Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1040: One thousand zero fifty two

The little guy Han Yu next to him saw Chi Shuyan at this time, his eyes widened, his face full of excitement and a happy smile, his calf kicked into the kitchen and shouted: "Grandpa Li, Grandpa Li, sister Chi is back! Sister Chi is back. Up!"

Yu Chu Li, who was almost fainting in the kitchen, heard Han Yu's words for a long time before reacting. He waited to see Miss Shu Yan who was following at the door, Li Yu Chu's face changed drastically, and his face was full of surprise: "Miss Shu Yan!"

Because Li Yuchu was a little too busy, he could barely accept a few apprentices. Of course, this apprentice was not a true apprentice, and whether to teach them the true skill depends on his character.

Now that he barely trained a few apprentices, he just got out of the busyness. At this time, seeing Chi Shuyan at the door, he immediately greeted the other apprentices to be busy.

The apprentices who had just received Li Yuchu admired Li Yuchu very much. Many guests had spent a lot of money on Li Yuchu, but Li Yuchu didn't take it seriously. Now, seeing the little girl at the door, seeing Li Yuchu so excited, several apprentices were a little curious.

Li Yuchu didn't have time to pay any attention to the thoughts of the newly accepted apprentices. He took the plate in Han Yu's hand and asked others to send it over, and then walked over. There are too many people here, but fortunately the restaurant is big enough.

Li Yuchu took Chi Shuyan to a special box reserved for her. He didn’t know that Chi Shuyan had a good relationship with her children. From her, no matter it was Li Yu or Han Yu, they posted on both sides of her, especially Li. The little guy Yu sticks her tightly.

Chi Shuyan picked him up, and wanted to hug Han Yu.

The little guy Li Yu was a little unhappy. He hugged her neck with two small hands, occupied her entire embrace, buried her head in her shoulders, and did not speak for a long time. In the end, Han Yu had to be held by Li Yuchu.

Chi Shuyan smiled and patted the little guy on the back, a little helplessly laughing.

When he arrived in the box, Chi Shuyan knew about the box that Li Yuchu had reserved for her, but he was very grateful to Li Yuchu for his kindness.

Fearing that she would be hungry, Li Yuchu hurriedly said, "Miss Shuyan, what do you want to eat, I will make it for you now!"

At the beginning, Li Yuchu was willing to open this restaurant because of Miss Shuyan. It is close to Miss Shuyan's school. From now on, Miss Shuyan will come to the restaurant every time she wants to taste his cooking skills.

Otherwise, he would be in the villa every day, saying that it was Miss Shuyan's royal chef, but he had only cooked a few meals for Miss Shuyan. Li Yuchu felt a little sorry and guilty, for fear that Miss Shuyan would abandon them.

Seeing Miss Shuyan's very fondness for the Ninth Prince now, Li Yuchu heaved a sigh of relief.

Chi Shuyan said, "I'm not in a hurry to eat, I'm not hungry! But I brought two friends with me today, so I can taste Li Yuchu's cooking skills in a while!"

Li Yuchu waved his hand quickly: "No problem! No problem! Miss Shuyan, where are your two friends?"

Chi Shuyan thought of Yang Lan and Zhen Yu in the other boxes, and said something, Li Yuchu immediately said that he would bring people over.

Chi Shuyan glanced at the big box and curled his lips: "Sure, you can bring them here! But you don't need to call someone in person, just ask someone to do it!"

"Miss Shuyan, then I will go to the kitchen to prepare now!" It is the first time that Miss Shuyan brought a friend over, so he should treat him well!

Chi Shuyan was not in a hurry at first, but seeing the appearance of Li Yuchu in a hurry, thinking of the large number of people in this restaurant, I am afraid there are many busy things, and it is not good to delay him, so let him go first.

When Li Yuchu left, Chi Shuyan looked at the big round eyes of the two little guys. The little guy Li Yu first pretended to snorted and turned his face arrogantly. Suddenly, "Shuyan, are you the only one with the surname Qi in your heart? Man?"

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