Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 176 Pos Update And Upgrade! A Breakthrough In The European Market! (1/3)

Soon, Ms. Su finished her opinion.

“It seems that everyone’s opinions are unanimous, so it’s settled like this.”

Luo Yang is not surprised.

Deliberately leaving time for Microsoft to promote Win11 on a large scale, thereby expanding the scope of the whole thing to the whole world, this is beneficial to Beichen Technology. Of course, those overseas users who plan to switch from the POS camp to the Win11 camp will Bad luck again!

Luo Yang is not worried about the domestic market. Even though Microsoft has not given up its intention to return to Longguo, after more than a year, the majority of people in Longguo have already given up on using the win system.

Compared with the win system that is threatened by supply cuts at any time and is full of loopholes, is the domestic POS system better?

"Since it will not affect the interests of the vast majority of Dragon Kingdom users, the losses of overseas "493" users have nothing to do with me!"

Everyone thinks so!

Ever since, everyone expressed support for digging a hole for Microsoft!

After finalizing the preliminary plan, Luo Yang continued to take over the floor.

"Compared with win11 system, our POS and pmos do not need to deliberately adapt to the mainstream APPs in the market, and they can run perfectly! This is our


"In addition, the compatibility function of our first-generation POS is currently only open to the four major types of system applications: win, mad, linux and unix, while pmos is only compatible with the two major camps of Android and IOS. In this way The reason for doing this has been told to everyone, and we need to make follow-up technical reserves!"

"Now that Microsoft has taken action, we naturally can't show weakness!"

"More than a year has passed, and it's time to release the next major version update of POS! And this time, we are going to open version 6.0 of POS, which is compatible with Android APP!"

"Old Han, I leave this matter to you!"

Luo Yang has the final say!

"Don't worry, Brother Luo! The system development department has already made a plan, they just moved the time forward!"

Han Feng expressed his position on the spot!

Being ordered to general, he was also in a state of excitement at the moment!

"It seems that Brother Luo doesn't plan to hide anymore! But after keeping a low profile for so long, it's time for the system development department to make its debut again!"

As the president of the software business group, Han Feng is in charge of the development of most software projects of Beichen Technology. Among them, the operating system is the core business of the company, so naturally it is the one he pays most attention to!

The new features mentioned by Luo Yang have already been secretly developed, but they have not been officially released!

"In the past year or so, after continuous iterative upgrades of POS, the latest system version number has been advanced to version 5.71, which means that major version updates have entered the fifth generation!"

Regarding the big and small updates of each generation of versions, Han Feng can be said to be very familiar with them.

Starting from the initial simplified version of POS, Luo Yang led an increasingly large development team and successively added intelligent voice assistants, office software, databases and other updates. Now POS has already become a behemoth, and the software ecosystem with POS as the core has developed rapidly. stand up!

The release of version 6.0 has long been in the company's long-term planning, this time it is just ahead of schedule!

Everyone present was listening carefully!

Digging holes for Microsoft and releasing a new version of POS requires the cooperation of many departments. In addition to the technical department of the software business group, the Internet business group and the public relations planning department also need to cooperate!

"Old He, we must grasp the direction of the fishing boat on the Internet. This can give Microsoft the upper hand temporarily, but we cannot let ourselves fall into crisis!"


He Siyuan also stood up to express his stance!

Like Han Feng, the training of being in a high position has made He Siyuan more stable now!

Nowadays, among Beichen Technology with an overall valuation of US$2 trillion, the overall revenue of the Internet business group ranks second, surpassing the semiconductor business group! Especially when Aurora Search begins to fully encroach on Google Search, Biying Search , after Yahu Search’s market share increased, its advertising revenue in overseas markets also began to climb rapidly!

Relying on the system support of Beichen Technology and Fruit Company, Aurora Search has already become a hen that can lay golden eggs!

And what is expanding equally rapidly is the Egret Cloud business!

After clearing the obstacles to developing overseas business, relying on the financial and human support of the parent company, Baiyuan Cloud launched a series of business actions. Through acquisitions and mergers, Baiyuan Cloud quickly entered the coverage of major national data centers around the world. Expand rapidly!

In the last quarter, the largest investment amount in the report submitted to He Siyuan by the cloud business unit reached US$3.5 billion!

"This investment is very important for Bailuyun's business development!"

He Siyuan saw it very clearly 0....

The goal of this investment is to acquire a local cloud service company in Mao Xiong Country, called Morav Software Company. After the acquisition is completed, it will be of great help to Beichen Technology to enter the Mao Xiong Country market. It will bring various Invisible benefits are what Luo Yang values ​​most.

To this day, POS and pnos occupy a considerable market share in the market share of Mao Xiong Country!

Judging from the data obtained by Luo Yang, Mao Xiong Country has become the country with the third largest market share of POS and pmos in the European market!

The first and second are respectively the country's development and country's victory!

The resistance from Yingguo and Nordic countries is more obvious, but they still cannot stop the invasion of Beichen Technology!

Among them, He Siyuan focuses on the domestic Internet business, and the overseas markets are taken over by three major overseas branches. In order to further develop the domestic market of Mao Xiong, Alan, the president of the European Region, took over this task and personally led a team to Morocco. Sco!

Finally, after lengthy business negotiations, Beichen Technology and Mao Xiongguo reached a series of cooperation agreements. Both parties made partial concessions respectively. Beichen Technology promised not to divest easily unless it suffered from force majeure factors such as ZZ. In addition, Beichen Technology will continue to deepen cooperation and increase investment in certain areas 14.5

And Mao Xiongguo also promised not to deliberately block it! At the same time, it has also approved Beichen Mobile’s network access qualifications!

At present, both the Bear Country and the Dragon Country have passed the anti-monopoly review and approved this cooperation, which means that the final obstacle has been cleared!

"After obtaining the qualifications for mobile phone access to the Internet, Mao Xiong Country, Italian Country, and some wealthy countries headed by Shata Country will become the first countries to sell Beichen mobile phones and computers!" 1

Allen, who was born in Hong Kong Island, also handed in his answer sheet at this moment!

Market development in major European countries is more difficult than in the United States. As the president of the European region, Allen has been traveling around during this period, and has often been rejected!

There is no doubt about his contribution to being able to obtain mobile phone network access qualifications from countries such as the Bear Country and the Sand Tower Country. .

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