"Huaxin Computer is our gospel. If it weren't for Huaxin Computer, those big brands would never lower their prices. Thanks to Huaxin Computer, you are the best."

"Huaxin Computer is great, and Huaxin Computer is the cheapest. I will buy Huaxin Computer no matter how long I wait."

"Huaxin Computer, how about you make a full-price reservation, the full-price reservation is more prioritized, and my wallet is already hungry and thirsty."

"What do you want, pay the full amount of the reservation, rich people, please let me go, my salary at the end of the month is just enough to buy Huaxin Computer, don't call any full amount to book."

"Haha, I'm also waiting for the salary payment at the end of the month to catch up with the second batch of Huaxin Computer, Huaxin Computer, you must not make a full reservation."

Su Hao did not pay attention to the sound of the full reservation. Su Hao's energy is all on the Huaxin mobile phone.

After half a month of preparation, Su Hao established Huaxin mobile phone research room.

When Su Hao came up with the concept of smart phones, hundreds of researchers on Huaxin mobile phones were confused.

They all know the word smart and have heard that foreign companies are researching smart phones, but they have never heard of such a mature smart phone solution.

According to Su Hao's data concept, that is a mature smart phone.

"Smartphones will surely replace the mobile phones currently on the market, and our Huaxin mobile phone will become the world's first real smart phone. This great achievement needs to be created by you who are present."

Su Hao uttered his lofty words to encourage all researchers.

"Shao Shao, we will definitely work hard." All the researchers were extremely excited.

The smartphone operating system Su Hao takes the lead in designing, and the operating system given by the system is extremely perfect. Led by Su Hao, the operating system is making rapid progress.

With regard to the various parts of the smartphone, Su Hao has arranged a group, each group is responsible for one part, and professional researchers are responsible for it.

As for the key chip, Su Hao directly established a lithography machine research institute.

Su Hao directly approached the second elder and asked the second elder to introduce national-level talents and teams.

The second elder saw Su Hao who was full of confidence and decided to help Su Hao.

With the participation of national talents and teams, and the lithography technology rewarded by the system, the lithography research institute will have new technological breakthroughs almost every day.

Lithography machine research institute, smartphone research room go hand in hand, everything is under development in secret.

The researchers of the two research institutes are the same as those of the 3G network research institute. As they get more in touch, they all regard Su Hao as an idol.

Su Hao is a super genius in their eyes, no, it should be said that it is a super enchanting. Genius is no longer worthy of Su Hao, only the super enchanting is worthy of Su Hao.

3G network construction, smart phones, and progress are all extremely fast.

In order to keep confidential, every scientific researcher Su Hao is screened through advanced insight techniques to ensure that they are all scientific researchers with good character.

With the non-disclosure agreement, the news of the lithography machine and the smartphone did not leak out.

At the same time, Su Hao vigorously develops Huaxin mobile phones, and the production lines of various parts of mobile phones are rapidly expanding.

Within a month, a large-scale mobile phone production line was added to Donghai City, which can be said to be the world's largest mobile phone factory base.

As long as there is a technological breakthrough in mobile phone parts, Su Hao immediately let the factory start producing the parts.

The first generation of Huaxin mobile phones, Su Hao's goal is to sell 100 million units, so it must be produced in advance.

It is best that the first generation of Huaxin smart phones can be launched after the 3G networks in first, second and third-tier cities are built.

Because of the construction of smart phones and the 3G network of Huaxin Communication, Su Hao was so busy during this time.

On April 28, the second batch of Huaxin Computer was put on the shelves.

It is worth mentioning that the number of people who booked Huaxin Computer during this period has become more than 30 million, almost breaking through 40 million.

The second batch of shipments is 1.5 million units of Huaxin Computer, with 600,000 units in low configuration, 600,000 units in medium configuration, and 300,000 units in high configuration.

The shelf time is seven o'clock in the evening, this is to give everyone time to panic buying.

At 6:30, all Taotao.com users who ordered Huaxin Computer received the information that Huaxin Computer will launch the second batch of goods at 7 o'clock.

"Haha, I finally waited, 1.5 million units, this time I must grab one 々ˇ."

"It's only 1.5 million units in 20 days. The production capacity of Huaxin Computer is not enough. There is no one hundred thousand units a day. When will it be able to satisfy the nearly 40 million people who have scheduled it?"

"I have been outside the factory of Huaxin Computer. Huaxin Computer is rapidly expanding, and its production capacity should be able to keep up quickly. It should be available in half a year."

