After that!

Huo Yi looked at the tall statue and said to the two of them:"Now we have come to the center of Tianxuan Secret Realm, but why is there only a large group of statues and an altar here? Shouldn't it be a space channel?"

Yun Fengyi heard this and shook his head and said:"I don't know, maybe we need to wait for some kind of opportunity!"

Opportunity? Hearing this, the bloodthirsty brows frowned!

He glanced around and found that there was nothing obvious about the countless statues of ferocious beasts and divine beasts here!

It was just like an ordinary statue! After thinking for a while, he said:"I have checked around here, and there is nothing strange. Even if there is the opportunity you mentioned, there should be something obvious!"

"But look, there is only a ruined altar and a bunch of statues, nothing else!"

Yun Fengyi glanced at Bloodthirsty, frowned and said nothing.

And the others didn't notice anything!

Everyone sat on the ground, thinking quietly!

Some people were talking!

After almost half an hour!

No one thought of anything, except talking a lot of nonsense, they were admiring the statue!

But at this moment, a monster with a single horn and wearing a black robe appeared in front of everyone!

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly got up to look at him!

The three bloodthirsty people also found him!

After a careful inspection, they found that this one-horned monster looked somewhat similar to the monster they had seen in the valley before! In the sky, the monster had a pair of blood-red eyes, constantly scanning everyone, as if looking for something!

Until it saw the three bloodthirsty people staying under the statue!

A pair of eyes shone faintly!

Immediately, he laughed strangely, and a long sword that he didn't know where he got appeared in his hand, and he slashed at the three people!

His cold words were also conveyed to the ears of the three people:"You just escaped from my side, and now I have found you. Let's see where you can escape this time!"

Hearing this, the faces of the three people changed!

"Why did he follow me?" Xueshi frowned!

Without waiting for him to think further, he immediately used the ghost fire and began to deal with the blade that was chopping down!


Dust and smoke rose up!

Yun Fengyi and Xueshi cooperated with each other to block the knife!

Xueshi coughed slightly a few times!

He looked at the monster vigilantly, as if he didn't understand why he followed him.

Yun Fengyi next to him glanced at the monster and said to Xueshi:"Don't worry about how he followed us first? We are in trouble and we must get rid of him!"

Xueshi nodded, and the ghost fire all over his body began to burn!

Prepare to deal with the next move!

Huo Yi heard the conversation between the two, and a blue-green flame appeared in his hand, which was the Holy Fire of Qinglian!

"It seems that this monster should be the thing that the senior brothers and sisters mentioned before, the thing that encountered trouble!"Huo Yi said to himself with a serious face.

When everyone saw the figure and behavior of the monster, they couldn't help but exclaimed!

They started to talk and whispered

"What is this monster with a single horn? It looks so powerful!"

"I don't know! But looking at the situation of this thing, it seems that the three people from Xuntian Xuanzong came. It should have nothing to do with us. We just stand aside and watch the show!" As soon as the voice fell!

Then, the monster in the sky moved and shook!

The terrifying aura all over the body was released!

The next moment, countless monsters appeared in the sky! Without exception, each monster has the strength of a martial emperor!

This practice caused the group of people watching the show to panic!

"It seems that this monster is not just targeting those people from Tianxuan Sect, it seems that it wants to kill us too!"

One person said with a worried look on his face.

But how could the people around him not notice this?

They have already taken out their spiritual weapons to deal with it!

Even Zhang Xuanyi and Guo Jing couldn't help but look serious and took out their spiritual weapons to deal with it!

""What on earth is this thing?" Zhang Xuanyi murmured.

Huo Yi, who was standing next to Xixue, saw this scene, looked at the two and asked:"Brothers and sisters, what should we do? Should we go up and fight him head-on? Should we wait for an opportunity?"

Hearing Huo Yi's question, Xixue shook his head and said:"We must not fight him head-on. He is too strong. With our current strength, we are no match for him. We can only think of a way!"

"But the main thing is, this monster won't give us a chance, what can we do?"Huo Yi said with a helpless expression.

Hearing this, Xixue didn't say anything, his eyes were fixed on the monster!

"There is another way, that is to wait for the space channel to appear!" Yun Fengyi said.

Hearing this, the two looked at Yun Fengyi!

Then Yun Fengyi continued:"Wait for the space channel, we just need to wait for the space channel to appear, so that we don't have to fight this monster head-on, but...!"

Yun Fengyi seemed to have thought of something, so she didn't continue talking!

Seeing this, Xixue looked a little confused, not understanding why she didn't continue talking!

Huo Yi, who was beside him, asked nervously:"What's wrong? Senior sister! Why don't you continue talking?"

Yun Fengyi looked up at the two of them, shook his head and said:"But we must also prepare for the worst. It is clear that the Tianxuan Secret Realm has ended at this time, but the space channel has not appeared yet, which means that there may be something wrong in the Tianxuan Secret Realm!"

Xixue frowned and nodded.

In fact, Yun Fengyi is still waiting for someone to come out. If he comes out, this matter will not be so troublesome!

That is the person who was rescued by the little thing before!

It is Wu Xu!

As the master of the Tianxuan Secret Realm, Yun Fengyi believes that he has a way, and also hopes that Wu Xu can notice this scene!

Before they can continue to say anything!

Then, the monster in the sky has rushed towards them!

And his many clones began to follow closely!

Seeing this, everyone decided to rush up and fight with this group of clones!

After all, they felt that this monster was not a good person, and they could tell by looking at his appearance!

Instead of waiting for the three bloodthirsty people to be defeated, it would be better for them to stand up and fight with these monsters!


Bang bang bang!

The sound of fighting was everywhere near the altar!

However, the situation was not optimistic, and they did not think that the gap in strength was too big! They were always crushed by the monster clones and had no power to fight back!

Almost everyone's strength was at the level of Martial King, and only a few people reached the level of Martial Emperor! On the other hand

, the monsters, their strength had reached the peak level of Martial Emperor!

If they were not geniuses in the sect, if it were someone else, they would have been killed by the monster clones as soon as they entered the field!

Bloodthirsty and Yun Fengyi saw the monsters rushing over, looked at each other, and nodded!

Then they each deployed all their strength to start dealing with it!

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