Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 177 Everyone Rushes To Shanghai! Brother Gu Who Is Gradually Declining! (2/3)

"Well, well done!"

"What the hardware department needs to do now is to enter the overseas market first! After establishing a firm foothold, it can continue to compete for interests with other competitors!"

Luo Yang is quite satisfied with Allen's progress.

Under the premise that countries such as OMI are secretly resisting Beichen Technology, it is not easy to open up every new market. However, it can lay the first springboard for Beichen Mobile to enter overseas markets. Allen's contribution is seen by everyone. .

Among the several core executives of Beichen Technology, Allen is relatively lucky. He is the only core executive who was promoted from the vice president of a subsidiary to the acting president of a region!

This is also related to the rapid expansion of Beichen Technology.

The company's size has increased dramatically, the ceiling for employee promotions continues to rise, and the expanded space brings countless opportunities.

Allen is just one of the lucky ones.

Similarly, in order to prove his ability, Allen also tried his best to travel around European countries through the contacts and relationships he accumulated, and this is how he achieved his current results.

If it were Gao Yunhai or someone else, he might not be able to do better.

This meeting lasted for a long time. After it dispersed, everyone continued to be busy, but they did not leave the headquarters because there was another major event today [that is, Gugao Company was also going to hold a meeting!


After the meeting, Luo Yang finally had time to rest and fell asleep with Lin Ya's company.

The outside world knew nothing about the content of Beichen Technology's meeting. Under the instructions of He Siyuan, the Internet Business Group began to secretly influence the Internet fishing boat, and the force called the Navy Army began to end!

"Beichen Technology refuses any interview! The core executives are in a hurry. How will Beichen Technology solve this crisis? - Tomorrow's Headlines"

"Fifteen minutes ago, Microsoft announced the number of installed beta versions of Win11 on its official website. In the past 24 hours, the number of Win11 users worldwide has surged to 30 million units! Judging from the current situation, the outside world has The recognition of win11 is very high!——Netzhi News”

For a time, news about this aspect quickly spread!

The entire Internet has turned to Microsoft, as if the emergence of win11 has stabbed Beichen Technology hard!

A large number of netizens who didn't know what was going on were furious at this moment. Whether they were supporters of Beichen Technology or anti-fans, they all started to speak out enthusiastically!

On the scarf, the official account of Beichen Technology is constantly being mentioned, and Beichen Technology and Microsoft have also successfully occupied the top five hot searches!

This made all the major companies that bought hot searches scolded each other, saying that their money was wasted!

"Please be patient, Beichen Technology will never be afraid of any opponent!"

The official account of Beichen Technology is operated by the public relations department of Beichen Technology. At this moment, it simply issued an announcement, calmed the users' emotions and then stopped talking!

And Luo Yang’s personal account was exploded by @!

If Luo Yang hadn't turned off stranger messages, at least a million private messages would have flooded in instantly!

Pengcheng, Warwick headquarters.

"Book me a ticket to Shanghai! I want to meet Mr. Luo!"

After thinking for a long time, Mr. Ren decided to pay a visit in person!

"Mr. Ren, I'll go too!"

Mr. Yu, who was restless, couldn't hold it any longer and decided to go have a look together!


Mr. Ren did not refuse!

Today, Beichen Technology is an indispensable strategic partner of Warwick. Whether it is POS and pmos operating systems, or Kunlun and Phoenix chips, Warwick can no longer do without Beichen Technology!

The second-generation Kirin chip being developed by the R&D department cannot be finished in a short period of time. In addition, Beichen Technology updates and iterates very quickly. They must ensure that the final product is capable of fighting before it can be officially used in their own homes. products, otherwise we might as well continue to purchase future semiconductor chips!

"Make an appointment with Beichen Technology for me! I will take the afternoon flight to Shanghai!"

At Rice Headquarters, after Rebus pondered for a long time, Xi decided to pay a visit!

Soon, the CEOs of Zhongteng, OV, Shenzhou and other hardware vendors also made the same decision! All of a sudden, the CEOs of major mobile phone vendors, computer vendors, and other hardware vendors all rushed to Shanghai collectively. !

Coupled with the fact that Beichen Technology secretly controls the online fishing boat, the entire city of Shanghai has attracted attention from all over the world!

In the afternoon of that day, with the attention of many people, Gu Ge held a new product launch conference at the US headquarters!

Cedar View City.

This small town in Silicon Valley has a population of approximately 80,000 people. With the rise of the web 2.0 era, Sanfucheng has become the headquarters of many companies and technology companies!

Among the 80,000 permanent residents, employees from Guge account for a quarter!

Up to 20,000 people!

Most of these 20,000 people are software engineers and already belong to the relatively high-income elite class in the United States. The generous income and comfortable scientific research environment make Shanjing City known as one of the happiest working cities in the United States!

Gu Ge's headquarters is already buzzing with people.

With the help of the Global Information Security Summit and Microsoft's high-profile appearance yesterday, Gu Ge's press conference attracted the attention of countless people!

Now everyone in the world knows that Google and Microsoft have officially formed an alliance!

So countless reporters, who were worried that the world would be in chaos, had already rushed here quickly.

Statues of Anduo can be seen everywhere in the science and technology park, and shared bicycles also appear here. Many reporters who came here for the first time kept exclaiming, feeling extremely novel.

"Brother's such a company that people both love and hate!"

Liu Hui, a reporter from a certain media branch in Longguo, looked complicated at the moment.

Opposite him, is a statue of a dinosaur skeleton!

"What you are seeing now is the dinosaur skeleton statue bought by Gu Ge Gemini!"

“The purpose of Guge Gemini is to remind Guge’s employees to continue to maintain their creativity, rather than letting the company become a eliminated fossil!”

The blond and blue-eyed female employee of Gu Ge is currently educating the media about Gu Ge’s corporate culture.

Liu Hui is forty years old this year. As a post-80s generation, he has experienced the rise of Brother Gu and the decline of Yahu. He is also familiar with the history of Brother Gu’s fortune. In the past few years, he once believed that Brother Gu It is the greatest company in the world, but after rich life experience, he gave up this view!

Although Gu Ge has seized the mobile Internet trend and has dominated the mobile operating system market with Fruit Company for more than ten years, Liu Hui is very dissatisfied with many of his actions!

For example, cut off the supply and install the table system!

The female employee chattering in front of him looked more like she was trying to show off her biceps to others, as if she was about to starve to death and show that she was still strong!

Obviously everyone around the world already knows that under the impact of Beichen Technology, Gu Ge's decline is inevitable, but Gu Ge still refuses to admit it!

"Brother Gu, it turns out you have today too!"

Liu Hui was very amused at the moment.

At the same time, it’s more of a secret feeling!

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