"I'm not in a hurry, anyway, Huaxin Communications hasn't built it yet. I will wait for Huaxin Communications to build it before I buy a computer. Then it will happen to use Huaxin Telecom's network cable."

"I'll go, this trick is okay, Huaxin Communications should be cheaper than the three major operators, should I wait too?"

"Wait for the fart, I will buy it first. According to the current progress of Huaxin Computer, I will be able to use the 3G network in less than two months."

"Haha, it's the same for me in Dajingcheng. I bought a computer first, otherwise I don't know when it will be next time."

"I'm the same as Big Yangcheng, I will buy a computer first."

"Actually, I prefer laptops, and hope that Huaxin Computer will release laptops as soon as possible."

"Same as above, I also prefer laptops. It doesn't matter if they are more expensive. The main reason is that they are easy to carry. Huaxin computers will produce laptops as soon as possible."

"You guys say it to your heart's content, I rushed to buy it quietly, hehe."

"It started at seven o'clock, what's the hurry."

"That's right, it's only forty points now, and there are ten minutes left. Don't worry."

"Guess how soon will the 1.5 million computers be sold out this time?"

"I guess for one minute, I bet on two packs of spicy sticks."

"Nonsense, if it takes a minute, please be accurate to the second."

"If you want a penny, I stand upside down and eat shit."

"I don't expect it to take ten seconds. Almost 40 million people booked it. There are only 1.5 million units. It will definitely be robbed in ten seconds."

"Ten seconds, is it impossible? Can you pay so quickly?"

"Nonsense, this is when you are working hard at hand speed. If you don't have a hand speed, you should give up obediently, lest you won't be able to get it and you will be disappointed."

"That's right, it's more than ten seconds, I guess it won't take five seconds to rob it."

"The more you talk, the more ridiculous, five seconds, not so exaggerated."

"If you don't believe me, look at it in ten minutes."

Those big-brand computer vendors saw the comments made by netizens, and they were all in the circle.

f*ck, one minute is long, ten seconds, five seconds, shouldn't it be so cruel, ten seconds to steal 1.5 million computers, is this possible?

While depressed, big-brand computer vendors are extremely envious. No matter how long it takes, the 1.5 million units of Huaxin Computer will definitely be sold out soon.

Small-brand computers are even more envious, and they can't wait to replace Huaxin Computer and let those 30 to 40 million users snap up his computer.

At 6:59, 30 to 40 million people flooded into the Huaxin computer store. All of a sudden, so many people flooded in, which caused Taotao.com to have some small cards.

"F*ck, it's stuck, especially, the speed is not good."

"Oh my God, I'm stuck at this moment, how can I grab it?"

Seven o'clock exactly.

The 1.5 million units of Huaxin Computer officially went on sale.

In less than three seconds, the Huaxin computer page indicated that it was out of stock.

Many network card users are prompted that they cannot enter the page, and when they can come in, they see that they have been sold out.

"F*ck, do you want to be so cruel? How long will it take to sell out in just a few seconds."

"Oh my God, I carded a card and re-entered, and 1.5 million computers were gone."

Huaxin Computer announced the news directly.

1.5 million computers were sold out in three seconds. Thank you for your support.

When everyone saw this news, they were all confused.

"Three seconds, only three seconds, what kind of fairy hand speed is this."

"F*ck, I didn't even grab the speed of my 23 years of being single. I'm so pitiful."

"I haven't got the speed of being single for 25 years. What is your 23 years."

Users who have not grabbed it are extremely depressed.

"Haha, I got it, haha."

"Satisfied, I finally got my favorite computer, haha."

The users who grabbed it were extremely happy.

Users who have not grabbed it have asked when the next batch of computers will go on sale.

"When is the next batch?"

"Yeah, hurry up and say when the next batch will be."

At this time, Taotao.com returned the deposit to users who did not grab it.

After the user received the deposit, they were speechless.

"No need to return, I will continue to order, Huaxin Computer, you say a few days after the next batch?"

"Yeah, what should I return? I have to make a decision after I return, it's troublesome."

Huaxin Computer released the news again.

The next batch is still after May 15, when two million computers will be on the shelves.

In addition to this, Huaxin Computer also added a warm reminder.

Users who purchase Huaxin computers will have a discount when they go to Huaxin Communication to install a network cable based on their online shopping records. The time is after May 15, only in the first, second and third tier cities.

Netizens were all dumbfounded when they saw the warm reminder at the back.

