to end, and the premonition is getting stronger and stronger. I always feel that something is going to happen. What do you think?"

Hearing Chu Xuan's words, Yan Qing and Yifeng looked at each other, nodded and said,"We feel it too!"

But Yifeng spread his hands and said,"It's useless to feel it. After all, they are now in the Tianxuan Secret Realm, and we don't have the strength to break in directly!"

At this point, Yifeng glanced at the two and paused,"So I think we should wait, after all, premonitions are sometimes inaccurate!"

Seeing this, the two nodded and said nothing more.

I saw that in the Tianxuan Secret Realm!

Nowadays, there are about 32 people who survived in the Tianxuan Secret Realm!

Among them, all the people in the Tiangong have died, and some small sects are also like this. It is not a person who is lucky enough to survive!

And like Xuanmen and Guzong, almost all of them survived, and the survivors have come to the center of the Tianxuan Secret Realm! There is no magnificent and imposing hall here!

Instead, it is a huge and ancient altar!

There are statues of ferocious beasts and divine beasts all around the altar!

There is also a towering The stairs to the ground!

At the center, there is a man holding a golden holy sword and wearing golden armor, standing there with a domineering look!

Although it is a statue, it gives people the feeling of a lifelike god!

Under this statue, there are more than a dozen figures talking non-stop, and the number of figures is still increasing!

Reaching more than 20 people.

Those people are the ones who survived in the Tianxuan Secret Realm, such as Zhang Xuanyi and Guo Jing!

After a cup of tea!

The bloodthirsty three people riding the black magic python also came here!

Naturally, it also attracted a lot of attention and caused widespread conversation!

"These should be the people from the Tianxuan Sect!"

"Why are they riding a monster?"

"I don’t know! But the aura of this monster is so strong, I’m afraid its strength has reached above that of a martial emperor!"

"Yes, yes!"

Listening to the people talking among themselves, Huo Yi glanced at everyone calmly!

And Xixue and Yun Fengyi looked different!

This was a small scene for the two of them!

In the end, the three of them rode the Black Demon Python to the bottom of the statue!

This approach also attracted the attention of people from various major forces!

For example, Zhang Xuanyi and Guo Jing!

Some people made shocked sounds!

After all, everyone knew that Tianxuan Sect slapped Tiangong in the Five Domains Competition, and naturally provoked Tiangong!

Tiangong also sent several outstanding disciples to Tianxuan Secret Realm!

Don't even think about it, they are all here to target Tianxuan Sect!

And now Tiangong's People, they didn't see them!

Instead, they saw Tianxuanzong and others arrived here intact, and even obtained a powerful monster!

This made everyone start to wonder!

The answer they all came up with was that the people of Tiangong were killed?

But no one dared to ask carefully!

After all, who knows what happened to the people of Tiangong? What if the people of

Tiangong were killed by the people of Tianxuanzong, they would ask as if they were dying, what if Tianxuanzong killed them to silence them?

Then they are just looking for trouble!

So everyone suppressed their curiosity!

On the contrary, they actually like to see the people of Tiangong get humiliated!

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