Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1039: One thousand and fifty one

Qin Qing's face was stiff, with an ugly expression and no trace of expression. She promised Tang Mingruo to leave with her office. When she was in the babysitter's car, she found that her fingernail had been broken off, and it was a little painful when she pulled the flesh.

She didn't understand that she just wanted to get back together with Yuan Lin. Why do so many people think they are stopping?

What damaging things did she do?

It's all that woman, maybe that woman surnamed Chi is jealous of the pillow blowing wind at the Qi family, and even ‘smears’ her by cheating on her.

If you can't marry into the Qi family, you still want to block her back?

How could she be willing?

Yes, it must be the woman with the surname Chi who fancied something in front of Mr. Qi. Thinking of the derailment before, Qin Qing felt flustered and frightened, for fear that the other party would tell Qi Zhenbo the man and also tell Feng Jia and Feng Yuanlin. .

As for the man Qi Zhenbo, compared to his previous admiration, Qin Qing is now scared to the bones of this man, and inexplicably always remembers how this man rushed to kill him regardless of her fellow Yuan Lin.

She didn't believe what the man said about praising her, thinking that the other party might know that she had cheated, I am afraid that she beat the child with the front foot, and the hind foot will not give her a way out.

Qin Qing's face was pale and she touched her belly. Fortunately, she still has a gold medal for immunity from death in her belly. As long as the child in her belly is always there and the mother is on her side, even if Feng Yuanlin really knows that she has cheated, as long as She sincerely regretted the fact that she used her child as an excuse not to be without her mother. With Feng Yuanlin's responsible character, the other party could not give up her care.

But in this way, the other party won't have any feelings for her in the future, this is always the next way, Qin Qing is not reconciled to just being the nominal young lady Feng Jia.

Qin Qing gritted her teeth and broke the nails between the flesh, her face did not change, the sharp pain in her fingers and her heart made her understand the fact that she did not want to go back to the previous life of snorting, but now she finally has it. How could such a good opportunity in the upper rank let it go for the sake of red in vain, looked out the car window, a trace of coldness and calculation flashed in the bottom of my eyes, and said to the driving assistant: "Go to the north gate of Yanjing University."

Yenching University

Just after school at noon, Chi Shuyan was very curious about the restaurant that Li Yuchu just opened. In addition, she really missed Li Yu and Han Yu, the two little kids, and planned to go to the restaurant. By the way, Yang Lan and Zhen were very excited. The jade belt said to invite them to lunch.

Yang Lan Zhenyu was very excited when she learned that Shuyan was going to take them to the very expensive and popular restaurant opposite. They had gone there once or twice in luxury, and they had to swallow their tongues when they were delicious. Color, no less drooling.

Along the way, Yang Lan and Zhen Yu did not hesitate to praise the cuisine of that restaurant, and even though the restaurant is a bit expensive, sometimes you can’t make room for money.

The three of them entered the popular restaurant, and just entered, there were many people inside. The three of them were lucky, and there were boxes.

Chi Shuyan's eyes also saw Li Yu and Han Yu, two little guys wearing chef hats on their heads, serving the guests in a decent way, with a smile in their eyes.

Let the waiter bring two people to the box first.

Li Yu keenly felt that someone was watching him over there. He raised his head and waited to see Chi Shuyan. The little guy's little face was so excited that he almost threw all the plates in his hand.

Chi Shuyan quickly walked over to hold the plate for the little guy, and took the little guy into his arms with one hand, until he saw the little guy's red face, with a smile on his lips, and said, "Which table is it?" dish?"

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