"Oh my God, doesn't this reminder that the first, second and third tier cities will be able to use the 3G network after the 15th of next month?"

"It should be that the speed of Huaxin Computer is too good. It will complete the construction of 3G network base stations in first, second and third-tier cities in more than a month?"

"In fact, it's okay. The first, second, and third-tier cities across the country are in their early 100s. The construction of 3G networks in big cities is not difficult, but the difficulty is the construction of towns and rural areas."

"Yes, there are only large cities. The number of townships in a province exceeds the number of all first, second, and third-tier cities, let alone rural areas. So it's normal to get the first, second, and third-tier cities in more than a month."

"Haha, I don't care about those, I only know that I will be able to use the super fast speed of the 3G network soon."

"I don't know when the mobile phone can use the 3G network? The signal of the mobile phone is really bad now. If the mobile phone can use the 3G network, it would be great. Then there will be no need to worry about the signal problem."

"¨` Do you think Huaxin Mobile is already working on 3G mobile phones?"

"Then it needs to be said, of course, it is a must. The feature phones of Huaxin mobile phones sold before are not labeled with Huaxin, presumably Huaxin Mobile wants to leave the first mobile phone to 3G mobile phones, f* ck, how do I feel that the more I speak, the closer I get to the truth."

"Haha, there are reasons and evidence, I believe it, I hope it is true, if it is really like that, then I can use a 3G mobile phone soon."

"3G mobile phones? Really look forward to it. The current mobile phone signals are really rubbish, especially for a certain channel. The signal is almost no signal when I go back to the country."

"Is there anyone who knows the trend of Huaxin mobile phones? I'm so looking forward to it."

"The Huaxin mobile phone is very low-key, and it doesn't sell feature phones anymore recently. Alas, I have to wait."

While netizens are looking forward to China's 3G mobile phones, the major computer brands are extremely depressed.

Netizens would rather wait for Huaxin Computer than to buy their reduced-price computers, which hurts.

Only the business of the physical store can pass, and the order of Taotao.com is really bad.

The major computer brands held a joint meeting.

"Who knows the boss of Huaxin Computer?"

Everyone is silent.

"The Haoyu Group should belong to Su Hao from the tutoring website, but we don't know Su Hao."

"Huaxin Computer is breaking the rules of the market. If this continues, our big brands will be extremely difficult."

"But is there any way, Huaxin Computer is responding to the national policy, and we can't do anything about it at all?"

"Then you said that Huaxin Computer can sell so cheaply, is it the state subsidy?"

"is it possible?"

"Everyone ask the local senior leaders, if there is a subsidy, we can also reduce the price appropriately."


Many major computer brands have called local senior leaders, and the answer is that there is no policy subsidy, and they have never heard of policy subsidy.

Many computer brands (Li Zhaozhao) began to cry miserably, hoping that the state would intervene in CEFC’s disruptive market behavior.

The local high-level leaders naturally rejected this unreasonable request. What a joke, Huaxin Computer is responding to the call of the national policy to benefit thousands of families. How could the state intervene?

Huaxin computers can be sold so cheaply, so why can't you sell them so cheaply?

This matter spread to the ears of the local chief and second chief.

After all, all major brands of computers are big local taxpayers, and they still have to pay attention.

At this time, the National Home Appliances Going to the Countryside Policy was released, including computers.

Originally, the Home Appliances Going to the Countryside Policy did not include computers, but in response to the new Internet regulations, the state decided to include computers in the Home Appliances Going to the Countryside Policy.

When all the major computer brands learned about the home appliance policy, they were all overjoyed.

In any case, we must become one of the computer brands that go to the countryside with home appliances. This is an excellent opportunity. If you miss it, you will definitely lag behind other big-brand computer vendors.

Not only computer vendors, but refrigerators, televisions, and other major electrical appliance brands that are included in the home appliance rural policy are all like a shark that smells blood, vowing to become one of the home appliance brands.

Su Hao shamelessly called the second elder after learning about the home appliances to the countryside policy.

"Grandpa Su, you must give Huaxin Electric and Huaxin Computer a chance. Both Huaxin Electric and Huaxin Computer are now famous. You must give me a chance."

The second elder smiled and said: "Your kid has already made this idea. With Haoyu Group's current reputation in Donghai, will Donghai City seniors give you a chance?"

Su Hao said, "Grandpa Su, Donghae is too small. I want opportunities across the country."

The second elder asked back: "I'll give you a chance, can you keep up with your output?"

Su Hao was speechless for a while.

Change the chapter update, hope to save the subscription.

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